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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. We will be enjoying a lot of almost new offerings from down North, Bride in particular now they cannot use the tip. They have a commissioners meeting tonight that should be interesting 😬.
  2. I don’t think the lady ,Ms Cope , from Manx Care who has been harassed could be termed as a private individual . I conclude Sarah has offended you in some way and that is why you choose to join our happy (mostly) forum to spout your spite. Well I for one am not impressed, instead of personal attacks why don’t you stand for election ? perhaps starting in an local authority to gain experience. You will find it is not as easy as it looks and very different from any expectations. As Banker has said this is a cowardly way of behaving.
  3. That is disgusting obviously just trying to avoid a trip to the tip. Also there is no such thing as a King sized single. Must be from a hotel or B and B there are a list of rules behind the door.
  4. With the recruitment drive for new residents going ahead I think we have to be very careful about whom we attract I remember a similar drive taking place in the 60s and it was very successful we got some skilled Labour and some young families but what we don’t need is a load of elderly people who think this is a peaceful place to retire to. Before anyone jumps ….I am not being ageist, I myself will never see 80 again, but our health service , nursing homes etc, just couldn’t cope. The problem with young families would be schools, housing and dentists. It is a happy idea but like the tourist trade if that were to be increased substantially where would they stay ?
  5. Perhaps on a nice day Derek but with the rain and wind we have enjoyed lately not so much. As I have said the bad days and uncertainty of whether the road is open further along the mountain takes all the financial joy out of the good days. I truly wish this venture well I have heard nothing but good about it perhaps if it were seasonal it would be more profitable. As for subsidising the many overpriced coffee shops No Way .
  6. Everyone is feeling the pinch not just one section of society, there are far too many coffee shops in Strand Street selling countless varieties of overpriced coffee. Only the strongest will survive that is life.
  7. It is not the Government’s right to give hand outs of tax payers money to reward failure, and that is what it is. Some people go into business with no plan and more importantly no plan B . Restaurants are dodgy at the best of times there have been quite a few big name chefs that have thrown in the towel lately because of overheads, it just looks easy but it is anything but. Customers are fickle they can have an excellent meal this week but a new restaurant opens and they are off to try that. To open a place in a remote position is risky and really the only time you are going to make a profit is in the summer off season will just drain what you have worked your guts off in the summer. I have heard nothing but really good reports about the service and the quality of the food and wish these brave people well and the best of luck but no taxpayers money.
  8. Knowing the way things are done they have probably been bought already and are lying somewhere, the Smart meters were hanging around for a good while before any action commenced.
  9. Of course they could but down North people know where people live, local knowledge you know, not like in the City of Douglas.
  10. When are the windmills arriving ? They haven’t finished installing the Smart meters yet. Let’s get one fantastic, expensive, idea out of the way before we embark on another cunning stunt. I say sort out the sewerage problems in Laxey and Peel out pronto that is more important in my book. I bet that 42 million is dwindling at a rate of knots.
  11. If they cannot make it pay how do they expect anyone else to work the magic. As for their suggestion regarding making it a cocktail bar they are already oversubscribed and it is the wrong end of Town or should I say the City .
  12. Restaurants are feeling the pinch, largely because of gas and electricity I would guess, although wages, rates, etc also play a part so what do they do to exist they increase prices , punters cut down on eating out as they cannot afford it….vicious circle. The lady who is complaining that she cannot attract staff should realise that her premises are not in a very desirable catchment area, you would have to have transport for a start . There is no way the VAT rate can be altered by our Government I would have thought that was common knowledge.
  13. I remember years ago you had to bring proof of residence when tipping at the old site in Pulrose.
  14. Someone has a strong desire to bury me in St Peter’s Church Yard while the ground is soft but it doesn’t do to take any notice, the irony is the family plot is in the said Church yard so someone will be doing the hard work for them….not too soon I hope 🤣. There are some very angry people on this forum their blood pressure must give rise for concern.
  15. Yes Albert it is going up to £88.50 soon that was what the kick off is about. Link Daily Mail today.
  16. Where did I day I was aggrieved ? I was merely stating a fact in reply to MM commenting about the Douglas rate payers paying for the crematorium and it being used by people all over the Island. I expect all the Parishes have graveyards to maintain and this is included in the rates.
  17. All Onchan ratepayers pay for the upkeep of the village graveyard at St Peter’s Church whether they use it or not .
  18. That explains it then .
  19. It seems harsh if Bride ratepayers are paying £250 per household against other parishes paying £50 they have very few amenities in Bride so the rates should be low.
  20. I wonder how much the guy is paid p.a. who sends out these bills and chases up the payments and banks the money etc a lot more than £20,000 a year. Surely it is better to have a few false call outs than risk a fire in a school ?
  21. People in England are kicking off as the price of renewing a passport has risen to £88 .50. on the Island it has risen to £100 the reason that has been given for our increase was to keep it in line with across. Am I missing something here ?
  22. Looking on that list obviously wrong 😔. It must be another list I have viewed.
  23. I think it just goes up to 26 th April, could be wrong.
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