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  1. And a poet unicorn for everyone! Yes, it's a typo but I think it makes the point even better because it's even less likely but still more than anyone giving up their hard earned tax payers gift.
  2. Preferable if they stick to allocated race days and let people go about their business on non-race days. None of this contingency day crap. If they have to cancel or shorten races then so be it. Thats the risks of road racing. And they've ended up doing that anyway even with contigency days. As it is now, it's pot luck. They keep the road open, some tosser crashes on the mountain so they have to close it anyway only now there is oil and debris to clean up before you can even race anyway. People hanging around waiting to hear what's happening. If you pick a spot with no closed road access then you are there for the duration or they open the crossing point for an hour at 2 o'clock. While I'm having a rant, put the one-way in place on the Sunday before first practise and take it down after the last race on Saturday or Sunday. After all they have all the signage to remind it's two-way there for a week before and a fortnight after for the hard of understanding. They've already binned Mad Sunday and moved the Senior Race from Senior Race Day.
  3. I suspect some might end up arguing with their own sockpuppets..
  4. I also like how they've decided that it worked so well that they can stop; Those reductions meant the average waiting times for the specialties had reduced by 33 weeks, 16 weeks and 28 weeks respectively. So what are the acceptable waiting times? And what are their plans to prevent this happening again?
  5. Better to ask forgiveness than permission eh? The fact there wasn't a lease signed begs the question how was he even in the property in the first place?
  6. One could also point to a lot of posts here being slagging matches filling up pages rather than contributing anyhting 'on topic'. Maybe there ought to be "You are a **** " thread where they can go and play?
  7. Looneys is unclosing, opening as a bedding store and the pop-up pasty shop at the former truffleshop has gone now.
  8. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/meds-stops-taking-new-calls-early-on-weekdays/ So here is another example of poor communication causing problems and unnecessary distress. People sick or injured enough to worry about it kept hanging on the phone when they could have been on the road to A&E or an ambulance on the way. I thought the whole idea of the service was to triage, advise and attend if needed. Now you are meant to google your symptoms and decide if you are safe to drive to A&E or call an ambulance instead. Another example: Ramsey A&E has a notice at the door that it won't take anyone in after 7:30pm so all the nearby road signage saying it is open 8am to 8pm is incorrect. Who is Manx Care working for exactly? It seems it's more for the staffs benefit than the public. Or is this Hooperman implimenting stealth cuts to try and balance the budget for Allinsons temporary ringfenced healthcare levy? God forbid they actually announce the changes ahead of time and make sure the public understand the changes. Next thing you'll get is A&E is closed again due to staffing issues.
  9. Their only solution is growth i.e. more people = more taxes. However, they are willfully blind to the systems already creaking under the current burden which will not magically improve to accomodate the extra people when they can't even afford to maintain them now. And when every other nation around us is struggling with the same demographic issues and uncontrolled immigration doesn't seem to have worked either, where exactly are these 'new people' supposed to come from? They'll burn through the reserves with promises that some future utopian government will pay it back. So when the gravy train hits the buffers then they'll be long retired
  10. And your point is? My point was there seems to be a never ending cycle of taxes, more taxes and then charity for basic essential services while money is spaffed away on layers of adminsitration and managament that only seems to be there to justify it's own existence because they cannot make the tough calls and of course the ministers pet vanity projects. For example, why not wait until the UK resolves the assisted suicide issue and, as we are already beholden to them for the NHS anyway, rather than re-invent the wheel and then find it is conflict with the UK system anyway? Or getting rid of the bishops vote, allegedly on the gorunds that she is unelected, so why not put her in the ring with all the other unelected candidates for the next LegCo election? After all she is over 21 and resident on the island. That would legitimise the Bishops vote the same as everyone else. If she doesn't get in then Hooperman gets what he wanted and if she does then she has a 4 year term like the rest. But they have to leave a legacy like this because what they'll leave behind in their real job i.e. Treasury and Healthcare is a mess for someone else to sort out.
  11. Government wants public to 'buy into' lifesaving medical service So we are now being asked to pay thrice for services. Once through taxes and NI, once through Allinsons temporary ring fenced levy and now through donations. The whole point of this service is it gives immediate on site emergency care from experts and it can afford to do this because it has a large catchment area and depth of medical resources that justifies it's use and upkeep. We are lucky to have been included in its range for what it costs. Having a helicopter based in the Isle of Man is nonsense on several grounds. Having a suitable base for 24hr call out with attendant crew, re-fuelling and maintenance facilities. Not having the qualified emergency staff to sit on 24hr callout for the type of extreme trauma and illness this service is clearly designed for. Would it only be used for isalnd emergencies? Thus largely unused while sucking up money & resources that could be better used on regular emergency provision (i.e. proper staffing to keep A&E open) to benefit the majority rather then the few. If it was shared with other areas in the UK, would we find the service we are paying a premium for is unavailable due to attendance at an existing emergency? If it was shared, how would we recoup the costs? What happens when the helicopter is out of action for servicing/repairs, would we have to hire in a spare or also be contributing to the UK service for cover too? This smacks of the upper echelons avoiding the real work of getting the service they have right because it is too messy and too hard. If they sorted that out, then maybe we could afford the cost of the UK service within the budget and not have to put out the begging bowl.
  12. Wonder if there is an equivalent EV phenomona where birds and small mammals don't hear them coming? 🤔
  13. What I meant was if someone was stood at a zebra with a clear intent to cross then you have to give way or yield the road to them. If someone is standing at a non-crossing also with a clear intent to cross, you don't have an obligation to yield unless they decide to step out? I wasn't suggesting you have a right to run over anyone who steps out wherever it happens.
  14. I noted the printed road closures notice had nothing on it about concurrent events like Ramsey Sprint this year. Beach racing in Douglas got a mention https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/beachcross-gets-underway-in-douglas-today/ and Peel get a mention today https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/tt-festivities-move-to-peel/ online. Sprintfest certainly had more posters in town than the Sprint event itself, unless you count the road closed signs around the Mooragh prom.
  15. So if someone steps out in front of you it'd be treated the same as anywhere else on a road.
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