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Moddey Dhoo

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  1. Excellent post. Unless you were JM , Robin O'Conner & his consultancy, Gemserve , KPMG or any of the number of other 'consultants' involved in the review , report and now presumably adrift implementaion of the report, this whole process has been a dsaster. History will judge this as a debacle unusual in its scale and cost even by the lowly standards of the Manx Government.
  2. It was a sliding doors (and to be fair there has been a few) moment when KB was dismissed to preserve Dr Couch in his role.
  3. Hmmmm - lets think......... what is the main reason to pop someone on the equivalent of gardening leave?
  4. We could start with the endless reviews.....WMQRS anyone? And how much has been wasted on the Jonathan Michaels debacle who would know....... And then there are the payouts to get rid of people, must be getting up to nearly 4 million on medical directors alone (deposit on a shiny new helicopter wasted there)
  5. Another one bites the dust. The good Doctor Andole is offski. Be interesting to know if he took a chunk of taxpayers change with him......
  6. Only one is doing the job. And she isn't in Liverpool.
  7. An interesting question might be how much have JM and Robin O'Connor personally made out of this process
  8. That's the crux of the matter - who is paying? If it's Manx Care then it is beholden of the MC CEO to explain why north of 200k is being spent in this manner. The sorry story of MD's on the IOM continues ........
  9. Very apt. I hope someone asks how much Sir Jonathon Michael and the aptly named Robin O'Connor have personally trousered through all this.
  10. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/financial-challenges-delay-progress-on-health-transformation/ Unfortunately all the money has gone. I wonder where?
  11. The recurrent theme of the fiddle is indeed, fascinating
  12. I think that reflects DHSS (esp Conie's) competence. Concerns were raised at a very early stage re Ranson's suitability / capability for the role . Her legal team played a complete blinder in portraying her as some sort of whistle blowing super doc-many of those who had to work with (read, 'for' her) would likely disgaree. Her previous employment 'troubles' as a GP were seemingly very skilfully skipped around (with the assistance of NDAs I suspect) but would likely have provided important context if admissable.
  13. I'm guessing he did what most people would do when issued with suit by a determined and clever person married to a lawyer would do . Shut up.
  14. My understanding was the LTA was agreed - there was a long time between the interview and agreement on Ts & Cs. There will be an LTA somewhere, Ranson probably has a copy herself, but DHSC couldn't produce a signed copy and were therefore their case was sunk before it began. Of note in the tribunal there was a hint of 'she would have been fired anyway because she wasn't really any good' from DHSC but that was slapped down pdq and then not mentioned again. This is presumably what Dr Allinson used to refer to as the 'alternative narrative' before he was issued with suit and sat down again.
  15. No , your wrong on this. Because of the money Ranson wanted they made it an LTA. Conie was convinced she was on an LTA and they could run the clock out on it.
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