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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. MF comes in for a lot of stick from various quarters some, perhaps most, is deserved. However, we have an opportunity for this Forum to be a force for good and hold IOMG to account for what they do and what they don't do. In this case what they don't do. Start posting up your photos.
  2. Disagree. It doesn't need anything more than regular maintenance. Don't give DOI any cause to spend vast amounts of money on more projects that they will be allowed to screw up.
  3. I'm sitting in the Sea Terminal waiting for check-in to open. Looking around it's clear there's been no meaningful maintenance, if at all, for some considerable time. I invite all of you to provide photos of public buildings where maintenance is either lacking or even non-existent.
  4. So no record of the event in their names will be recorded?
  5. And the farmers subsidies... are Treasury going to release information on which farms/owners received tax payers dosh??
  6. And their records will show what and for how long? Or not at all?
  7. He and I, I think, are of the same generation but if someone thinks they can paint me out of the picture they will have to answer to She Who Speaks! I know my place.
  8. How many people were driving the car? I can understand that two from three perhaps being accessories (or what it's called) based on the failing to stop or report but surely there can only be one driver doing so dangerously?? JW??
  9. Not on here, no. But She Who Speaks certainly made sure I was not beyond reproach!
  10. It's not a quango, nothing to do with IOMG..... it's a limited company. The shareholders are faaaaarrrrrmers, yisser!
  11. It must have been a guaranteed delivery then: https://www.iompost.com/about/change-to-standard-letter-deliveries/
  12. IOM Post don't deliver at weekends these days, do they??
  13. https://bhs.sch.im/blog/index/view/id/200/Update%3A Students in Years 9 and 10 I heard this morning that a rumour circulating amongst some parents of Balla students that the 20 odd teachers currently absent from school have in fact resigned or are about to. Has anyone else out there heard this?
  14. And to think this fella thought he was ministerial material 🤣🤣
  15. I think we're in a better place with CURA than we were before the administration of the regulations was passed over to them. If I remember correctly the sponsoring department looking after the regs before CURA was the DOI....
  16. I didn't say it would make any difference. Presumably the reason for the existence of CURA is to provide some protection for the end user. Having said that, they gave away £10 million to Manx Telecom for extending fibre around the Island but I'm not sure anyone (either CURA, Cabinet Office or Treasury) is monitoring the progress or if we're getting value for money. Apparently, some addresses in Onchan won't be getting fibre until 2024. Yet if you go to Laxey Valley it's already installed. Not quite sure how that works.
  17. I often wonder if the OFT shopping basket exercise I think the term they use for expensive food these days is "artisan".
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