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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Well that is to be expected as the City Hall is the venue for the event.
  2. She, Camilla, is called the Queen as that is what she is.
  3. What he is doing is supporting a man who is a criminal and a public nuisance.
  4. I think for his own sake as well as others he should have been sectioned as this man definitely needs help and locking him up is not going to solve anything at all if anything it will probably send him over the top. I know this is not in the court’s power but when he was arrested perhaps then he should have been assessed. This will not go away and the whole sad situation will escalate. I feel very sorry for Prof. Glover it must have been a frightening experience for her.
  5. They seem to change the items in the imaginary basket from time to time and I think sometimes it is just to show what they want you to see sort of a smoke and mirrors effect. I know a good accountant can make figures figures show what needs to be shown , without any wrongdoing, presentation is everything . It is swings and roundabouts with shopping and if you have the time and means to shop around and take advantage of offers you have a distinct advantage. As for shopping daily that is what I would describe as hand to mouth shopping and such a waste of time but each to their own .
  6. Hooper is doing his job . That road is not sustainable for heavy traffic it is the property of the Manx Hospital Trust and they have to think of patients safety. The whole concept is a joke and Braddan Commissioners are trying to detract blame by passing the buck .The Commissioners have failed on all sides and even if the Trust turned around and gave them permission to use the road temporarily until they could sort out a proper exit and entry it would still be a joke. They are going to punish the ratepayers for decades to make up the shortfall between income and outgoings I.e. interest payments not even taking in consideration any essential repairs and maintenance .
  7. They have increased the price of my favourite wine by £1 in the last couple of weeks so not impressed. On the other hand the staff are far better off financially so that is all good.
  8. He was the one on MR that threatened to remove any barriers the Manx Health Trust or DOI positioned or is there two Quaye’s on the Board.
  9. So they won’t get too many on that bus 😅
  10. That should speed the appointments up a fair bit, in and out that is the way to do it .
  11. There was one representative in 2020 now there are three ?
  12. It is not a well paid job for the type of person with the ability and experience that is needed. I don’t know anyone who has a good job in the private sector that would be even slightly interested. The Town Clerk of Douglas City Council gets moe than that and more importantly security of tenure. What security does a five year period as a MHK offer ? That is why we only get chancers and people who have good intentions but are not up to the job. Why do we vote for them ? because there is virtually no choice it is best of bunch. Off this comes the reluctance to stand up for anything vaguely contentious as it may lose them votes at the next election. They do not want the public’s opinions they just want to pass the buck. If a Chief Minister had better tools to work with things would be very different and sackings and movings would not be needed.
  13. To an extent yes but it is the discrepancy between Robs version and Michelle’s version of who pays what that I was interested in and the fact that the trip was getting a very bad reception from the GP on FB that I was pointing out. Roger’s input was very illuminating and factual as per usual and we are clear on the matter now. The question is if Ann C. went before on her own why is it now deemed desirable to have three representatives. Rob C. is surely important enough to warrant his own thread without distractions.
  14. Well said Gladys. The position of a Moderator is not one I would like to do and I think they should be respected and thanked for the time they put in.
  15. And if you go on FB Michelle H. is stating this trip is not being paid for by the tax payer.
  16. According to Michelle they are buying their own sun cream and drinks…..phew so that is ok then.
  17. I have just read the Rob Callister thread and realised this has been to some extent covered but how is it Michelle H. has put on FB the cost is being born by the CPA and Rob is saying they book the cheapest flights and modest hotels. Come on guys get your stories straight.
  18. They are certainly getting a hard time about this little jolly, over a hundred comments and still mounting. Michelle Heyward has taken it upon herself to defend the trip. This apparently is not being funded by the tax payers the CPA are funding it, the Island gives the CPA twenty grand a year ,so we should be grateful that we are getting value for money, my words, then she goes on to say the flights are the cheapest on offer so if we are booking the flights we must be chipping in. The argument is very much alive and I think before it is finished Michelle will wish she had done another activity this morning other than going on line.
  19. I am amazed that dance shop lasted as long as it did I have yet to see anyone in it I wonder how the material and wool shop is doing that looks to be quiet they were in Howard Street for ages, Strand Street rents are a killer and then the rates on top before you start on running costs such as leccy and staff wages. It is sad we are going to end up with just coffee and charity shops soon.
  20. There are MHKs that have got elected on the tail coat of L.V. and then decided to be an independent. L.V. have been used this way more than once.
  21. If someone is just up for an argument instead of a debate it is better to ignore. I do think there are less people posting these days as the forum is getting bogged down with name calling and sniping, so unnecessary.
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