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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I take it Happy Diner is a supporter of the windmill concept regardless.
  2. You crack on doing with what floats your boat.
  3. For anyone querying the figures they were Mondays so undoubtedly they will now have grown to those I quoted…
  4. The government’s popularity is usually gauged by the size of the crowd at Tynwald so we will see. I have asked people I have been in contact with just making conversation and they have either laughed or said no. It used to be a good day out where you would meet people from all over the Island and have a catch up. The times they are a changing 🥲 and not for the better.
  5. It is comforting that most of CoMin voted against the referendum and didn’t duck out of their duty to stand for what they believed in unlike the yellow bellied back benchers who wanted other people to make the decision for them. It doesn’t say much for Alf when his chosen ministers do not support him perhaps they are getting as disillusioned with his leadership as the public are.
  6. The reason I think a referendum was not the way to go is that the MHK s have spent a lot of time studying this bill, amending it and discussing it they have knowledge that the general public have not as well as it is their job to make decisions on important issues that is why they were elected. A lot of people on social media are asking for a list of names of the MHK s that voted for or against the referendum proposal the press seem shy to print it.
  7. This is according to IOM Today…. The cost of the sea wall that is being built currently has doubled due to materials and Labour it is now over £100,000. Then there are photos showing how wonderful it will be it hasn’t been received very well judging by the comments. Well worth a look and for once no heads have been cut off.
  8. The letter sent to parents and carers is online. It just states what has happened as above. The MHK has said all will be revealed in the fullness of time or words to that affect.
  9. I do not mind being accused of being an MHK as long as it is a decent one and not in the group who were in favour of a referendum now that would upset me 😂
  10. I would love to go to the Keys one day just to tick my bucket list but alas have left it a bit late I surely would end up asleep. Go on give us a laugh tell which politician you think I am I promise not to be insulted.
  11. Rob Callister is brown nosing to Cannan surely even he is not dumb enough to think he will ever be a Minister again in this administration the same goes for Thomas.
  12. I seem to recollect Andrew Smith changing his mind and people complaining. Well thank you for posting the list of who voted for what and it didn’t surprise me one bit the MHKs who are the dead wood, in my humble opinion, did not disappoint. If MHKs who have had all the information to hand cannot make a decision how do they expect the general public to. They are inept and not fit to serve. I am speaking of the referendum vote not the Bill vote. They are truly shameful.
  13. Sorry Gladys you pipped me at the post, yes I really want to know for future reference when voting.
  14. Do does anyone know who voted for Alf’s amendment and who voted against ? It will be very useful in the future to have that knowledge.
  15. There were two items on the NZ one was related to Assisted Dying the other about cannabis. It was a very straightforward presentation that asked the questions very simply and just required a yes or no answer. That of course would be too easy for our Civil Servants who would make such a dogs dinner of it most people would be confused and bin the ten page document .
  16. If the referendum goes ahead there should be other questions asked such as …Should LegCo be voted in by the public or should there be all Island voting . Both these measures would cause certain people some anxiety.
  17. If there is to be a referendum then there should be more than one question asked while the opportunity is out there. Such as Are you in favour of all Island Voting or Do you think the Legistrative Council should be voted in by the public or anything else that is of interest to the general public. Either of those would make some people twitch.
  18. Albert is your verse set to My Old Man’s a Dustman it fits perfectly.
  19. By whom ? Not by anyone in Tynwald I don’t think.
  20. Please tell where are these available from ? Rumour has it the safe breakers were wearing something similar and not a lot else .
  21. Even if the referendum diversion is given the thumbs down tomorrow it will then proceed to LegCo where it will most probably be given the same treatment as the Bishop’s vote , another investigation into the effect on LegCo headed and proposed by Henderson which will not be hurried. It is amazing no comment has been made regarding the selection of the three LegCo members who are looking into the Bishop’s vote, all three voted against the Bill. It would have been more democratic surely to include one of the LegCo members that were in favour of the Bill. Democracy as we know it indeed, how do they get away with it 😡
  22. It is to encourage South Africans to re locate to the Island there has been constant encouragement for some years now this expense is probably a drop in the ocean.
  23. There was Covid doing the rounds well before TT it is possible that we gave a lot of TT supporters it and now we have caused a worldwide pandemic, and we could have infected the poor cruise passengers as well. If you really want to play the blame game ffs.
  24. By whom ? Not by anyone in Tynwald I don’t think.
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