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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I wonder if the golfers will get invited to the free lunch quite a few wealthy bods golf at Ramsey Y’know . If the lunch is at 1.00 and the service starts at 10.30 am it will be quite a long sermon. Are dogs allowed ? Asking for a friend with a very friendly pit Bull.
  2. As I say Gladys the Onchan one is next door to the sheltered accommodation and the pensioners can walk there, however if Nelly is correct and I truly hope she is it will be fine.
  3. We haven’t got an army ….apart from that….😑
  4. I hope you are right Nellie someone who works there told me it was going to be an Express which would be a shame as the sheltered housing residents use it and quite a number don’t drive. That is good news for all.
  5. So Onchan Tesco is going to be an Express but Victoria Rd is going to be the proper job it seems a bit unfair that two stores a stones throw away should have different prices. It may not seem much when you say 20p or so on an item but if you are doing a big shop it will be a huge difference. It is discrimination and does not bode well for customer relations. The Coop will probably gain from this.
  6. I thought he wanted it instead of VAT must have misheard.
  7. They are protesting in Ramsey over the incarceration of their great leader the Antijabber ,a woman filming everyone that passes her whether on foot or driving someone should stick her camera where the Sun doesn’t shine. That is must be a new record two protests on a Monday morning 🤣
  8. There is a very strong feeling in Onchan from the people who were stuck in Garff , I know some who have not voted since this happened and they are continually on to Rob Callister to bring it up in Tynwald , to his credit he has. This is not Parish pump politics because it affects voters in the General Election, the main concern is they do not know the people in Garff who stand for election. Splitting Onchan in two was a wanton act and if the voter’s of Onchan are unhappy about it they have a right to be heard. What bigger issues are being dealt with at the moment ? Nothing of note has happened since this Government has been formed except of course raising the cost of everything except fresh air and I wouldn’t hold your breath on that.
  9. There are other services with refreshments over the weekend they are in the courtyard. They must behaving a recruitment drive.
  10. I am too tight to pay for newspapers these days just full of rubbish and adverts. I read the stuff I am interested in online.
  11. If anyone would like to partake of a free carvery lunch on Good Friday there is a service at Ramey Golf Club at 10.30 am followed by a carvery lunch sponsored by Living in Hope. The details are on the Ramsey pinboard on FB.
  12. That is exactly my point PT all Island voting would be a much better scenario and the Island is not that large the candidates could make themselves known without too big a workout.
  13. Leg Co are chosen by the MHKs that the voters have elected so when voting for them you are really giving them the authority to choose LegCo and the Chief Minister. Not really perfect but different from a man that is foisted on you who has been chosen by an outside agency. I still think all Island voting would be better it would give the electorate a bigger arena to choose from.
  14. I don’t think an unelected man with no knowledge of our Island should have a vote in our Government, I don’t think they ever should have and this is the time to put it right.
  15. Last time around it was Rob Callister, in the same job , who was accused of bullying also accused in this recent episode was the lovely Tanya it sounds as if a slight raising of the voice constitutes bullying these days. FFS a load of snowflakes abound in the wonderful world of Health or the job of Minister must be so frustrating people are losing their cool big time , I think it is the latter as this unrest has been going on for years . Howard he took a little break to visit New Zealand and look how that turned out. The poisoned challis sums this position up and it takes nerves of steel to take it on Hooper had a nice little Ministership when he was asked to take the Health one up and it is to his credit he bit the bullet.
  16. Not a bit of it people have moaned about the Bishop having the vote for years. Joney tried to sort this out in June and Lawrie has now taken it further. The reason of the timing is because the Island is between Bishops and it would be a good idea whilst there is no one in situ that the matter is sorted. The next Bishop will be without a doubt a cleric who has about four years to go before being put out to pasture like the last three. We have managed for a while now in Tynwald without one and it will be a while yet before one is offered the position so a perfect opportunity to change the format without it being personal. It is not a distraction if it had been sorted out in June it would have been done and dusted now.
  17. If it ever happens there cannot be much left of the £42 mill now with the way they splash the cash.
  18. The business plan for the Round House was on the back of a fag packet ,allegedly, so any improvement on that has to be a plus.
  19. I as discussing vaping with an young person who has recently left school and was told that the year 11s were accused of setting the fire alarms off until a teacher went into the boys toilets and found some little prick holding a lighted match under the fire alarm and this had apparently been done on numerous occasions so perhaps a prefect could undertake toilet duty and stop all this nonsense. Some toilets were locked in break time which seems ridiculous to me if you are trying to encourage children to use the toilet then. I still maintain no child should be prevented from going to the toilet when they need to.
  20. I have been watching Manx Radio’s recording of the Queen at Government House and the children she had chatted to were interviewed , without exception they said they had really enjoyed meeting the Queen she had chatted to them and they thought she was lovely. How refreshing after reading some of the cynical and nasty remarks online made by some sad and sour people. The day appears to have gone very well and I am glad for all involved.
  21. It is taking a hammer to crack a nut these extreme measures are affecting the normal decent students as well as the few that are abusing the system. Well Daphne is back from Malta so she will sort it out after the tiles at the NSP.
  22. Well Andy you could be spot on there because that is where the flumes came from and whilst they were over ordering them they could have well seen a tile sale and decided to snap them up so two bargain buys .
  23. I think on the original plans there was a road, open to correction on this, but they were running out of money and just abandoned that plan and went on building the Roundhouse regardless. The whole conception is crazy they will never generate enough income to meet the outgoings, I feel so sorry for the residents of Braddan but blaming the failure of this nonsensical idea on other people is just not on it is a distraction that some people have fallen for unfortunately.
  24. The back story is that some toilets are being locked during break time and some of the kids cannot get to use them. Most children can hang on for 40 minutes or even longer but there are always the odd ones who can’t. To refuse a child that wants to go is really bad and this draconian action will backfire. Daffy was in Malta when this news broke she also missed the tiles saga in the NSC.
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