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  1. You are. That’s twice now you haven’t been interested in anything.
  2. Yet you replied so I’d say you are interested.
  3. I don’t need to take advice off a failed compliance director. How much was the fine again?
  4. Yes I fully agree Neil Down is so unbelievably boring. He’s like the friendly face for anal cancer.
  5. It’s fully appropriate for you though you absolute piece of obnoxious shit.
  6. It never does for a massive fucking CUNT like you to appear either does it?
  7. Don’t mention victim claiming on here, it never gives down well. Although as she doesn’t work for DBC it will probably be ok.
  8. The Equinox gives less fucks than anyone else on this forum gives fucks about when it comes to what you or anyone on this forum thinks about anything. But the absolutely mental rubbish above should be applauded for what it is. The delusional fantasies of people who really need to grow up and live in the real world. Maybe Douglas Corporation could make progress dealing with its own significant bad performance issues rather than claiming to be focussing on ghosts on the internet to deflect from its own incompetence?
  9. Well your insanity should be acknowledged. Anymore mental conspiracy theories you can think of? The ones to date are genuinely off the wall mental. Even better than Franks wild insane accusations. He should probably be more concerned about justifying his own (in)activity than making up mental rubbish to try to give him some sort of unsuccessful credibility.
  10. PMSL just listen to yourself you muppet. That’s literally the funniest load of insane old claptrap I’ve read in a long time. So it’s a Rachel Glover now as well. Grow up children and stop living in your sad little forum paranoia bubble. That post is genuinely insane. Seriously PMSL.
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