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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. This time a dog next time could be a family the message is clear as clear. What an inane remark to make.
  2. We are all being rinsed that is the top and bottom of it once we have paid increases on anything that moves we will not have any money left for beer, coffee or sod all. The Firm Closes topic will be very lively.
  3. Perhaps Banker could let us know if the decrease in the bin charge will take the pain out of the main rate as the Commissioners have alleged.
  4. It took a good while and a lot of persuading before they would stock it so I do hope this glitch can be sorted out.
  5. I heard he had it all one way or another. Such a shame she was a lovely lady and ended up with nothing.
  6. There are a good number of people who think this is sculpture is awful and a lot more that think it is in the wrong place. I think it looks as if it has been abandoned, totally out of place . There is a good deal of opposition to it being placed in the proposed area hopefully there will be a change of heart and somewhere more suitable will be found, Milntown grounds would be a good alternative they already have some sculptures there and it would make for a photo frame where pictures could be taken without ruining any view.
  7. Yes and fewer and fewer …..
  8. Every time a new eatery opens whether it be sandwich bar or restaurant another nail goes in the coffin of an existing one. There are only so many people who choose to or can afford to eat out these days and with more increases coming our way with rates, electricity and anything else the Government can think of less and less people will be doing so. So much cheaper to make your own sandwiches to bring to work and probably superior quality.
  9. Britain was a bottom brick out of a very unsteady wall and when it was removed it caused cracks, now there are quite a few countries who are doubting the EU as being the best way forward, sure, initially some countries who were in poor financial shape came out of it well but things are not so rosy now and immigration has caused massive problems on the continent. We shall see what happens there are some important elections on the way and the tide is turning , very slowly, but turning.
  10. Hilarious really when the Government is creating so much poverty with rent, rate, heat , road tax etc rises all commodities that we need. There is a great discrepancy between need and want that seems to be universally misunderstood. Most of the rate increases are down to in the greater part waste disposal which again is run by the Government .
  11. If the seagull ever gets displayed surely it should be in Castletown Square because of hysterical connections. It even got mentioned in Tynwald. And no I did not mean historical 😊 .
  12. The Christmas tractor run is always impressive and they really did well this year despite the weather but if they want any tips there is a really great tractor display going on at the moment those farmers certainly know how to make their feelings known.
  13. I thought they were looking to borrow five million to make up the shortfall perhaps there have been complications with the borrowing.
  14. So no sign from Braddan .
  15. They are being very shy announcing it which makes me feel it is not going to be popular.
  16. They are being very shy announcing it which makes me feel it is not going to be popular.
  17. A photo of this sculpture is in IOM NEWS TODAY and on FB . What do you think ?
  18. So have Braddan Commissioners got a meeting tonight if it is obligatory to announce before this month is out ?
  19. I thought if you signed up at GP Patient access and patients online appointments you could make appointments at Village Walk although I have never tried to do it.
  20. I think our reliance of our share of the VAT is another concern, however I doubt VAT will ever get reduced unless they reduce selectively on a basic commodity.
  21. In the day the Town Clerk of Douglas had to have legal experience that is why they have always commanded a good salary the idea being saving on paying lawyers…well that worked well 🤣 they have spent more than Onchan on lawyers over the last few years.
  22. I don’t know where you get the figure for a typical house in Onchan from Molly I paid over £650 last year for a small two bedroomed bungalow that was the Onchan rate alone.
  23. The knock on effect of all these rises which are stemming in the main from our glorious government is less spendable income which once again very bad news for shops, hospitality , entertainment , service providers and everyone in fact who depends on cash flow.
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