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New Broom

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  1. Would that be the same Dudley Butt who was brought over from his special branch days in N Ireland? Yeah, he was always going to 'rattle those cages' wasn't he? A bit like that Rottweiler editor son of his - the old guard must quake in their boots..
  2. Hi Derek You mentioned a libel suit? Would you like my details to progress? Always happy to talk over a cuppa. Or meet behind the bike sheds.. Best NB
  3. John Your a/c of this appears more accurate than mine - if so I stand corrected. I’ll take you up on the 1:1 - shall mail you. NB
  4. On reflection/re-reading, I am being too harsh. It is undoubtedly true that some Manx-qualified advocates have attempted to challenge this clearly unfit-for-purpose system. If you are amongst them, well done. Please press harder..
  5. As for you 'advocate' Wright - don't make me/us laugh! (rolling laughter emoji! 😉
  6. Evening Derek As far as I am concerned you are a mostly decent bloke, and copper. [ content removed following report of defamation ] Best NB
  7. Almost everything about this forum is comical - satire at its' best. Ir at least would be if there was anything comical about it. Particularly your so-called moderation. One of the few honest and honourable Manx advocates had the courage to investigate and challenge the appallingly corrupt 'police station bugging case'. David Sherlock eventually proved interview rooms had ben 'bugged' allowing police to listen to legally privileged conversations between suspects and their advocates, thereby often fatally compromising their defence. A truly outrageous occurrence but not unexpected in a jurisdiction as corrupt as the Isle of Man. Whilst the police may well have been able to avoid universal blame it is laughable to suggest it was the work of 'one bad apple' - it was a professional 'bugging' set-up that would have been a conspiracy to have implemented. David was unable to prove how long it had been going on but suspected it had been for a long time, possibly years. He was subsequently hounded by the Manx police force generally, almost to his death. Mr Wright - you are an apologist for this corrupt system, which very much continues..
  8. Surely it is obvious the moderator/s of this site aren't interested in even-handed discussion? Note that Ian Kirk, vilified by this forums' 'keyboard warriors', in many cases as 'a loony' despite the opposite being true and his sterling and selfless work helping those genuinely in distress, was quietly and appropriately found 'not guilty' this week. And praised by the Deemster for his excellent self-defence. Not a loony in sight.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-60944145
  9. Hundreds of thousands of people Worldwide are waking-up to the outrageous corruption of our so-called legal system and the vast difference between what is rightfully lawful, and that which is declared legal. Many have become supporters of the growing common law movement. This support will become a tsunami. Mock all you wish but the law is only as valid as the people’s willingness to accept it - as countless, now defunct, regimes have discovered. Statute ‘law’ is simply that - the principles of common law are sound, and understandable to all right-thinking people. Whilst sometimes obsessive, Courtney ‘Headcase’ is not - as the questionable Mr Ashford is also likely to discover. Courtney has far more widespread support than many might imagine, including from some quiet island ‘heavyweights’. Few of his supporters are ‘anti-vax looney tunes’ but rather intelligent and concerned citizens who choose not to fall into line with a clearly corrupt agenda. The ‘sneering’ and, being frank, bullying, that seems to be common practice in this forum shows few of the contributors in a favorable light. I cannot imagine many of you are so ‘courageously’ outspoken when not behind the safety of your keyboards. The intention of a forum is normally that views can be freely exchanged and discussed. Rather than cultivate this, the usual response here to any view that differs from that of the regulars seems to be as above.
  10. There will no doubt now follow contemptuous and scathing comments about those interested in common law. However, those aware of the momentum building within this movement, and the gravitas behind some of the key players, understand it is becoming a force to be reckoned with. Maybe not just yet, but ultimately it is the will of the people that will decide where the law, and society, goes next, not those currently leading it. Nor those who are presently comfortable in their gowns and wigs. My mundane life includes the privilege of a long-standing friendship with the man interviewed below - easily one of the wisest I have encountered. I have learned - profitably - to listen carefully to what he says. He, and many others, believe we are now at a turning point in our civilisation, and that it is unlikely to look as it does now for too much longer: https://guillermobarba.com/billionaire-hugo-salinas-price-everything-in-our-modern-world-is-a-lie-exclusive-interview-2 The most noticeable aspect of this forum is its' negativity. Some is abusive and, being frank, bullying. It is not an attractive place. I am fairly sure few if any of the contributors conduct themselves as they do here, in their everyday lives. Kindness is not over-rated.
  11. Even the BBC now acknowledges that 'only' 17,000 have lost their lives to covid - not the hugely inflated figures they were bombarding us with hourly at the start of the 'pandemic'. Or 'casedemic' to describe it more accurately. The average age of death was 77.8 year - almost identical to current life expectancy ie; covid made no difference. This was known from the outset. The motivation was never safeguarding the population but increasing control. As must now surely be obvious. To some at least. Over the coming 24 months the death toll will escalate massively. Covid will be given as the cause, although in reality it will be awful side-effects from the vaccines. The unvaxxed will be blamed and what I have said above will unfold. I am fairly sure most on this forum will be quick to vilify them. Or worse. If the way we could ensure genocide, or war, did not happen again was to solemnly bow our heads and acknowledge past ones, neither would be repeated. As a former soldier - who also witnessed some of the horrors of former Yugoslavia - I know I am far from alone in finding the annual remembrance day as something of an ironic pantomime. We glibly trot out the words 'never forget' yet again and again do exactly that and repeat those same awful mistakes. Thereby feeding our disgusting defence industries. Which surely is the purpose. Not only is nothing I have said here far-fetched, all can be evidenced - other than the future scenario, which will be clear soon enough. There is ample information available to anyone who has real questions, or a desire to uncover truth, however unpalatable that may be, rather than a wish to simply confirm existing beliefs. Only the naive believe significant global events simply happen. Virtually all are considered carefully, by very clever and powerful people, some of whom are the psychopaths referred to by other posters. The actions that follow are therefore 'conspiracies', albeit usually difficult to prove, which is why most remain theories. Anyone who believes Facebook was invented in a dorm by a young man in flip-flops for example, is unaware of DARPA's 'Lifelog' project. The list goes on, and is available and obvious to anyone sufficiently interested. For those who are not, or prefer to remain in comfortable denial or ignorance, there is always the promenade or fat Howards holiday cottages.
  12. New Broom does indeed make some sweeping statements - not all I have quoted necessarily supports the argument. Or bollocks, depending on your perspective. The following stats invariably hold true though: 30% of people will be ‘awake’ and understand what is happening 30% are either ‘hypnotised’ by the state, or hopelessly wedded to it (‘mass fomation’) 40% will always 'sit on the fence' If you are one of those looking at what is happening in our society and are currently ’sitting on the fence’ you will know that something is deeply wrong. The path we are on will continue towards totalitarianism unless we do something to stop it. Historically this only happens when those who know something is wrong actually do something about it. As Edmund Burke said - "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" attachment
  13. Vera Sharav is a holocaust survivor. What I have said here is what Vera, and several other holocaust survivors, are not only saying, but attempting to warn us about. We ignore, or discard as ’tosh’ at our peril. Apathy, coupled with the belief that such things ‘cannot happen here’, is the very thing that allows them to happen. No more to be said.. Vera Sharav: https://t.me/worlddoctorsalliance/17261
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