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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Apologies for last post and for misjudging the Commissioners of Ramsey Town. Onchan could do with a few lessons in public housekeeping.
  2. Always keep the best to the last. The LAs who have managed their money carefully and have kept the increases palatable are always the first to declare, the ones who have been not so frugal are always the last so Ramsey and Braddan will be interesting.
  3. If private providers can make money out of running a residential home why can’t the Government. They would be open to residents who pay and surely those residents who are funded by the Government are not costing any more than if they were placed elsewhere.
  4. Onchan rates are 10.19 % not 10.01 %. I am going to cancel my monthly DD and when I have it they will get it, this constant drain on fixed incomes is beyond a joke. Electricity is going up again in April plus I expect the standing charges. Concerning Douglas I expect there will be a few more empty shops and restaurants not to mention hotels and I bet the arrears will be eye watering . Businesses are already struggling to pay ITIP there is one million pounds owing to Government at the moment. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns.
  5. The Commissioners tried re cycling via roadside collection and it was not successful for a number of reasons. The recycling collection points are always busy. The cost of roadside collection would outweigh any advantage found in lessening disposal of waste in bins.
  6. As Banker says Braddan has some big ratepayers that is why Douglas has eyed it up over the years. Jessops folly will also be a big ratepayer , does the Hospital pay rates ?
  7. The suspense is ……
  8. When Onchan send out rate demands they include a diagram illustrating how much income is applied to outgoings and last year a very large portion of the pie was directed at waste disposal . Every LA seems to mention waste disposal as being a burden if this expense could be tackled in some way it would bring relief to every rate payer on the Island. The DOI is the ultimate example of why it would be an absolute disaster to amalgamate all the LAs into one body.
  9. So Onchan have come out with an over 10% rise 🤨. Has everyone declared now apart from Douglas.
  10. Fred the shred


    I have never heard of Shane Lynch and did not get a leaflet, perhaps only monied people got them 🤣.
  11. In the case of the Spanish scenario there are half a dozen British people involved . Seems like it was moving money between Companies to avoid tax , the amount mentioned was five million quid quite small beer for Dougie.
  12. If this comes to pass, and I hope it doesn’t, people will just tip up at the surgeries to make their appointments and it will be more time wasted or after their appointment before leaving they will make another one just in case if the Dr has told them to come back if their condition has not improved. More wasted appointments. I think the idea that Thomas and Ashworth are making pot shots is spot on definitely the case with Thomas, attention seekers and oxygen thieves the pair of them.
  13. I don’t believe it I have even commented on it 😂 I may not have lost all my marbles but there is definitely a hole in the bag.
  14. The stupid,blind and deaf one.
  15. Well who would have imagined that, in charge of Motor Sport, a somewhat puzzling placement which has made for some lively comments on Isle of Man Today. The amazing thing it is the only time I have ever seen every commentator agree. Just when you think you have seen or read it all ……..
  16. There is yet another appeal for local artists to come forward and decorate the sea wall, which of course has not been built yet and if this weather continues building probably will commence around TT week . The comments by the public are really harsh this Government has a complete inability to read the room they certainly know how to rile people up. A gift that keeps giving.
  17. That Peggy house has gone quiet please don’t tell me that has been agreed upon if it has that is disgusting, a total waste of public money and an ongoing expense.
  18. I am sure her input will be invaluable 🤣 .
  19. The Southern pool is just the latest of Edge’s fails.
  20. An investigation is being held ffs the media is having a field day if they had an investigation every time there was a cancelled flight it would be fun. The other sea carriers we own have bits and bobs wrong with them from time to time and there isn’t a song and dance over it. The hysterical way the reporting was blurbed you would have thought the Russians had invaded the Calf of Man.
  21. The way to go on the Island seems to be stand under a party banner, let them promote and partly fund your campaign then a little time in disagree with their stand on an issue tell them to fly away and continue as an independent. This has happened quite a few times in recent years. So no we possibly have an overload of MHKs for population numbers but not enough for party politics.
  22. In various supermarkets there are always same date products getting offered, what happens to them at closing time if they are still on the shelves. I think they are dumped and this has got to be the biggest food waste going. I think the small plate restaurants are on the right track and hopefully more will follow suit .
  23. Wow, now an airport style customs area at the sea terminal plans put in by DOI . So the pier was not sorted because of lack of funds although the new boat was not an impulse buy but Hey we have the money to build this wondrous new customs area at the Sea Terminal. The mind boggles it truly does.
  24. The boat has missed sailing mostly due to weather now it hasn’t sailed because of a mechanical fault…headline news the earth has stopped turning, yet when the planes fail to go it is somehow acceptable, I would say the boat is far more reliable than flying although neither of them are wind and weather proof. The big news is we live on an Island travel will always be problematic if you cannot live with this there is usually a boat twice daily…I bet you thought I was going to say…in the morning 🤣.
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