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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. It is clearing up nicely now for the red arrows so some positive news.
  2. The latest dastardly crime is someone has nicked a MGP hoodie from the Dolte Vita , or summation like that, and a T shirt and to be fair left a Bushey inspired hoodie in its place. They are distraught over this but personally after seeing a photo featuring the items in question I think they have come off the best although of course the Busheys hoodie would be second hand and may need a wash. The clue is the nicker is size XXXL so possibly not wise to challenge or approach. 🤣
  3. No more racing today it has just been announced by the COC.
  4. A seagull has now nicked a wallet 😂 luckily it didn’t like the taste and dropped it now a police station.
  5. The DOI would not be able to afford the spend needed unless they approach Tynwald for a whack of the £42 million that has been allocated for green measures, I wonder how much of that £42 million is left now I bet a few little sneaky chunks have been spent then of course there are the wages for the administrative staff that was set up. No more Daphne’s baby of course she has bigger fish to fry.
  6. Yes the figures are great from the Steam Packet and when the air arrivals are added on it seems like a very good result.
  7. It was not overpriced shit it was not for sale it belonged to the team to wear for promotional use and if the thief wears one they will be spotted especially if they wear it around the grandstand. Same as the McGuinness’s leathers what could you do with them….senseless thefts. I wonder where the safe is no doubt it will turn up sooner or later, another strange theft hardly worth the trouble and risk.
  8. None of them lie they just don’t tell the truth.
  9. Well that was a sharp shower probably put an end to racing for today.
  10. No room at the inn at the moment, a good time to be tried for an offence don’t ya know 🤨
  11. The bendy busses were a real success story, both times 😂
  12. There was a box of promotional T shirts or hoodies half inched today from one of tents someone is very busy.
  13. Apparently been lent for a trial. We can’t afford these busses and even if we could we couldn’t afford the electricity even if a special rate was given and the time they take to charge up would mean twice as many busses as we have now or a very depleted bus service. I hope the Steam Packet charged them full whack and I hope the fair people get charged full whack as well.
  14. Quite right Braddan Commissioners are totally in the wrong here the land is privately owned and they are in their rights to put patient safety first and foremost.
  15. What other countries try to discourage tourists by threatening them in this way ? Totally ridiculous, anyone with half a brain takes out travel insurance. How would you react if the country you were visiting on holiday asked for a deposit in case you fell ill or had an accident? The riders themselves are well insured that is mandatory.
  16. The horse trams are loved by many and should go to the Jubilee clock as intended. How the DOI got away with spending the money that was voted by Tynwald to this end on subsidising a shortfall on the main project is scandalous and yet not a word has been said about it. The Steam Railway, Electric Railway, Wild Life Park are the main tourist attractions together with the horse trams for holiday makers with children if they need to be subsidised so be it. Building a posh shed for an awld boat that may or not have been used in the smuggling trade and will need money for wages and upkeep and will attract few tourists is not a viable attraction.
  17. Someone has nicked John McGuinnes’s racing leathers from his tent at the grandstand.😡
  18. It is Anthony….a second coming…🤨
  19. Just higher your natural speaking voice an octave and hold your nose whilst talking.
  20. Have they caught the robbers yet it sounds like a burglary out of a Keystone Cop episode, the Honda Jazz must be knackered with the weight of the safe.
  21. There is one lady presenter who does a good impression of a hyena in pain really loud fortunately she does no usually do mornings.
  22. This woman seems a really nasty piece of work surely there is a law against inciting hate.
  23. Oh dear 😬 I enjoyed watching the racing last night on the TV tonight it is the side cars. I wonder what time the people at the end of the queue got back to Laxey or Douglas ?
  24. He was jailed for stalking with intent of intimidation a lady whom was completely stressed by it not for his beliefs. His beliefs however were the reason he committed this offence. I think when he has served his time he should be certified and committed to a mental institution as he is obviously not of sound mind not because of his beliefs but of his actions based on those beliefs he can’t be trusted not to reoffend as he has shown no regret for his actions and does not believe he has done anything wrong.
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