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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. And you can get transatlantic connections.
  2. It's clear what Putin's objective has been all along. The clearance either by emigration and/or the mass killing of residents using carpet bombing of strategic areas like the Black Sea Ports and the enlargement of the eastern provinces is simply to gain territory, nothing more. He's not bothered who lives or dies, women & children are as valid a target as any resistance fighter.
  3. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/finnish-govt-agency-warns-of-unusual-aircraft-gps-interference/
  4. It is. Makes you wonder how many of the 1070 announced yesterday are asymptomatic.
  5. Deary, deary me! So not all stakeholders were involved from the outset then.
  6. And what about the portacabins..... will they no longer be required?
  7. It reduces a call on CAPEX and releases more space for other students, isn't that what the teachers are warning against.... other non-6th form pupils being taught in portacabins?
  8. I reckon they'll be back with another application. All they need to do is remove one row of outside seating. By my reckoning the original seating plan had approx 112 covers. If ever they managed to fill them all the kitchen would never cope. Personally, I think the outside area should be for a limited period of say only 12:00 to 19:00 (max) for food (7 days a week), otherwise alcohol will ruin the atmos.
  9. Strange how other jurisdictions manage it. So two students studying A level (whatever) and another three studying the same in another school uses two teachers (plus all the associated costs that goes with that) when one would do. Spreading the load costs more.
  10. That happens quite a lot in USA, it's not necessarily the same carrier/courier company that moves it.
  11. I've never understood why 6th Form education in Douglas has to be split or even Island-wide. It's madness. Why can't they use University College Isle of Man at either The Nunnery or Homefield Rd, if there's room?
  12. Should also be asking questions as to why Head of Airport Security is outsourced to a third party company (not even registered in IOM as I understand).
  13. But let's hope it's not for signing a contract for more consultants!
  14. He's making it up. He was probably just asked to do the job he was being paid to do.... but the state of the airport is the proof that he wasn't doing his job, either because he didn't know how or because he couldn't be arsed and was spending his time on his other commercial activities. Actually the consultants that he engaged are probably testament to the fact that he wasn't capable of handling it.
  15. As I said further up the blog.... some assets are the DOI's. Yet another example of how bad or should I say, non-existent the maintenance is. And it's interesting to note in the report that they have dragged Air Menzies into the shit-storm. How effing disingenuous is that?
  16. Middle Earth.... like much of the fictional stuff that inhabits his head.
  17. And the Head of Security needs bringing in-house.
  18. On BBC2 now is a telling juxtaposition with Putin.
  19. And apologies for re-quoting this again but inow that there's a blanket EU-wide no fly for Russian aircraft/opeators it looks as though one pilot in particular has tried to chance his arm: https://twitter.com/hashtag/SU7236?src=hashtag_click
  20. Apologies for re-quoting the above but the man is unhinged. We should all be hoping & praying that the Russian people thenselves remove this man sooner rather than later.
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