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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. More probably he is looking for the facility to continue but on rental terms. Money is all that is cared about unfortunately.
  2. This is sad it is a quiet oasis in a busy airport when sometimes you are not feeling very well. It isn’t that big and is not very near any other retail concerns cannot see it would be desirable for retail. What a shame.
  3. He is not a member of the HOK hasn’t been for ages he is an Onchan Commissioner, catch on.
  4. Great idea we have no idea who is coming into our Island and there should be some control, the world is changing it is a very dangerous place. How did those 100 Chinese get work permits I bet their background was not investigated and where are they now ?
  5. He would have been better saying nothing if he thinks she was good he will probably follow her strategy.
  6. If he thinks she successfully managed the Group he is a bigger fool than she was total nonsense.
  7. It is better with self referral you had to phone about 8.00am and the lines were always busy waiting four weeks maybe a pain literally but once you get seen you are then in the system and they are excellent.
  8. Of course the ex MHK was cross about that photo of him in a TuTu which was a bit of fun as he had appeared in public in it anyway. I think it is the right of the public to criticise any politicians actions but if it gets personal it could put some people who would be advantageous off standing for election. Cobb has said the stupid remarks about the ACT and tea breaks have made some workers disenchanted with the job, I doubt that they must be made of stronger stuff to do the job they do but the constant banging on about it must be annoying, it is a forced break people need to realise it. No matter how high or low you are on the ladder you are still a human being and are entitled to a life.
  9. If this Government want to make some easy money and save lives at the same time they should embark on speed cameras. Fixed penalty of £20 for every mile over the speed limit. I live in a 20mph zone and it would rack up a few grand a day no problem. The equipment would be paid for very quickly and it would free the police to do other duties. How this has not already happened I cannot imagine apart from the fact some members of the Government may be shy of offending the petrol heads .
  10. The DOI need their funding cut they have overspent on Douglas prom, half inched money set aside for the horse trams not to mention Liverpool landing stage, posh cars to scare birds, no expense spared on other vehicles busses etc, the odd train engine etc etc. This money could be redirected to the health service where it is needed. DOI needs to be put on some kind of special measures and broken up it is far too cumbersome and obviously cannot cope with all the essential services under its control.
  11. Perhaps he is downsizing there are a lot of large houses on sale atm.
  12. Sorry Roger just spotted your post. Some of the expressions on the other faces are interesting to say the least the lady in the blue dress looks as if she is going to cry.
  13. Isn’t that Bill Mummery of Manx Radio fame in the white shirt ? Perhaps they are giving MR another million .
  14. Breathing leads to deaths.
  15. The Gatwick flight is consistently late it appears how the Airport is in any way to blame baffles me. The cost of keeping an airport open for one flight is ridiculous if Easy Jet cannot service this flight it should be withdrawn.
  16. It is not right to call out individuals , decisions are not made by one person it is bullying in its lowest form.
  17. Who are the seven I have only seen three.
  18. I think Manx Care is underfunded, I get a lot of care from Nobles and am grateful and usually meet quite a few people I know who are in a similar age group. People are living longer and are living more active lives now, so many people I know have had knee or hip operations as well as people being treated for other illnesses that are ongoing. Years ago old people were mostly looked after by family and if they were ill they just sat in a chair with a couple of sticks until they died now there is more treatment for illnesses and the care is so much better. Scans didn’t exist now they do and they save lives for young and old but they cost money now doctors use bloods to diagnose many diseases that clinic is always busy, costs money. A friend went away privately to have a hip operation it cost £14,000 so you can reckon every hip op on the NHS will cost the hospital perhaps £10,000 and over the year that adds up. I think our expectations are high but willingness to give Manx Care the money to meet these expectations is not there.
  19. Nonsense police driving around in Jags are one thing having two new cars that will not be used that often and only for short distances is a blatant misuse of public money and supreme arrogance in thinking the public are going to stand back and let this kind of stupidity for much longer. The DOI seems totally out of control and needs splitting up and managed correctly.
  20. One of the passengers said on FB that the flight last night was only 90 minutes late I would say an hour and a half is unacceptable not an only situation. EasyJet are noted for their late departures and ultimately the later the flight the problem is the knock on scenario. It must cost a lot of money to keep an airport open after it’s official close down time apart from the ATC situation also cooperation from essential staff.
  21. I don’t think many or any of the Onchan busses were affected so why Edge is getting excited is just grand standing she really needs to calm down . It is a bad situation which could be sorted if decent wages were paid to drivers. Tesco are paying 17 yr olds nearly £12 an hour bus drivers have a more responsible job and should be paid accordingly.
  22. There is also a cost for drainage work I think this is additional.
  23. I doubt anyone is practically giving away cars an old banger would do the job just fine. If it was their own money they were spending this would be what they would use.
  24. All they need is an old van there are thousands on the road with rusty wheels and dodgy exhausts it doesn’t have to be in good nick it is private property and there is little traffic around only their own luggage loaders and petrol tanks. This is blatant overspending if they had got a terrific deal they would not be shy about revealing the cost. Police cars are a totally different cup of tea the mileage between the two cannot be compared. Total disgrace.
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