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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. You don’t need to put the correct email address it works whatever you put 🤣
  2. Or a Braddan Commissioner. 🤣. No , probably that idiot that has started the petition he has about 1000 signatures now only 85,000 to go, minus the children and young people. Of course he had 200 COC members for a starter and then no doubt Michael Mouse of petition fame was mentioned.
  3. Interested Reader was just a political stirrer and when no one rose to his musings has hopefully slunk off for good. If I were a suspicion person I would think IR had a personal interest in the current goings on.
  4. Let’s just hope the boat sails.
  5. Hopefully this will not be the case let us wait and see at least it is a step in the right direction.
  6. Why on earth would the UK step in, nothing to do with them.
  7. I was always warned against carrying documents in the car such as log book etc as if the vehicle was stolen it would be easier to sell on.
  8. So 500 people, big deal, what percentage of about 80000 population is that ? I have subtracted 5000 for children and young adults. Petitions achieve nothing of course the media will try and whip up interest but if the boat does not sail or some other fascinating piece of news occurs interest will soon get diverted. The only support from MHKSs will be from the no hopers, Callister, Edge,Moorhouse,Glover and Christian perhaps Thomas. If they were culled perhaps the political scene would improve.
  9. I am sure the trouble at QE2 was when Edge was in charge. Also there were no drag queens there was a person that did a drag act in their spare time . It was Julie Edge that appointed two people to investigate the matter, god knows how much that cost, the report came out in drips and drabs and the whole affair was a ridiculous debacle. Under review, eventually the programme was withdrawn and new guide lines were set up.
  10. What has Clare Christian done ? Nothing that I can see.
  11. I didn’t realise the COF had 200 members last time of asking it had about 70 and when did they they not complain about the the budgets of the past I cannot remember them actually approving of anything the government does. All through Covid they whined about their members not getting enough help now we are paying the price of helping them. The budget, as I see it, set out to help the vunerable it increased carers allowances, child allowances and other benefits. The extra NI that will be raised has been ring fenced for the Health Service and a lot of comments I have heard have been in favour of this. How much is a pint of larger these days or a packet of fags or a couple of coffees in town ? Put in context it is not the end of the world and providing it is put towards the Health Service it seems a reasonable way to raise funds. When it comes to raising funds it always hurts but could the moaners and pitch fork merchants do any better ?
  12. Could this have not been sorted out one way or another at the end of last year not just before the holiday season is fast approaching with Easter being a few weeks away. Apathy is the enemy.
  13. There will always be people raising objections to this bill which is sad the idea that shed loads of terminally ill people will beat a path to the Island is ludicrous. The residency clause will ensure it will be a service available to residents that is the aim. It is telling that there was not a great outcry when the frail and sick elderly were put on the Liverpool pathway when they were cruelly deprived of food and water to hasten their departure , that went on for years but it was rather an under the counter approach. The difference here is the patient is in control not being controlled. There are not great numbers of people who will choose this path but it should be an option.
  14. I am so glad I do not have a door bell , so much angst 🤣.
  15. I think raising the kids bus fares was a big mistake there are more people kicking off about that than the NI rise even though the family allowance has been increased. It seems to be the straw that broke the camels back. If they had to raise it they could have waited until September when the new school year starts. We are talking of about £45.000 which is a decent amount but not a good move in the circumstances. When I was a kid in the 1940s it was two old pence so obviously we walked unless the weather was really bad and it had to be bad.
  16. The work at Victoria Road has had a knock back now scheduled to open at end of March.
  17. If crazy Dave is in the private sector he has proved they do very little but post on forums every day.
  18. It doesn’t matter that it is not new it is the first time they are making it big news and making people aware of it.
  19. Anyone who has a house that opens straight onto the street, or pavement, will be liable or even if they have steps onto the pavement or a small front garden it is crazy.
  20. There are lots of laws that have been passed yonks ago but not enacted on. Finlo is spot on they are desperately trying to raise some readies. They will take your eyes and come back for the sockets 🤣.
  21. No it is £11.000 pounds for Dignitas the rest of the money was hiring a private plane according to the D.Mail who reported on it following that documentary. Cheaper than the average wedding these days for comparison purposes.
  22. The bill has been delayed by a month originally it was due to be debated in March now April it is pretty obvious that Ashford and his committee have been waiting for the UK to have come up with its Dignity in Dying committees conclusion.
  23. I think a lot of people will just get rid of doorbells we existed without them for long enough.
  24. If Moorhouse got laryngitis what a peaceful session it would be.
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