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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Unfortunately Putin might have other ideas re the nuclear issue.
  2. The interesting thing will be if a Russian military aircraft flies outside the territory of Ukraine, intentionally or otherwise. The US have many aircraft patrolling the Black Sea (with a Grumann drone watching their every move) and on the Polish & Romanian borders and there's more on the way.
  3. Said Bishop was a major player in the funny handshake and pinny wearing fraternity.... so 101% he wasn't the only one who was tipped off.
  4. It's a shame that you've knocked the press and then not taken up the offer to put it right. That is all.
  5. what about the execs who probably pushed for this?
  6. I thought DBC or DOI owned the land next to the existing civic amenity site? Why can't they use that?
  7. Aren't some of the security assets owned and maintained by DOI/airport, X-ray machine for example? And I know we go on about the amount of money paid to public servants etc but shouldn't the head of security be an employee of IOM Airport?? Employing someone in that important post on a third party contract basis doesn't seem to be the cleverest move, ever.
  8. There was a Grumann drone flying around the area earlier:
  9. It all started during the Blair years.
  10. This is the end of Putin, politically. He's now persona non-grata with most of the world. His only support comes from similar unstable leaders like Lukashenko.
  11. He was actually based at HMS Valkyrie for a while and spent a good portion of his free time treading the boards at the Gaiety and helping to establish The Service Players: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Valkyrie_(shore_establishment)
  12. If they hadn't done that and resisted an invasion they would then have suffered the same fate as Malta.... bombed out of existence. Sadly it was the right thing to do. Discretion and valour and all that.
  13. That's pure Capt Mainwaring that is...... fits in neatly with the likes of his "GCH Quarters Q". 🤣
  14. https://www.autosport.com/tt/news/full-details-of-2022-isle-of-man-tt-live-tv-coverage-revealed/8267167/
  15. Salaries and travel expenses. Nothing more. Oh.... and perhaps a bit of advertising in the local rags to tell everyone how hard they're working and how wonderful things will be. That is all.
  16. Why does the airport need more money to cater for international arrivals? They already have HMRC and outsourced security down there.... or at least they should. If not, why not?
  17. Oats are pretty tolerant to most weather conditions but the ph has to be right.
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