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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Julie Edge was weighing in shouting it should be binned when I was listening she really is a piece of work.
  2. When there was all that fuss about Ms Hopkins the Corpy got hassle from some sad people because they were the owners of the Legion and had allowed the premises to be used for undesirable ventures.
  3. Why now ? why make impassioned speeches, which judging by the photo on the media most of the MHKs looked very underwhelmed, and ask for a referendum now ? Surely if our great leader thought there should be a referendum on the Dignity in dying bill he could have brought this thought up before the Bill had reached this stage. Perhaps he thought it would have been thrown out straightaway but as it gathered pace still no mention of a referendum now at the last gasp, no pun intended, he is getting desperate. I really hope on Monday this suggestion gets dismissed. He is no leader he just likes getting his own way. The sooner the next election comes around the better.
  4. I was at the hospital yesterday and I seemed to be the only person who used the anti bacterial gel entering and leaving it really is not a big ask, perhaps the wearing of masks will remind people to make use of the gel.
  5. The cruise ship the other day had 2666 passengers so not just hundreds and there have been three visiting in the last 10 days so the numbers do add up. I think both the TT and the Cruise ships bring valuable business to the Island and boy do we need it.
  6. First the yacht club and now the cafe ? Just what is going on with Peel Commissioners?
  7. Some of the MHKs are not happy about this it is a small miscalculation on Henderson’s part that could cause the question of the legitimacy of LegCo and its remit.
  8. So Henderson has managed to stall the vote by asking for a committee to look into the impact of the Bishop not having a vote on Leg Co. charming…..and the three members off the Committee are guess who himself, Craine and another one who voted for Henderson’s amendment. So all three on this committee are against the motion of the Bishop losing the vote, how democratic is that. He has also made a point of this activity to be given plenty of time not to be rushed. Disgusting.
  9. My friend has a Cooperative delivery and she is very happy and slots seem easy enough to get , Tesco slots are like hens teeth.
  10. I doubt she would need protection over here it wasn’t our health service she screwed , I doubt she is on the Island much anyway and I don’t believe a Scot would put their hand in their pocket to the tune of £3000 a day for this top guy to organise protection. This is a typical Daily Mail gutter press story.
  11. The date has been announced according to IOM Today the Port website has announced it is in use from Tuesday, did not say which Tuesday ,but I am guessing the day after tomorrow.
  12. They don’t want much according to the advert…
  13. The explanation from DEFA was it wasn’t a fit for everyone……political speak which means not a lot . This was said by the lady MHK who is the Minister in charge of DEFA as was reported by IOM Today. So none the wiser 😬.
  14. The problem is who to believe, figures can be made to fit any proposal ask a good accountant. The public are suspicious of anything the Government are involved in and who can blame them they seem to make up things up as they go along everything they have done recently has cost far more than has been estimated it is hard to have confidence in any venture they are planning.
  15. I am so glad they got knocked back. Douglas used to have their greedy little paws heading towards Braddan but it has gone quiet now unsurprisingly . Sheer greed .
  16. That young man who was the MLP candidate was really impressive and I hoped he would get in, by memory he wasn’t far behind. That Smith character does not stand a snowballs though I doubt he will stand again. I wish the election was a lot nearer there are some serious changes to be made this lot are inept and cannot make a decision . There have never been so many cans kicked so far and the fence is broken. A really poor show.
  17. More arguments and tit for tat…..grow up or find another playground.
  18. A debate between Courtney and David ……..
  19. The match was too boring for any excitement to arise and the condition of the pitch was awful they were sliding all over the place.
  20. At my age it isn’t a viable proposition 🤣 but if these outside activities are being considered surely it would be aimed at tourists. Centre Parks seem very popular and they are quite expensive to stay perhaps something like that on a smaller scale. The actives that you mention do not seem to be promoted very well. At least there was a nice little jolly for the people who were looking into possibilities.
  21. Climbing walls are very popular in the Lake District we could combine these with the zip line and other adventure sports make a proper job of it.
  22. North Quay are hosting a live show on Wednesday and Thursday.
  23. Edge has been Gallery playing on the subject of closure of eight schools as well. She would have closed them she says thank god she is no longer in charge. Roll on the next election and we can get rid.
  24. I haven’t seen the announcement lately perhaps they have changed their minds. Bring back swap shop 😂
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