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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. It is time we had passports and could see just who was wafting onto are shores.
  2. How very dare you be judgmental about Liverpool football team 🤣 .
  3. I was not talking about Lime Street after the footy finishes I was commenting on the walk between the landing stage and the City centre which is very pleasant in the morning.
  4. Apparently it is to bring the pay in line with firemen and other services. They deserve it ,every penny , dealing with drunks and some very unpleasant situations . So do nurses and other medical personnel responsibility should be recognised and rewarded.
  5. Elderly people do spend money in shops etc but I can see them avoiding these car parks like the plague and relying on online purchasing . Douglas is bad enough with empty retail shops and a surplus of coffee shops is the intention to totally destroy the town which used to buzz when I was young even though there were less inhabitants on the Island . It is so sad.
  6. Luckily he seems to lurk in Ramsey and the local community must be used to him by now and just ignore him and his mates.
  7. When I was fit and travelled to Liverpool by boat If the weather was fine I loved the walk from the old landing stage to Lime Street , luggage would be one small case on wheels , although there was usually a bus available and I have never noticed any homeless people or drunks . I don’t know if the new landing stage is a further walk but there were always taxis waiting for the boat to dock. Banker has a fertile imagination perhaps we should not stifle it he gets quite cross.
  8. It wouldn’t work for ordinary mortals that is for sure.
  9. Kate Beecroft was the very worst health Minister in history. The harm she did was immense.
  10. The ACU are using the out of time reason to qualify their refusal to pay compensation.
  11. No it was not drink driving I listened to him on Manx Radio that morning telling people not to indulge too much over the Xmas period and that very night, that very night……he chucked on the bus home. It was the pure hypocrisy that enraged the public . Who was he to lecture people in the first place even if he hadn’t disgraced himself later on, sheer arrogance. So spewin Juan was christened and he deserved it.
  12. I don’t think we have ever had 100,000 spectators.
  13. I cannot stand rallying in any shape or form just don’t see the point.
  14. I would not invite him over for a cup of tea , ignorant oaf, he has probably been pulled for this by the Editor of his newspaper and feels hard done by. The Guardian is a rubbish newspaper in fact most of them are The Daily Mail just sinks lower and lower into the gutter.
  15. So whoever was coming obviously changed their minds, possibly because the election over yonder or it was just a pub whisper.
  16. It was a mediocre match for most part but England won and really that is what counts and the penalties were spot on.
  17. That is why I am in favour of all Island voting.
  18. Yes Gladys but the alternatives were truly a no go, it would have meant not voting.
  19. That is the question? I have heard sweet FA but obviously it was only alleged as no one appears to know.
  20. Between him and Edge Onchanites are truly blessed what we did to deserve this pair god alone knows it must have been very, very bad 🥲.
  21. We are well and truly f….d that is the truth of the matter.
  22. Most of those who voted for the referendum are members of the pity party enjoyed by members who think they have had a raw deal somewhere along the line in the last couple of years and are trying to catch Alfred’s eye for another chance. There is slim chance and no chance as the saying goes.
  23. The MHKs get free tickets to pass on to their constituents, how many they get I know not.
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