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  1. Can I refer to you as you Adrian? It would be so much easier.
  2. It’s not tiresome it’s actually “uncomfortable” for you.
  3. Riverside Limited encompasses, amongst other operations, the Sound Cafe, the NSC cafe, the Villa Parilla, and Bradda Glen restaurant and a few other hospitality venues. All linked to the LH Church and Mr Christian via clear connections at companies registry.
  4. I don’t think I really have to in response to such a clearly retarded poster.
  5. Nobody is disparaging your business. Just pointing out the clear links to the LH Church through the share ownership structure. That’s not a negative thing surely?
  6. The correct unambiguous answer would have been “no”
  7. Disprove it. It looks like your initial posts on here were about the Sound Cafe. So you’re hardly objective are you?
  8. Hi Adrian, how’s the Villa thing and the Church thing going?
  9. According to an unsavory angry man. The registry postings are clear. Villa Parilla is ran by a company which Mr Christian, the LH member, has a significant interest in.
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