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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. There will be an informal referendum at the next election when people will make their feelings felt by voting for the candidates who hold the same convictions as they do. The members that vote against this bill will get the heave ho from the voters who are passionate about the right to chose a dignified death ,in certain circumstances, and they will be supported by voters who think this is wrong. So sitting on the fence won’t work, trying to please everyone never does you just end up pissing everyone off. This is not going to go away the grass is not that long. If I am still alive when the next election comes up and I hope that I am this will be the most important question I will be asking anyone standing for election. Cannon has shown once again what a weak, inept leader he is by his actions he is a disgrace.
  2. Cannot stand rallying just cannot see the point.
  3. So the fire is unimportant and of no interest because it is far more fun arguing about where to put an apostrophe……..there are no words….none ..
  4. We need peoples from other countries to maintain staff levels and some are excellent but they should have a certain standard of English it's stressful enough when you are ill and worried without trying to understand what is being said to you a lack of communication can have serious consequences. As for Ashford's utterances people who come from foreign countries often come for the money a lot of which they send home to their families to improve their living standards.
  5. As a kid we regularly had liver,heart or tripe for dinner and an ox tail made great soup. Pigs trotters were also sold. Of course it was war time so nothing was wasted.
  6. Obviously something was about to come out in the open that would open a can of worms so it was operation shutdown.
  7. I was out at an establishment a couple of weeks ago and it was OK nothing really to complain about but not good enough for company I was with to revisit any time soon and it wasn’t cheap. This is the problem the standard is low and that is why people cannot bothered to eat out. Putting prices up and cutting down on quality is not the answer and this is what is happening .
  8. They still have a place perhaps Robert wants to retire and Rob Jnr just wants to concentrate on that. If someone has taken over the premises it must have been doing ok. People leave business’s for various reasons.
  9. A lot of this mess was self created by the Company by their accounting system whereby people were getting inaccurate bills so they are not blame free. Has anything been reported regarding the Jersey tragedy the loss of life was horrendous and nothing seems to have happened it is quite a while now ?
  10. The survey was taken when the storms were at their worst, reported in very small type after splashing the story all over the front page. It just gets me the glee some people show when misfortune hits such as a mechanical fault it is if they rejoice when there are problems sad bastards.
  11. I think most of the culprits walk their animals in the dark so taking a photo would be difficult unless you got some of those army glasses that enable you to see in the dark the vigilantes will have a field day it could become national sport who knows 😃.
  12. No planes the other morning and difficulty the other evening not one whine but any excuse to give the Steam Packet a kicking and off they go.
  13. I can just see the staff volunteering to do that 😚 . So someone feels they have to report a man wearing a bobble hat with a blackish dog let it poo down the back lane near a church. Happy hunting 🤣
  14. I went with the family some years ago it was really sloppy apart from that it was a fun experience. Years ago I went in one of the rowing boats that used to be for hire and there was a lady who sold souvenirs and pop on it.
  15. I thought it as more of a snitch campaign \ photographic mutt competition rather than an offer to actually pick it up, still the creation of a new job is not to be sniffed at as I presume it will come with a pension, annual leave and Bank holidays off so it will be two new jobs for cover. Unless the Commissioners are volunteering to pick up themselves which is unlikely.
  16. Paul Quine was on the ball he was ok as an MHK .
  17. A formal alliance of back benchers is one thing but these three are hardly brand leaders two have been sacked for not being fit for purpose. They are band standing pure and simple every MHK probably agrees with some of their suggestions but are they viable and how can they happen. Pointing out what needs doing is easy actually finding a solution is the difficult bit. Criticizing is easy coming up with a workable answer is the hard bit. To of them have had a chance to run a department and improve it and failed. Not something to put on the CV .To come up with an opposition you need to have a good track record.
  18. 2012 sums it up perfectly, for most people eating out is a luxury and a special occasion. I have noticed recently that prices have been hiked up in the restaurants I have been in and although perhaps it was essential it discourages people from eating out. The rates are due next month, if you want the discount, and they have gone up as well as most other essential charges. People on a fixed income have to prioritise and eating out comes very low on the list of essentials.
  19. Doug was potentially the largest shareholder and when he pulled out that is when desperation set in, more on the trial in IOM Today , today.
  20. The Stanley in Ramsey has been sold, the new owner has put a piece on FB they are making two apartments on first and second floor and are asking the people of Ramsey for ideas for the ground floor which they hope to let out presumably. I expect H&B have put an embargo on anything booze related. At least it will be an improvement on the current building.
  21. No there has been a big problem all week with the technical side of it that is why there have been so many photos on FB with the results and of course MR have had a daily report as usual.
  22. We have all heard about a bottomless pit well now we apparently have one.
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