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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Clare Christians business went down the pan so not such a great business woman at all.
  2. I loved him Mervyn who was manager at the Gaiety walked on the stage one night I was in the audience and handed him some keys and said he was off and told Ken to lock up when he had finished. Obviously a put up job but the audience loved it.
  3. Actually after following the two latest planning decisions, which were both controversial, he seem to be doing a decent job as Chairman of the planning committee. I think someone is making the bullets for him to fire regarding the CM affair.
  4. I was amazed to find help on Isle of Man News and Politics and after proving I as not a robot, which took a few attempts, I seem to be safely in. I must say for the couple of days I was out I missed the Forum I know we argue and have little spats but there is some good information in amongst the chat. Thank you to the moderators and all concerned.
  5. Yes that would have been a plan WTF what a great car park that would have made but I think they run out of money and had to borrow from the pension fund or some other fund I bet that never got put back. It probably wouldn’t have cost fortunes either.
  6. Ken Dodd would not have been performing at any Broadway Hotel he could get two full houses at the Villa Marina on a Sunday.
  7. Any MHK who canvas’s the opinions of their constituents on FB is dim witted to say the least.
  8. No the Jessop memorial roundhouse would be more accurate he is the one who has built a white elephant without providing access. The Hospital Trust is 100% right protecting the patients who have to use that road, without pavements also the extra wear and tear on the road is not acceptable it is not a main road.
  9. Cannan has pointed out the correct way to proceed if they want to get rid of a CM he has made Callister and the southern twerp look stupid as they really are.
  10. Whatever the plan access should have been a priority.
  11. He was the greatest, no smut just really funny.
  12. IOMToday are now blocking most of there posts unless you give them your email address etc. No thank you there are other ways to get news and pictures with the heads off.
  13. It is all over FB people giving away to recycle or to people just starting out some awful tatty gear, to be fair there is also some decent stuff , but why trail to the tip when you can give away fridges, tellys, which have to be paid for when you can get them taken away by someone for free. Some of the mattresses leave a lot to be desired.
  14. Threads tend to meander a little at times it is just the way things go.
  15. Well at least Rob has given people a good laugh now that people have got the measure of him I think his political career is very short lived.
  16. The chuckle brothers from the south have now joined Rob in the great uprising…I think Alf is quite safe if this is the strength of it. Of course if he isn’t on Face Book he is probably unaware of this pointless excercise. How many voters are in Onchan ? How many read and commentated on Rob’s proposal? Remember what happened to Guy Faulks , he didn’t come out of it very well 🤣.
  17. If we have a good storm all the graffiti, sorry artworks, and little shiny forty grand lights will suffer so no storms please.
  18. The practice I go to is great if you ring up for a same day appointment you are triaged by the receptionist, to a point, if your condition is urgent or you are vulnerable, child or elderly , you always get an emergency appointment at least that is my experience. If you want a specific Doctor on a non urgent medical problem you will have to wait a couple of weeks or so. My belief has always been if you really feel poorly you are grateful to see any Doctor that is available. You can also request a telephone consultation. The number of missed appointments is very high which I think is awful you cannot blame the post because if you get a letter from the surgery it tells you to ring up and make an appointment.
  19. I skimmed through the article regarding the German take on cannabis and people are allowed three plants for personal use that should be in🤣teresting
  20. If my memory serves me correctly when the number dropped from 16 to 13 members it was the lovely Daphne who proposed it of course this happened in Howard’s reign and there was no love lost there. I stand to be corrected on this one it was a while ago.
  21. Howard Caine is married to a school teacher if that solves the puzzle. However as he is really only involved with a music programme and has taken over T.Cs spot I cannot see the connection.
  22. In reality it is already part privatised . Quite a few of my friends have in desperation paid to have surgery done who years ago wouldn’t have dreamt of such a move and they are not wealthy people. Most of of it has been joint replacement but other stuff as well. When you get to a certain age two, three or more years to wait for a procedure is a good lump out of the time you may have left especially if you are in pain. The same for dentistry I had a NHS dentist for years then he retired and I could not get sorted out so went private and most of my friends are in the same boat. Also there are a lot of firms now that include private medical care and obviously the employees use this. I suspect things will change and possibly people will get incentives to purchase health care much as people get their pets covered by pet insurance the way things are going something has to give.
  23. The trouble is twofold, firstly the prison is filling up at an alarming rate and secondly when one dealer gets nabbed there is always one waiting in the shadows to take over. I really don’t know what the answer is but at rate of play we will be having to build another wing on the prison.
  24. A meeting was held on the 21 st in PSM by Manx Heritage to update the public on the ongoing saga of The Peggy. It was stated it will be an attraction for the international visitors and interested locals. I have just spotted the blurb for this on FB , I had hoped this unnecessary spending of money had been shelved but apparently it is going full throttle ahead. What kind of dream world are some people living in, I despair.
  25. I wouldn’t put money on it there is a vast difference to making the bullets and firing them.
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