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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I was in Victoria Rd at lunchtime bananas and carrots galore you must have just been in before me and missed them.
  2. The thought of a tunnel makes me shudder why would you want to have any connection to the country the UK has turned into, sadly.
  3. The Ben would not have sailed this past two days and there would have been the usual moans and groans but because it is the Manxman the gnashing of teeth is ridiculous. Restrictions around sailing in weather is largely controlled by insurance and health and safety, of course the Master makes the final decision but there are constraints he has to abide by. Remember when Bank Managers were allowed to decide when to grant a loan…..not any more there are rules, boxes to tick etc. The beauties that bang on about the old boats that always sailed are the ones that really amuse me they were not roll on and off carrying huge vehicles that can move in severe weather. Times have changed.
  4. Most of the people dissing the Manxman have probably never been on her and no intention of doing so. She is a great boat. Heysham is a dump only suitable for freight and has been problematic for years. I have never known such high winds in August and September before it is usually October before the windy season arrives. Whoever has started this rumour is idiotic probably the same person or people who are slating the Airport for not staying open to accommodate EasyJet who seem to think the world revolves around them and they can call the shots.
  5. It was just a knee jerk reaction to hearing about them staffing another £10,000 first thing before I had my coffee. By the time they have faffed around I would say it will be into a six month term things do not move with speed usually. As for standing I am far too old to do anything like that. I do admire people who are well intentioned and go for it and in principle they don’t do a bad job the park is lovely, roads are well lit, bins are collected etc it is the casual way that money is spent that annoys me not just by them but by public bodies in general.
  6. I am a reluctant Onchan ratepayer, I know it could be worse with the way D.T.C. are lashing out money on decorating the sunken gardens and other little projects and Braddan seems joining Alice in Wonderland but it is what it is……😂
  7. I am amazed it hasn’t been pointed out yet that there is already a topic regarding O.C. but really I am just frustrated at the way government local and the big boys spend money and then whine about having none spare. O.C. are currently asking permission to borrow £200, 000 to do their headquarters up if they hadn’t have wasted £10,000 they would have only had to borrow £190,000 . That is how it works don’t yer know…….obviously not 😬.
  8. The final outcome will never be good for Braddan ratepayers unfortunately even if it gets used to capacity it will never pay. Still every cloud and all that the Commissioners have lovely new offices.
  9. I think tier pricing between Victoria Rd and Onchan is petty especially as Onchan serves a lot of elderly people without transport. I have been looking at the Coop delivery service and it seems Okay.
  10. So it was announced on MR this morning that Onchan Commissioners are holding a bye election to fill the seat of a resigning member. It is going to cost £10 ,000 and it will take staff of other duties, this is going to be an extremely short tenure as the elections proper are taking place in April. The reason given is that some of the Commissioners are uncomfortable with making decisions when their number of members are down to 6 ,the fact that they have been running on 6 on and off due to the resigning member not been available to attend meetings for a while seems to have escaped their attention and there must have been a good number of times when through illness or other reasons they have not had a full house. I scratch around a fair bit to pay around a grand, on time, every year and this waste of money does not sit well to put it politely. Who in their right mind is going to stand for a few months it will probably be another walk in. The test question is of course again if the Commissioners had been asked to fund this themselves I am sure there would have been a different decision made. That is me done I am never voting at local level again.
  11. Stop being so rude Luker it is not needed and adds nothing to the point you are making.
  12. There are timetables on FB I think it was on the Police information page.
  13. Well there has been a U turn but instead of saying they have had a change of heart, after some bad publicity, LA makes it seem as if it was always the intention to provide space for a new one . Twats.
  14. Onchan Tesco is more expensive than Victoria Road on some items. Tier pricing is not good , morally corrupt.
  15. Latest news Liverpool Airport have done a u turn and assured the Charity that there will be a new PT room. We will see.
  16. The one item that is sold is ice cream and that is one of the worst things to get out of carpets with the fat content, the amount of empty ice cream cartons that are just left under seats is unbelievable.
  17. Absolutely blooming cheek.
  18. The scenario has only come to light today, the charity heard about it second hand and despite what dim Tim says the charity has only been offered four chairs in another lounge. He has ploughed in without getting the correct information, put his underpants on over his kecks and is spouting complete crap. Of course Manx Radio without investigation has accepted his cock and bull story. The plan is apparently to move the posh lounge upstairs where the PT lounge is to leave the downstairs for a commercial outlet. It will be interesting to see if the prayer room is moved or perhaps they will be offered a corner in another lounge 🤣 . I think the Airport was unprepared for the backlash and now are trying to calm the waters.
  19. People that have worked with her are being vocal on FB. and she wasn’t popular by a long chalk.
  20. A group to keep clear of big time all smiley on the outside but money obsessed.
  21. As I have said it is out of the way and not that big not really desirable for retail. They are after money from the Isle of Man to keep it, probably heard about the Liverpool Terminal and think they will have a bit of the action.
  22. More probably he is looking for the facility to continue but on rental terms. Money is all that is cared about unfortunately.
  23. We want to keep our place safe that is why border controls are needed. The world has changed read the papers, watch the news.
  24. There has to be border control god knows who is rocking up on the Island. There is probably a lot going the government is aware of that we never hear about.
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