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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I think Costco really only works if you buy in bulk and travel frequently to Liverpool I don’t know what their delivery charge is. A friend has been a member for a while but frequently travels away and picks stuff up in her van on the way home so it works for her. It would be interesting to find out more about it if anyone went to the Palace today.
  2. With all these price rises from Government Departments from raising kids bus fares to road tax, licences, Civic amenities, etc I would surmise the Treasury at some point has told every department to save money, make cuts, whatever….and they being the great civil service have taken the easy option of raising prices instead of causing pain or extra work in their departments. The instructions should have been to save money without increasing costs now that would have been a challenge. One that the business world faces every day.
  3. The admins do not curtail members comments as a rule unless it is in danger of getting the forum the wrong side of the law so your conception is nonsensical.
  4. Thomas’s obsession with the Steam Packet is ridiculous. The thought of backbenchers working together is even more ridiculous it is the same couple every session trying to keep themselves in the public eye .
  5. Chris Thomas is obsessed with the Steam Packet it is a Company owned by the Manx tax payers and run at arms length, why he needs to know how many sea gulls follow it as it leaves the pier is anyone’s guess. As for Moorhouse, he probably had a couple of really good questions amongst all the dross that accompanied them but they get hidden, Beecroft used to do the same never shut up so people just zoned out as soon as she stood up.
  6. Yes Kopek well said you just get rid of one beauty and another one pops up unless of course ….no that couldn’t happen could it ?
  7. Perceptions of poverty are defined differently these days years ago if you had a roof over your head, food in the table and clothes on your back you were doing alright. These days if you haven’t got a mobile phone, wide screen telly, car and if you cannot afford a holiday you will consider yourself poorly off. People’s expectations are greater. The problem at the moment is that essentials are being targeted by price rises, rents,rates, heating, taxes things that have to be paid , car insurance, road tax etc. Saving money on a fixed income is a distant dream. This Government is squeezing and squeezing and disposable income is shrinking and shrinking which has a drip effect on every business on the Island. There is no visible solution and dissatisfaction and disallusionment is rife.
  8. There are a few more that should be put on the boat. In the day any holiday makers who caused trouble were fined the amount of cash they possessed less the boat fare and stuck on the boat. They were good times.
  9. How can you compare a Tiki Kiki with a pint of liquid gold ?🤣
  10. What league table ? I am not referring to football 🤣 even though my team is at the top.
  11. This is the way Edge now describes herself . Nothing as bitter as a woman scorned 🤮 ever since she got relieved of her Ministership she has been sarcastic about Government policies strangely when she was one of the gang she uttered not a squeak this turnabout does her no favours there is not a prize for the best hissy fit and she certainly does not speak for me roll on the next election and please, please let us have someone whom we can have confidence in standing for election we had no choice last time.
  12. The Government are desperate for money and are looking to raise some using any means they can, the doorbell tax or whatever you may call it sums it up. Local Authorities have, with one exception ,increased rates substantially and waste disposal is the universal cost that has hit them hardest it would seem. Who controls waste disposal…the Government, they have raised prices at the amenity centres for some commodities. Road Tax no doubt has gone up along every government controlled department, there is no end to it . We will all appreciate these extra charges when a grant is given to house The Peggy in it’s splendid new surroundings though won’t we after all what is four million and counting .
  13. I really hope you are right John because a lot of people in the sheltered housing complex use Onchan it is virtually next door and they just walk down the lane and the staff there are great.
  14. The Lake Road and Victoria Road stores are termed as SuperStores no doubt to prepare us for all the others being Express Stores even Onchan which is just up the road l. Shame on them the people who don’t drive , mostly pensioners, are being victimised.
  15. There is no point in arguing, worrying or even thinking about it the MEA have in all probability bought the windmills, with what god only knows but that has never stopped them before. The 42 million, or what is left of it, will probably go towards this great plan after that well once we get an inspirational idea cost doesn’t seem to be a problem. Did Peggy get her expensive, how much ? roof, ssh a mere four million. Jessop should be a consultant on the windmill project he managed to build a very ugly, unsustainable building without any means to enter or exit 🤣 without any dissention from the people who ultimately will be paying for it for the foreseeable future and beyond. The MEA could learn from this a lesson there undoubtedly.
  16. The postbox near me used to be emptied around 5.00 pm and any local post was delivered the next day, now the postbox gets emptied at 10.30 am and god knows when it gets delivered this downward slide in service has happened in the past few months. Everything service wise seems to be going backwards in spite of costing more.
  17. Events company handed 10 year contract to run TT full story on IOM Today.
  18. I think the price of materials is to blame for the over budget situation I was speaking to a builder the other day and he said the price of everything has rocketed. When you think of how much the Round House escalated in cost this cost for a very much needed care home does not seem so bad in comparison .
  19. Overhead cables have proved to be unreliable over the years it is really a backward move I would think.
  20. The cancellation of the mail plane must be having an adverse financial effect on the Newspaper distributor G.E.White and a drip down effect on Newsagents.
  21. There was another interesting planning application as well the Manx Telecom have one in for 50 telegraph poles to be erected to enable fibre broadband connections.
  22. I have heard that the cost of installation will be met through increases in standing charges, which is already happening next increase in April, I have no solid evidence of this but it seems likely that this is the case as they have to raise the money somehow. So even if you do not agree to have one you will still be paying for the whole operation. Seems about right this is the way things usually turn out.
  23. Which have done a survey of Smart Meters the result was not confidence building.
  24. Regarding Smart meters has the cost of installing them been written into the estimated cost of the complete job ?
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