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  1. Rami

    Adhd Island

    This was therapeutical, I feel much better. Can close this now!
  2. Rami

    Adhd Island

    Sorry Mr 'I spent 10 years at medical school and drive a Range Rover so I must therefore be ranked above you in society'. I have never read such patronising waffle in all my life, you've just embarrased yourself mate. 'Status in society' 'combined measurements of career, family and standard of living'?? Go and give yourself a pat on that back, you've made your parents and your kids proud I'm sure. What? I'm not even a doctor, neither of the medical or professional kind. I jumped straight into my career instead of going the PhD route. It is indeed patronising, but you need it. Someone needs to man up and tell you what a dumb bitch you are. Look in the mirror and realise that you can change, stop reading shite in the tabloids and try investigating things properly.
  3. Rami

    Adhd Island

    Whilst there is a healthy component to challenging our environments, that's not what you do (nor what the people who write these rubbish articles). The article writers simply want to get attention to whatever they are really pushing. You're simply too daft to realise it, like a bull in the china shop that is the well established scientific world. I hope you serve some more purpose in life than spouting the nonsense you do here, because that's what gets under my skin. I can not truly accept there can be people as dense as you who actually believe this nonsense, go to a seminar or a conference on a medical topic, talk to people who know what they are looking at, pray that some of it rubs off on you (cause I do).
  4. Rami

    Adhd Island

    There's nothing wrong about it, it's happening more and more. It's very important to weed out the treatments that are actually beneficial. Somehow I doubt that's what you are referring to though. You've already shown you don't actually comprehend what autism or vaccines are. You're not doing IoM any favours acting this ridiculously stupid woman. Sure, you're obviously allowed to voice your opinion, people went through a lot of trouble so your could, so do keep going, but so will I. Time for a thread on a study to find the correlation between people who believe in the nonsense you do and their status in society. I'd be happy to wager you'd find a direct correlation between social status and the degree of population that believes this hocus pocus (and by social status I would envisage the combined measurements of career, family and standard of living). But of course, you'll probably argue that otherwise intelligent specimens as yourselves are simply trampled by a broken system that favours those who drone towards the establishment and the men in black (am I right?).
  5. Rami

    Adhd Island

    I get it, you're afraid of voicing this nonsense in your social circles because, like us, they would ridicule you till infinity for being so bloody dense. So instead you come here, under the guise of anonimity to spout the toilet paper articles you must have a subscription to. You're not an intelligent person, I doubt you have a job of any high station if you're employed. If there is to be hope, you're still a teenager who is just being completely misguided as most teenagers are. Otherwise, I pray your kids turn out different because you are a fine example of the side effects that come with a society capable of sustaining even it's most deficient members (yes that would be you). But I understand, this is an escape for you, escape from the mediocrity that is your mind and the failings that have come with it. Like Chris said, stop being so bloody bad, it's a disgrace to our entire race that people like you can have the freedom to type crap on the internet whilst countless others die in poverty and famine. Holy fucking christ.
  6. Rami

    Adhd Island

    Goodbye then Doc. Haven't you got some more Ritalin to prescribe to meet your targets? Oh well if you're going to divert back to be on topic. I would agree ritalin prescriptions are ridiculously inflated. I'm sure ADHD is a true and present illness in some children but unfortunately it has been highly overprescribed in the past. Have there been cases of doctors being under pressure to prescribe by pharmaceuticals? I'm sure there was. Does that mean the entire thing is a conspiracy and we should reject a large swathe of respected modern medicine? Probably not. Just like when my neighbour doesn't throw my kids tennis ball back into our yard, I don't go off and assume he is the devil incarnate and must be cleansed by holy molotov fire. It's called extremism, you seem to be exhibiting a lot of extremism fueled by psuedo-scientific backwater internet articles. You're not objective, you're not applying any logic other than what you've read. You're either a masterful troll, or really dense.
  7. Rami

    Adhd Island

    By the way, can you provide a list to your counter studies. Just provide the study names and the authors and I'll be happy to reference them across. If you're going to insist there is a global conspiracy to suppress all 'right' studies though, you can consider this discussion over and I'll be happy to let the trolls mock you for your shenanigans.
  8. Rami

    Adhd Island

    Where do you get your information? Have you informed yourself at all as to what vaccines and autism are? Do you know how one is manufactured and the other develops? Generally a vaccine would be some type of surface protein that sets off the alarm systems of your immune system and causes it to marshal so to speak. Once these 'infecting proteins' have been wiped out the body's immune system remembers the method of eradication so it can utilise it again in the future. It is why vaccines are effective until the target illness mutates its surface proteins. Autism is caused by a physiological defect in how the brains synapses communicate. It's also shown that affects the connections to the prefrontal cortex (you should read Richard Davidsons decades of research on this and how it explains typical autistic social behaviour). The two are apples and oranges, the two have no direct correlations. It is perhaps possible that badly manufactured vaccines (e.g. if the illness in question could become active) then the ILLNESS itself might damage the brain (if it happened to be a vaccine for such an illness), but that would be completely indirect and the lancet article which proclaimed this nonsense was completely shot down by further research. Even so, people still do research to ensure this type of claim can be solidly refuted. You may want to read about the research into the effects of Japan withdrawing vaccinations in 1993 and the impact on autism. Let me spoiler it for you, there was no impact. You want to believe these outrageous accusations so you can shock people, but you don't take the time to check the evidence behind it. Get some help for that, it's bloody sad.
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