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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I watched it in comfort in my lounge it wasn’t very impressive although I expect although they are players of note in their own right they have not settled into playing as a team. The Serbs were more aggressive than talented except for the goalkeeper he was superb.
  2. On MR this morning they said people with vouchers would be contacted.
  3. If you want to encourage people to use public transport you have to provide decent amenities. Make your mind up do you want to cut down on emissions or not. It is only in the last ten or so years that bus shelters have increased over the routes which have been a very welcome innovation. The busses themselves are great and the service is good on busy routes, at least I find it so. We had a decent terminus with seats and toilet facilities years ago why it was knocked down is a mystery. So if this new plan is passed will the shelters that are there now be removed? Joney is right to have a rant she is not asking for anything new just a replacement for what we used to have surely that is not asking for much. The money that is going to showcase the Peggy could go towards it.
  4. I did not mean to insinuate that he had anything to do with the Costa job I was just saying it was another stupid act for not a lot of return everyone uses cards these days and most companies pay their staff by bank transfer so there would probably not be much in the safe and that little Honda Jazz will never be the same again not worth the risk.
  5. Exactly Albert just like nicking the safe so big a risk for probably not a lot from Costa.
  6. LegCo should not go against the will of the people that is not their remit. They are supposed to scrutinise acts that are about to become law that is their remit. Tynwald are the law makers as they are the elected members representing the people.
  7. How do these nonentities get elected with all the expertise he claims to have I don’t see anything pertinent to a role as an MLC. In the day the MLCs were chosen from MHK s either the ones who were retiring or the ones who had been dumped, this was by no means perfect by a long chalk but they had experience, hopefully, that they had gained sitting in Tynwald and they had stood for a public vote. As I say this was not great but better than dragging someone off the street as they do now at least I think so.
  8. He has stood, no one else did and he is back in the job…poor Braddan. He is not a perfect fit for Onchan Commissioners but the rumour was he had moved to Garff I don’t know how true it is he will fit in fine there.
  9. I doubt the Government really want the fair here and I would be surprised if they encouraged them in any way but to keep the natives happy they have issued the appropriate licences and I bet they charged them plenty ,as well they should, going by the amounts they were charging the outlets behind the grandstand.
  10. That is crap Banker they were seasonal staff taken on to pick grapes, grapes do not grow all the year around so they do not require workers to pick them. Everywhere he has been on the Island he has been welcomed and he has happily posed for photos and I am told he is friendly and has made a good impression. If he did move here how would that offend anyone there are far worse people living on the Island. So far the worst thing he has done is wear brown shoes ffs.
  11. It just shows how enthusiastic some members of the hospitality trade are whilst some opened up with a smile on Sunday and Monday others could not be assed pleading exhaustion , what a laugh. In the day most of the locals did two jobs for the whole of the season a day job and a night job and yes it was tiring but you just got on and did it complaining about being exhausted after two busy weeks is a joke. The hospitality business does not need help the decent venues will succeed and the people that are overcharging and not giving value for money will die a death as they fully deserve to. All businesses are facing challenges and to single out one section is grossly unfair.
  12. A good result never heard of Paul Greenwood……
  13. The latest is it will cost one million pounds to improve the radar if the windmills get built. IOM Today.
  14. A lady was saying she budgeted all year so she could take her children to the fair but the question I am asking is who foots the substantial electricity bill.
  15. There have been the usual moans on social media about the ridiculously high prices charged at the fair some people have defended it as they say the high cost of electricity is partly to blame and it has made me wonder if they have their own generators or do they have some means of plugging into the mains and if so how is their usage calculated for payment.
  16. Not so , safety is the most important thing and the way the weather has been he had to err on the side of prudence. It was the riders feedback that was instrumental in the cancelling of the practices on the week. The spiteful little showers have been a real set back and it has been very difficult to forecast the weather with our microclimate. There is always someone who thinks they could do better when in reality they have difficulty getting their shoes on the right feet.
  17. Yes it turned out alright in the end despite the weather a lovely evening now so on to the fireworks.
  18. So no word on what happened at Handleys ? I hope it wasn’t too bad.
  19. Well it got away at one now let us hope for a safe and successful afternoon of racing.
  20. It has been said the Legacy laps are between races to give the competitors time to get sorted for the next race. True or false I don’t know but that is the word on FB.
  21. Again true I can remember going back years their used to be day trips over on the Friday to see the big race and so many times they would go back without seeing anything at all my uncle used to come every year regardless it didn’t deter him if the races were cancelled he would turn up at our house for a cuppa.
  22. True the showers seem to be all over the Island just enough to cause problems, what a nightmare ! I feel sorry for the COC and the organisers this year the weather has not been kind.
  23. 12 noon now the start is.
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