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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. The matter I was pondering about was the total amount so how many prisoners are in for drug related offences ? There used to be a regular head count published.
  2. So the total cost must be eye watering no wonder we are broke.
  3. Are you for real ? It is finlo that has helpfully answered my question . Keep up or ….
  4. She was doing a dreadful job which she has hung onto by the skin of her teeth for far too long. Whether she was fired for this or not is debatable but she has probably lasted this long because Alf could not think of anyone he had spare to replace her. He really has his work cut out with the material he has to work with.
  5. I am surprised Edge has lasted as long as she has just one calamity after another and she obviously had no idea what was going on in her own department hence the QE 11 debacle, the flumes, and no idea what as and wasn’t on the plans for the new Castle Rushen building. Her lack of knowledge of what was going on was outstanding, not in a good way.
  6. I wonder how much it costs per annum to keep all the people imprisoned for drug related offences at the Jurby Continental. One guy got 20 years that must be costing a fair whack providing of course he does the full time. I am not arguing the wrongs and rights of long sentences for drug offences just wondering how much money is entailed.
  7. On the bright side we have still got a nice new building which I understand is still very quietly going ahead to house a wreck of an awl fishing boat which may or may not have been used by a smuggler, also there will a couple of Government jobs going to take money of the excited queue of holiday makers who have travelled far and wide to view this eighth wonder of the world, also a cleaning firm will be involved to keep the building stick and span. A plaque, no doubt, to complete the exhibit. So all is not doom and gloom if we can afford this there must be some hidden assets the great unwashed know nothing about.
  8. All John Wannenburgh does is object to anything and everything. This does not make a person excellent unless the person comes up with a bigger and better idea or solution to the proposal or plan. What exactly is his claim to fame, where has he performed in a department and made a difference ? There is no point or value in dissent unless you can offer a workable alternative. Josem is a prime example of this he is just a big yap, lots to say, critical in extreme, but no answers.
  9. I see Mr bitter and twisted Thomas took the opportunity to try and gather a few votes with his pathetic attempt regarding money to be spent on schools. Castle Rushen has been an ongoing project for too long but he begrudges this trying to turn attention to schools in his own patch. What a boi he is his c.v. speaks volumes nothing achieved, sacked by two C.M.s now trying to scrabble enough votes to get re elected. The other dissenters are in the same mound, load of nowts.
  10. While they still have a person on reading the news whom you have to strain to understand MR is doomed. There are plenty of other positions in the station they could be doing but the one thing that most people tune in for is the news if you cannot get a person who can speak clearly to do this you may as well throw in the towel.
  11. Sounds like one of his pronouncements, how the …. did he ever get to be CM this was the start of the decline.
  12. Five losers if ever there was self important idiots each with their own agenda.
  13. Well Braddan Commissioners may be looking for a few new board members in March after the requisition meeting and a few resignations so there could be an opening there for him he would fit right in.
  14. Josem has had his five minutes of fame posing as the Manx Tax Alliance or something like that what a plonker .
  15. And the one with the most to say doesn’t even live here and has never had a good word to say about the Island . Why the interest ? Must be living a very sad life somewhere , perhaps Fantasy Island 🤫.
  16. Politicians are going to make some difficult decisions tomorrow says the Dr so we have been warned.
  17. FFS Crazy…..there are no words…
  18. So, please do tell which are going to be Express Stores ?
  19. They have probably just received their leccy bill.
  20. This is indeed the danger that Victoria Road may have the same prices on goods as Lake Road but the other smaller stores will become Express and be priced at convenience store levels. This will be the test of how good and great Tesco will be for the Island.
  21. I strongly dispute the statement that this permissible has been challenged on a whim. Patients safety has to come first . This fiasco is down pure and simple to the lack of planning and foresight of Braddan Commissioners. If anything is to be labeled a whim it is the whole sorry conception of a pie in the sky community hub that is going to cost the ratepayers of Braddan dearly now and for years to come.
  22. If the projection was based on the original cost and the proposed opening time which has long gone they are indeed in trouble.
  23. Projection ? It probably sounded like a wonderful idea at the time but renting out is always problematic especially in the current climate. I would imagine there are a good many landlords being very patient with tenants atm and a lot being left with rent owing when businesses close. In hard times it is the leisure and pleasure industries that will suffer the most, I reckon there is a lot of hidden debt around. If you go down the civil court way you will be awarded a tenner a week which will be forthcoming for a few weeks then intermittently. I wonder how much is owed by Companies to the MUA by late payers and wait until the rate collection gets going. How many people are riding around without road tax ? Frightening.
  24. Most of the fines that are reported contain…..to be paid out of benefits..I suspect we would be struck dumb if the total amount of benefits paid out each year were made public. Years ago the Health Service and Social Security were separate am I correct in thinking they are now lumped together.
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