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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Yes the latest report is quite lengthy on IOM Today, interesting, very.
  2. Edge, Thomas and Christian have formed a little band and are going to take the Government to account on behalf of the public, according to Gawne the Drawl. I thought someone might have commented on the content of prospective or whatever it is called but apparently Manx Forum members don’t indulge in listening to this programme, understandably. These three are probably the biggest losers in the MHK stakes and they really enjoy a good pity party. Their claim to fame is zilch and the effect they will have is similar. They would like other back benchers to join them but I don’t think there will be much of a rush.
  3. I was told there was some movement in the shop Leonidas has taken that would be good great choccies.
  4. It was a great week with lots of talent and enthusiasm especially from the young ones and that is what it is all about showcasing the talent the Island has and the upcoming talent. In no way was it shoddy. From the brass bands to the singing to the spoken word it was fantastic. If you were following it on FB the smiles on the youngsters faces said it all, the young musicians were superb. A very successful festival with a friendly atmosphere the organisers are to be congratulated. The Guild goes from strength to strength.
  5. Why should the Braddan Commissioners be concerned ? It is not their money so it doesn’t really matter or count . Unfortunately this is the way these people think, not just them either the Government seem to have the same careless attitude with other people’s money to the point of spending money that is not there. The younger generations are going to inherit debt every way they turn I truly feel sorry for them. The playground may be great but surely it takes the shine off when you realise that it is going to be worn out and useless before it is paid for.
  6. That was harsh punishing a player because he mistakenly picked the ball up…all in the name of sport 🤨 . That referee should be dumped definitely.
  7. There has actually been a lot of dissent regarding her win by the public and if you look at her design , it is the lounge of a holiday rental apartment, it is really over the top, really in your face , a migraine waiting to happen , in fact I would leave her in the Wirral.
  8. It is probably no 12 on the menu with fried rice.
  9. Why not ban breathing and then there would be no temptation to do anything.
  10. Well it took north of two years to get the flume measurements right. The only certainty in this scenario is that it will cost double if we are lucky or triple if things pan out as they usually do as the original cost estimated.
  11. Yes it was on Facebook yesterday that she was safe and sound and thanked quite a few agencies in the search.
  12. I have seen the photos and they are grim, equipment covered in rust etc. really no excuse. As a kid I played a lot in Nobles Park and although the swings , etc were basic I.e. two bits of heavy chain and a wooden seat, they were always kept in good repair as was the roundabout and the seesaw. I have also seen pictures today of the flower beds in the top part of the park and they look amazing, really stunning . Credit where it is due.
  13. Apologies ASBO was the one …I meant , it must be the unaccustomed heat getting to me 😂. Anyway it was not granted.
  14. He was a prospective MHK some years ago but could not get the required number of backers. The prosecutor in the last case tried to get an ABH on him but the magistrate wouldn’t grant it.
  15. Gordon Howarths was around in the 70’s and Melina’s I think.
  16. Rula Lenska was married to Dennis Waterford wasn’t she ?
  17. Are you not thinking of Charlie’s Angels ?
  18. The other 7 were released on bail a couple of days ago so it is a different scenario.
  19. I assume it is new because it is drugs related but with the brilliant standard of reporting nothing is certain but they are Liverpool \ Manx addresses so I would say new. I wonder when Jason is going ask how much is it costing the taxpayer to keep all these drug related criminals in Jurby but the question is probably a bit too mundane for him.
  20. Seven used to be a lucky number but not for the 7 on the week and today 7 more appearing today. Jurby must be getting crowded.
  21. The more prices are hiked the less footfall there will be and if VAT was lowered the customers would not benefit so footfall would not increase and the Government would lose money on the VAT that is needed for Health, Education etc. and as the survey above claims there is poor value for food on the Island so hospitality need to up their game not look for handouts. The well run eateries will survive.
  22. I think the set up at Victoria Road could be turned into a holiday camp now that would be original.
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