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  1. A very poor excuse Roxanne but all you doomers stick up for each other like hyenas feeding off bad news. You’ve tried the victim card thing before with this woman. What she said was (is) disgusting. She has no credibility left.
  2. Those doom nutters just don’t care. They’re happy to cross any moral line going to justify their death messaging to other cult members. It shows really how low this covid social media hysteria has got and how low some of those people in the doom coven are prepared to go. She should be ashamed of herself and so should anyone who has liked, shared or re-tweeted it. Even if she’s been on the Xmas sherry all day that’s still totally unacceptable.
  3. See above comments on classic bullying techniques deployed by cowards referred to above.
  4. How clever of you Roxanne. Another poster silenced on this forum then so that you and your sad mates can go back to posting scaremongering bollocks unchallenged.
  5. I honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck what you or any of the other absolute halfwits on this forum think as most of you appear to be having some sort of collective mental episode as a quick tour of this thread and Twitter especially confirms. How very clever of you to ask a question with the specific intention of getting the replier banned so this awkward reality is never mentioned again. Well done you experienced forum user Roxanne. You must feel so pleased with yourself. Have you already alerted one of your moderator friends as well? Again very typical of the sort of pathetic and cowardly behaviour referred to above.
  6. I’m not here to nurse your childish ego Roxanne. So I’d leave it there if you claim you can’t work it out. You people are just totally fucked in the head to be honest, as a 2 minute tour of the local Twitter-sphere readily confirms.
  7. Confirmed by the DM https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10362189/Nearly-one-10-NHS-staff-work-New-Years-Eve.html You can spot the alternative guises of a lot of the doom coven morons on here. It isn’t hard to spot them when you’ve had to hear them papping their pants all over Twitter and Facebook for nearly two years. The only agreed line of posting here seems to be to bully and ignore anyone like me who has said that their businesses have mortally suffered due to restrictions and push a constant doom agenda like they clearly do on every other platform they post their scaremongering bullshit on.
  8. There’s a definite “clique” here that’s for sure. It seems to be so easy to be restricted from posting if you dare to go up against anyone in that “clique” as I now know to my cost. Even when it’s them who are clearly deliberately targeting you. It’s the typical bullying behaviour of the coward. I worked in government once and it’s what they all do, then when that doesn’t work they pile on with whispering campaigns that people are “mental” or are having “meltdowns” to try to undermine anything said by anyone they don’t like. They’re just total whoppers. I’d ignore them.
  9. You really do appear to be a self absorbed, passive-aggressive, narcissistic lunatic who lives solely in order to be heard as some sort of authority figure on a tiny Internet bulletin board.
  10. Pint of bitter to go with that? Or it the flagon of bitterness you’re already swimming in going to be enough. Put on your red light .. 😂
  11. Oh you’ve been found out and you don’t like it 😂 How sad.
  12. Is that what people do on here when they lose an argument under one account. Just use another to ram the same message home? Put on your red light .. 😂
  13. Given that this forum seems to consist of wall to wall whining about just about everything why on earth would anyone seek to stop people expressing a view about one subject only? I’m just about to go bust due to this mess. Many many people have been impacted by this complete Covid madness; much of which has been completely unnecessary and thoroughly damaging but some people are still arrogant enough to suggest that it’s not discussed because they themselves are probably sat on a government wage wondering what all the fuss has been about.
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