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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Harry we had a headmaster at Murray’s Road School when I went nearly 80 years ago that is good enough for me.
  2. Cheesy peas you are a tease 🤣
  3. This headmaster at Ballakermeen seems to be making rules up as he goes along. Firstly children can only use the toilet at break times when it is busy and now this.
  4. Daphne Cain has said this was to be considered in the above according to the above Manx Radio report. Who exactly would have access to the videos ?
  5. That is disgusting and well out of line, probably against the law.
  6. As for the abrogation part we were nearly there a long time ago when a local manufacturer who employed a lot of people threatened to close down if we did and the Government decided not to, there were obviously other factors involved in that decision. Whether the right decision was made who knows , I think this was in the 70s but stand to be corrected.
  7. The world’s Bonnag champion has just been revealed according to IOM Today so news is still getting out….
  8. They have apparently started building a road just waiting for a permit. Why should Hooper back down it is his job to keep the hospital grounds safe for patients ? And if temporary permission was given it would just drag on until it became the norm.
  9. Or build a very ugly building with other people’s money, name it the Round House without any meaningful entry and exit . I think that really deserves first prize 😚 and with no chance of paying for itself anytime ever, I think it should get the runners up prize as well.
  10. Was it the Swat team ? Guns seem a bit OTT.
  11. Great timing a bit like buying a boat and then deciding to alter the pier to accommodate it when it had arrived and they did have several years notice to get the job sorted.
  12. And they need to be the public will not be happy if the hospitality business get preferential treatment. Everyone is suffering and the notion of changing the VAT is ludicrous even if it were possible just how is the lost VAT income going to be replaced? The public are totally convinced, with good reason, if this was to happen not one penny would be knocked off the ridiculous prices that some outlets are charging for food. They need to up their game and start giving their customers some decent deals and then ,perhaps, people will start eating out again.
  13. Those new buildings that have been passed are awful they do not fit in with the surrounding buildings at all. Is there any action on the Duke Street development it looked horrific the last time I was in Town which is a while ago.
  14. The memorial garden is lovely ,it was a horrific tragedy and I can remember that night as clearly as anything but the past is the past and no good can come of resurrecting the horror of it.
  15. We used to get a pie chart with the rates illustrating where the outgoings were allocated and waste collection and disposal was at that time the biggest expense.
  16. The big one Friends Provident International which is ongoing is down for 7 weeks.
  17. The local authorities spend a great deal of their budget on waste charges it definitely needs looking into.
  18. Perhaps that is the solution, remove the building support and see those walls come tumbling down .
  19. I wonder how many attended I have even told the numbers of LV have diminished considerably.
  20. I heard he had gone travelling but it was on social media so ……someone had asked the same question.
  21. Which is a pretty well established information gatherer and they have produced some really bad reports of smart meters.
  22. So how do you get a building de registered there must be a way surely. Perhaps a safety issue ? and why was this particular building registered in the first place it has been going downhill appearance wise for years. There is no thing as can’t be done if the will is there there is always a way around it.
  23. A large part of the hospitality industry’s woes are the rents of the premises. The Government are in no way responsible for rental agreements so why they should be asked to help people who have taken on premises that are not viable is quite beyond me. A lot of these woes are down to lack of business acumen and experience. Every business is hard work and accountability and not for the weak hearted.
  24. I don’t want one but cannot see any option as we will get hassle and disproportion charges made until we succumb and I have not got the energy for any argy bargy. Every day there are more horror stories regarding them in the press, they only tell you what any intelligent person already knows.
  25. You are an absolute twat and I do not use the word lightly the amount of crap that comes out of your mouth is unbelievable and I don’t care if I am put on the naughty step for saying this you are just a bad joke.
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