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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. They have a choice if there is a very large notice up warning people that the sea in that area is shit infested. They do not have a choice if they are unaware i.e. an innocent holiday maker.
  2. This one was obviously one that had been pre loved 🤣 It was jumping up there this affy really busy. Three staff assisting an old person on the self serve doings , I know they were old as they went to school with me. I had whizzed through the proper pay desk with a charming assistant serving whilst they were still messing about.
  3. How do you know they will be fine ? Are you a medical Specialist? don’t talk such rubbish.
  4. BREAKING NEWS A garden bench has now been placed behind the tills in Victoria Road. Victory for the people . IOM will be delighted 😂
  5. Yes notices should be put up warning that there is untreated waste and swim at your own risk.
  6. They get too much money and can’t wait to spend it.
  7. Marks and Spencer’s don’t have seating by the tills neither do the Coops. You will be wanting beds for a quick lie down next, possibly after you pay the bill.
  8. You can pay in monthly installments without incurring additional charges both local and government rates but those who pay the full amount in one bang in the correct time mode deserve a discount it makes financial planning much easier and secure for the authorities if there was no incentive we could all leave the money in our savings account and just take advantage of the monthly scheme.
  9. I don’t think the City Council have the power to change disabled parking spaces I would be looking at the DOI. May be wrong on this.
  10. The restaurants and pubs that do food are their own worst enemies they have raised their prices up to cover their costs but the quality of food has not improved. Lots of people are now getting takeaways because they are not getting value for money especially when they are buying wine by the glass, a medium glass of low quality wine costs more than the bottle that it is getting served from and there are five glasses in a bottle, now that is just greed and people aren’t soft. If you are in company and buy a bottle between you then it is not excessive because obviously you can see the label but buy a glass of * House Wine * and you are getting very poor value. People are turning their back on eating out because of prices that seem to increase every time you go out. They have priced themselves out of business. The best will survive and flourish the others won’t that is Business what ever you are selling and every business is in the same boat.
  11. The above report is out in full on FB , in summary all the beaches range from passable to good and excellent except Peel and Laxey which are a no,no. This is disgusting expecting visitors to come here and endanger their health by swimming in the sea at these two locations is not on, the locals hopefully are aware of the situation. The sad bit is both Laxey and Peel have nice beaches and promenades, full of character and good food outlets to hand. There have been excuses and more excuses by the MUA stating difficulty acquiring land and also objections which have held matters up. Not good enough this is a serious health issue and should be prioritised. Until it is there should be huge notices erected stating the dangers of swimming at these two places.
  12. I think the majority of the rates in all constituencies goes to waste disposal, perhaps the exception being Braddan, until this is sorted out by the Government the rates will increase yearly.
  13. They are no worse than Tynwald and do less harm.
  14. I know who the favourite is and if you fancy a bet the odds are not great 😂.
  15. Just checked mine and Onchan still at 4%.
  16. It has been alleged that a Commissioner has been talking out of school and needs to be censured but they could not do that at a recent meeting because notice has to be given. So next month it will all kick off….again. Full story IOM TODAY.
  17. I hope you didn’t miss your appointment, this is ridiculous.
  18. There was a tracing map on FB before the plane seemed to circle the Island and then do a loop towards Ireland, this was earlier on .
  19. It is a charity that is championing Diversity that is funding them hopefully the wind will go down a bit or it will be Mary Poppins all over again.
  20. They saved the Peggy how much did that cost ? Now they are planning to build a four million pound shed to house her and ongoing expense of maintaining the whole shebang. The only place that I think is worth saving is the Castle Mona which is quietly being left to rot.
  21. They are covering Strand Street with umbrellas perhaps if they have a few to spare this could add to the street art campaign for diversity.
  22. Ah…so that could explain the personal attack on Sarah Maltby in another topic but there again perhaps it is just coincidental.
  23. You could always use the usual…won big on a horse
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