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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. It is the content that is without rhyme or reason rather than a faux Aussie accent 🤣 but yes he is full of hot air …
  2. Are they out ? well that is a relief 😂
  3. It is a faux Aussie accent I think and was catching a few years ago it has died out a bit now.
  4. Considering that we are practically a cashless society I would not expect there to be much cash in the safe.
  5. At least he di not write below the line …..
  6. I do hope Anthony and Dave have not morphed into Heyjingo I really do .
  7. I am lookin forward to see the TT programme at 9.00 tonight 😃.
  8. Is the Drone information posted up on the boats ?
  9. I think Phil Kermode died some time ago.
  10. I think the court lists are long atm John would know but dates for cases needing longer court time seem to be getting set for next year.
  11. Regarding link it was on Ramsey Facebook and the person posting was trying to find alternative accommodation for the Spanish gentleman who were very upset as they had stayed with the gentleman for years. They were more upset about his death than anything and wanted to pay their respects to the family etc. they also needed accommodation and I think by the replies they got fixed up.
  12. All we need to know or rather would like to know is if everyone involved is OK i.e not seriously hurt. It was great to get good news about the sidecar outfit riders quite quickly it was reassuring. This speculation nonsense is just that unnecessary and condescending.
  13. Strand Street thought some nerve it would be chucking out time at 1886 round about then you would have thought there would have been a few bodies around unless the safe was right at the back of the building. The Honda Jazz was probably on Wednesday’s boat. With the price of their coffees there would have been a few bob in the safe but not enough to go to the amount of trouble and risk involved you wouldn’t think. Of course the TT period is a good time for criminal activity with crowds of people about.
  14. Now someone has nicked Costa’ s safe the one in Strand Street about 2.30 on Tuesday morning so it has taken until now for it to come to light the suspect was driving a Honda Jazz and power tools were used so a considerable noise must have been made. The police are asking for help from the public.
  15. Something needs to be be done with it an eyesore as it is.
  16. It was after the red flag incident which was after 9 . There were bikes still heading for the grandstand after 9.30 last night at Signpost so perhaps they thought the roads had opened. No excuse.
  17. People were contacting MR this morning about the food prices behind the grandstand one of the vendors reckoned that he had paid £11000 for his stand on social media so I expect that is reflected in the pricing. One guy paid £10 for three doughnuts …crazy. Filbys had high praise for value and quality and the Hailwood Cafe was praised so it isn’t the locals that are exploiting the fans.
  18. Four Spanish visitors arrived to find that their host had died and no one had informed them I hope they got sorted out. They had been previously and knew the family and were very upset about the death but obviously still needed accommodation.
  19. Interview on MR to boot…..
  20. And if you are shopping in Douglas and your next bus is not for another 20 minutes where do you wait for it with perhaps a toilet for extra convenience?
  21. Or walk on a nice day, or bring a bicycle in the boot of your car and cycle the rest of the way. The multi storey car park should have been in Duke Street where that eye sore is.
  22. There is one lady who has been banging on about a memorial for years she has now set up a petition.
  23. There was a report on MR regarding the site apparently there is a lot of problems regarding the site which have put developers off. As for building any kind of memorial this is a dreadful idea there is already a memorial garden.
  24. Nobles car park is just a joke it is ridiculous much worse than usual yesterday cars approaching from all angles. Parking on yellow lines, absolutely everywhere. The only spaces empty were the electric car spaces. Something will have to be done before a really nasty accident happens.
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