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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Why was Geraldine upset ?
  2. Quite a few politicians have been re elected over the years by practicing parish pump politics.
  3. That is true but to openly state that she will not promise to support the CM whom she had a say in electing, the public didn’t, smacks of being hostile to his policies which is not very helpful neither is it in the best interests of the Island. It just sounds petulant and childish. She gets too much public money to indulge in flounces or hissy fits. Get over it Julie you still have a job and a paycheck.
  4. We will see, anyhow 1500 people have signed the petition and the Wild Bird Trust is objecting so the outcome will be interesting. I do hope you and your mate Crazy Dave have fun untwisting your knickers 🤣
  5. If she can’t support the Chief Minister she should resign.
  6. It would be a good gig for Stu.
  7. He is quite right the Braddan commissioners should have sorted out a suitable entry road before building commenced, in fact I believe they did but ran out of money so could not go ahead with it. It is in no way the Hospital Trusts job to supply a suitable entry apart from the danger to patients the extra wear and tear on the road which is a very minor road, without footpaths, is not a good idea. I hope the Hospital Trust stick to their guns . It is not him that is being petty the Commissioners have boobed in a big way and now looking to cast the blame on others.
  8. Josh at no time denied the houses would be built on stilts, why would you do that if there was no possibility of flooding. I suggest before dissing my post completely you have a chat with some of the people living on the Glen Road in Laxey and ask them about their experience with insurance claims and high premiums.
  9. You have not got the power that the ones up the hill have if you did I think you would possibly be worse.
  10. A lot of candidates dip their toes in the water by serving on local authorities, Town Councils etc. This is not a bad thing I don’t think it gives them some sense of how politics work but even so if they do get elected they are heavily reliant on CS at first for advice and that is when the trouble starts when the lines get blurred.
  11. Why don’t they strike closer to home, people living in England below the Midlands struggle when asked where the Island is located unless they ride motorcycles.
  12. With cost of keeping these twerps in the chokey perhaps that is why sentences are lighter than would be expected also as there were 90 beauties inside last September and there is only room for 120 consideration has to be given to numbers it wouldn’t do to have a full house especially with the amount of money it is costing.
  13. It is tentatively as it demonstrated how some employers encouraged their employees to engage in politics. 😑
  14. That is the current way forward, or backward, for him . Ask my constituents is his byword and then of course he is pleasing the crowd and avoiding any criticism or blame. Shameless.
  15. People in Laxey had a dreadful job trying to get insurance after flooding occurred on the Glen Road that is a fact and the man who is representing the building concern seemed a bit lost for an answer when he was asked why the houses were being put on stilts to combat flooding that according to him was never going to happen. He came over to me as arrogant and went over the same points again and again. Phil cut him off in the end because of the adverts, thankfully. With climate change and the more intense weather fronts places are getting flooded that have never suffered from excess water before. There must be more acceptable places to build on rather than spoil a place next to a nature reserve. I would advise anyone considering purchasing a property here to get their insurance company’s take on it before committing.
  16. The MUA used to let employees off to attend Douglas Town Council meetings allegedly, in the day, don’t know if that still happens.
  17. There could be a new party formed…no marks United.
  18. Rob was saying he has had 100’s of messages, well the Facebook response was nowhere near that this morning around 25 when I saw it and half of them were not constituents of his of course it may have increased as the day has worn on but I doubt it.
  19. Chris Thomas has none if any support and the team you proposed is dire. I keep saying this Alf Cannan has not got the material with sufficient experience, brain power, intelligence, whatever, to work with he must be tearing his hair out . He puts them in a Ministerial position they make a cats paw of it so he moves them on what is he supposed to do leave them to make a bigger mess and who has he got to replace them ? We were in the same position at the last election the choice was worse than dire so you just have to vote for the two who you think will cause the least damage. Time for all Island voting that will not solve the problem but it will be a start.
  20. If they start adding extras to the drinking water they will have a shed full of single use plastic bottles to contend with.
  21. Someone said the other day Rob had gone quiet now we know why 🤣 planning an uprising 🤣 Dear,dear.
  22. There were 90 prisoners in Jurby in June . So over £90,000 per week .
  23. The matter I was pondering about was the total amount so how many prisoners are in for drug related offences ? There used to be a regular head count published.
  24. So the total cost must be eye watering no wonder we are broke.
  25. Are you for real ? It is finlo that has helpfully answered my question . Keep up or ….
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