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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. It is not spite sheer or otherwise if you were a patient that had to park in the hospital main car park and then make your way in a wheelchair or on sticks to the hospital buildings which have very busy clinics down a narrow road with no pavement. There are about eight parking spaces outside the clinic but the chance of finding one empty is like getting a Tesco delivery or winning the lottery. The DATU clinic and other clinics are busy and when I go it is mostly elderly people using it. The Hospital Trust has a duty to their patients and Laurie Hooper is right in putting patient safety first. The fault lies fairly and squarely with Braddan Commissioners who built without any thought as to providing a proper entry and exit .
  2. Finger right on pulse there Joe…the lack of transparency about the results of the investigation ….I know a bit of cherry picking but to a lot of people who still have not a clue what happened but were horrified at what occurred leaving a man with dreadful injuries the buck stops at the top, that is life.
  3. Jacs are excellent choose something on line, ring up order it and pay on line and it is delivered usually next day if the item is over £20 for free I always use them.
  4. How the harassment went on for so long is unbelievable and the idea that a warning would suffice is ridiculous, I still think this man has mental problems and sadly unless they are confronted the problem will continue . He should have been sectioned especially after his behaviour in court his mind is clearly unbalanced. No one should have to live in fear.
  5. By his standards she was doing an amazing job and that folks says it all.
  6. I am now going to watch the rugby for the rest of the afternoon having said my piece 🤣.
  7. Hooper is publicly elected by the people of Ramsey, came top of the poll, and I would imagine most people ,if not all , knew him before they cast their vote and that should not be forgotten. I have never met the man but at least he doesn’t sit on the fence like some cowardly MHKs who hide behind the electorate and are incapable of making a decision.
  8. She is by reputation a very forceful lady with strong views and I don’t think she would fit comfortably on any committee with anyone else who also held strong views that didn’t concur with hers, allegedly.
  9. Looking at that picture that road is truly disgusting 😬.
  10. An unelected man who knows sweet FA about the Isle of Man and is just marking time before retirement who will have a vote affecting the well being of the people of this Island. No thank you very much the vote taken in Tynwald should stand it is the right time when there is not a Bishop in situ. Rob Callister is an absolute pain with his inference and meddling he is only trying to harness votes from the god botherers whilst sitting on the fence so he doesn’t offend the people who believe politics and religion do not mix.
  11. I am amazed the COC has lasted so long after the disastrous collision fiasco which no one ever took responsibility for. They will be crying out for marshals again the week before practices commence, If they had half a brain they would be trying to interest people to sign up now.
  12. I think it was the DOI that wants this increase not Treasury.
  13. Daphne will be too busy sorting out the toilet situation at Ballakermeen school I hope she got chance to have a chill in Malta.
  14. So if Dave is on this Forum morning,noon and night as he has just stated when does he work ?
  15. Annette Baker previous head of Ballakermeen school I think she opposed the Chicken place on Peel road because she didn’t want her pupils going down there at lunchtime, allegedly. She also had a lot to say when the Island was in lockdown.
  16. What a ridiculous commotion because of an hours delay. The planes are often delayed and not a word. There seems to be a vendetta against this new boat by some idiots on FB who have nothing else to do and rejoice every time it is late or doesn’t sail , yes it has had a shaky start combined with some very stormy weather there have been delays but we live on an island and it is Winter there was even someone on this forum yesterday saying the boat wasn’t going when it was . Most of the clowns on FB have probably not left the Island for years or they would realise all forms of transport experiences delays, just try travelling by train.
  17. In news today cruise ships are going to be hit with a 55% increase in fees when they visit. I don’t really know if cruise passengers add a lot to the economy but surely there are gains somewhere along the line. The Government seem so desperate for money atm it is making me nervous do they know something we are not a party to. First kids bus fare increases which proved very unpopular, then the doorbell fiasco the police asking for footage a government department reminding us that we should be paying 70 quid if we have footage outside our property , now trying to discourage people bringing tourists. What the H… is going on ?
  18. To label anyone as horrible on another person’s say so just about sums you up I have been in his Company many times and he was a very nice man with a lovely singing voice. You speak as you find not on other people’s views in my world.
  19. Rob Callister will certainly feel the results of his meddling at the next election. It was obvious that most of the voters in favour of the Bishop retaining his vote and seat were a concentrated number who had organised a campaign . I despair the church causes nothing but grief in the political arena across the water politics and religion do not mix.
  20. The residents and staff were promised they were going to the new home they were shown plans it really is the bees knees absolutely great.
  21. When you apply to be honoured with City status it has consequences, one being the King or his representative visits the City until that happens the City status is not valid. The time to query ‘ how much ‘ is before you make the formal application not now…too late is the cry. Remember Douglas Council asked for this it was not thrust upon them so they should and probably will shoulder the cost which will probably amount to sandwiches and sausage rolls they may even open the bar. The cost of security should not be that much the swat gang are pretty well underemployed anyway so that is about it.
  22. Julie Edge is clearly on a mission to be as disruptive and uncooperative because she got the boot which was long overdue this attitude is doing her no favours and is petulant and pathetic. She needs to grow up.
  23. The Chief Minister explained on MR why he initially did not make the report public. Apparently there were statements from a lot of people who for privacy reasons or data protection could not be named in the report so their names had been deleted and the CM said it would be very difficult to get a clear picture with so many deletions. The people who had made statements were obviously still employed at Nobles and were probably promised anonymity. I think I have got this right but this is the gist of it as I understood it.
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