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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. It used to be but didn’t the DOI unload responsibility for hedge trimming on to the local authorities a couple of years ago.
  2. So if it is this is not a one off approach and an unwanted suggestion has moved on to an assault it just shows how situations can escalate.
  3. I hope they don’t all get stuck here with travel problems, that is what happened a little while ago it made the National News ….great publicity.
  4. With all the safeguarding that goes on these days perhaps people that come in contact with the public such as taxi drivers should be included. I know all the volunteers that help in any capacity in the Church of England have to jump through hoops regardless of what capacity they are helping in perhaps anyone who has contact with vulnerable people such as women on their own should take the course which is not a one off it has to be renewed at intervals.
  5. Correction to last post : The hedge cutting is one of the services that will be cut back to pay for the Round House.
  6. Do Taxi drivers have any background checks before getting their licence ?
  7. The Braddan Commissioners have announced that hedge cutting will be cut back to help pay for the Roundhouse. There are no words…they must be spending a fortune on hedge cutting I cannot believe it are these people for real ?
  8. The FSA cannot be blamed for the disinterested and condescending manner the useless staff at Regent Street are it is a disgrace.
  9. I don’t know how any business or individual can afford to have bright lighting these days, okay the leccy is not going up around 5% yippee but the standing charges are so not all good news. We as a nation are getting rinsed by our Government at every turn. I wonder how much of the 42 million is left now I bet there have been a few little, or not so little, dips into it, wait until they start the beach landings of the turbine blades that won’t come cheap.
  10. Was there a no early release attached to the sentence if not in 12 weeks he will be out and about. What on earth got into the man he has ruined his life and done irreparable damage to the lady’s confidence and made a lot of other women who previously felt secure to travel alone in a licensed taxi afraid to risk it now. Showing no remorse is reprehensible and cowardly . He would be wise to leave the Island for his own sake and his family’s sake because he will have no future here, deservedly so.
  11. It’s a sign….like when the champagne bottle didn’t break when the Manxman was launched 🤣
  12. If there were ambulances someone may be injured let’s wait to see what happened before we judge, if it was just a bump there would hardly be ambulances.
  13. I only eat Manx eggs, the Creamery deliver them with my milk,cheese,spread,potatoes etc. Straight to my door twice weekly, pay by DD,no hassle, great to deal with .
  14. I haven’t listened to ML for a while now but caught the beginning today which was genius, it was like a tenth rate Tony Hancock sketch with the accent as a bonus . I have forgotten my glasses so will the people who are going to text do it in capitals 🤣 then Malcolm came on praising the Manxman Phil thanked him and then apologised for his fruity language ,his words not mine, then someone else came on and said Malcolm was taking the Mick. Phil told the listeners again he had forgotten his glasses then Howard came on rambling about not a lot. Unfortunately I had to go out but I am guessing Quirky was waiting in the wings to make a guest appearance. And someone congratulated Phil on his wonderful Manx accent…..pure comedy gold. I know I am easily amused but if you didn’t laugh you would cry.
  15. Apparently a pen and a linen bag are the freebies and double points for today only. I wonder if the prices are the same as Lake Road ?
  16. Don’t forget she doesn’t do weekends 🤣.
  17. Banker will no doubt know regarding canvassing of the electorate.
  18. Well keep your eyes open for the meeting it is about time the Commissioners were asked a few questions, I get the impression Jessop leads the others by the nose but could be wrong.
  19. Tacoma on Victoria Street is closing down and reinventing itself as a cocktail bar…yawn…and also going to purvey a variety of draught ales with a pool table thrown in. On the bright side instead of the owners throwing in the towel they are having a crack at diversifying the products offered on the premises to try and keep going good luck to them.
  20. Requisition meeting called now time and place TBA . The Captain of the Parish has now been presented with a letter that requests a meeting be called it has the required number of constituents signatures and it is regarding the Round House. I wonder if Banker is one of the unhappy residents?
  21. It was not suitable because of its age but I see no reason why a new school should not be built there providing there is a car park perhaps underground included in the plans.
  22. It isn’t worth the argument, anyone who has an appointment at the hospital knows the truth of the matter and it is exactly as you describe it pure mayhem and in the afternoons it seems to get worse. The added problem is everyone goes early for their appointment because they are concerned they will not get a park if you have waited some time to get an appointment to see a consultant or scan you need to be on time or perhaps lose your slot. A few years ago when I was fit I always used the overflow car park it was a totally better experience but those days are over. Extra traffic as you say will compound the problem I hope Manx Care stick to their guns on this one.
  23. Ffs leave well alone quiet is good, head down even better.
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