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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Sounds like a plan the Manx money is really scruffy most of the time, the only place English money is available, to my knowledge, is Athol St. IOM Bank or the Sea Terminal if you are an Isle of Man Bank customer. I asked in Regent Street but no was the stern reply, I don’t even know why they have staff there at all they are worse than useless.
  2. Article in Daily Mail about the British Island, their words not mine, that is getting rid of small coinage and rounding up to make the economy stronger or words to that effect the following comments from as far away as the USA were similar to the intelligence you find posted on Isle of Man News and Politics. Very few knew where we were situated.
  3. Neither do you most of the time just scroll on until you find something you can understand.
  4. So how can they justify paying this money out when they did not have it in good time for the new boat to arrive, where has it come from ? They have known we have been getting a boat for some time now it was not an impulse buy ffs they are so slack it is untrue. As I said previously if the DOI and the DCC are both involved there will be tears before bedtime, the artists will probably be engaged to start painting before the wall is built and the lights no doubt have already been ordered from a very reliable Chinese company. Rant over I am going to watch the football.
  5. Who is funding the sea wall ? I had assumed it was the DOI but now Douglas City Council are first of all suggesting coloured lighting and now artwork. Perhaps it is a joint affair which makes it even more likely to be doomed. If the DOI are paying for it where are they getting the money from ? Their excuse for not having the appropriate work done on the pier to enable our flagship, Manxman, to dock and remain instead having to play musical chairs with the Ben was that they were short of funds and now suddenly the hand is down the back of the settee to pay for the first bit of wall. Who makes the decisions on which project has priority. Of course if the poor Douglas ratepayers are paying for the wall that is another matter.
  6. This is another amalgamated department, it was supposedly done to cut costs and obviously has not been a great idea. I don’t know what the answer is but I think this department needs a bigger slice of the pie there is money wasted on other things that are not vital.
  7. I am not a Tesco fan but I think finlo is being a bit harsh it is a pity Aldi or another outlet had not shown interest in taking over Shoprite outlets competition is the only way to keep prices down.
  8. Apparently they forward purchased when the cost was very high and now it is hurting also we were told that we were cushioned last winter from the high cost. What really hacks me off is every time there is an increase in unit price the standing charges go up, how can that be justified. The MUA finances are in a mess and how they can even dream of investing in wind power or anything else when they haven’t a feather to fly with is unbelievable.
  9. There is currently a measles epidemic in the UK viewed as a result of parents falling out of love for the jab that prevents it so I would assume the question is to quantify what the current take up of it is on the Island. The way ,not a u turn, Edge has wriggled out of the mishandling of the pool situation is still irking some MHKs and rightly so Teflon should be her middle name. The question regarding organ donation is very valid another can kicking saga also the question about fixed tenancies again unfinished business. I think some MHKs are frustrated, as are the public, about so much that has not progressed or accomplished. I also think the questions illustrate how ungainly the DOI is and probably explains why it is such a shambolic department it needs split up into manageable parts.
  10. The Daily Mail had the story as well so now we all know 🤣.
  11. The way they are going they will be cash rounding to kill off pounds.
  12. I wonder how much of that 44 million that was put aside for green projections is left, drip, drip, all these preliminary investigations and surveys will be costing plus the salaries of the committee that was formed. All this expensive posturing and willy waving for a couple of oversized windmills which will probably get damaged in the first storm especially as now apparently we are on the cusp of tornados 🤣. By the time they have decided where to put them they will be out of date and ten to one they will buy second hand blades which won’t fit onto the main structures. I am not being cynical just going by the track record of a government who for decades have specialised in trading with snake oil salesmen.
  13. I have never requested , expected or been offered a prescription from our Doctors surgery for any minor illness the only time I have been given paracetamol is by the hospital when I have been discharged after surgery and then just a small amount to tide me over until I could obtain some. It is good though to show willing to start making economies. For the past few years our surgery has a recall system when patients attend the surgery and there ongoing medication is checked so no one is getting unnecessary meds.
  14. There has been a very telling press release by the Southern swimming pool which has been published by Manx Radio on Facebook which shows Edge up in a very poor light.
  15. I thought the Government built Salisbury Street with the idea of it being privately run with 50% occupancy to be available for government placings. May be wrong it is a while ago and u turns may have been made. The present staff at RNB are under the impression that they are moving up to Summer Hill view in a staggered move, half as soon as it is completed with 50% of residents and then some months later the second batch. There is also a special section for dementia patients.
  16. It was a car crash interview which did her no favours. Of course there are other people who have made probably more money than her and Doug when they got contracts for all sorts that were Covid related and there wasn’t really time to do due diligence on all the suppliers but that does not really help her situation. Apparently the merchandise was not fit for purpose and is still being stored at some expense to the British Government. In a perfect world it would have been returned to the manufacturers and the buyer would have been compensated. The thing that puzzles me is why was payment made before the goods arrived and examined ? prepayment is not usual between legitimate traders.
  17. In a previous comment I mentioned that surely the pool should be open on Sundays if they want to save money choose a Monday to close. How about livening it up with aerobics etc increasing the footfall can only help matters.
  18. You take comments very literally VOR 🤣
  19. Those turbine blades will be turning well tonight there will be enough leccy for a couple of years.
  20. If Dave is missing the forum and banter I can recommend Isle of Man News and Politics or the comments on Isle of Man Today both are bankrupt of any sensible discussion and the remarks on IOM Today are unbelievable.
  21. It is very easy to judge and sometimes circumstances make for difficult decisions, if for instance you took someone with a Blue Badge to the doctors and the doctor gave them a prescription would you then drive them home and then venture out again to visit the chemist to have the prescription made up or escort them back to the car and drive to the nearest chemist and pop in to get the prescription serviced. Things are not always black and white .
  22. I have signed the online petition because I feel very strongly about the pool remaining open but I agree with Lilly any approach by anyone to encourage me to sign any petition would not be welcome.
  23. She has been useless from the start of her tenure in this post I think the only reason she has not been removed is there is really no one to fill the position, a lack of competence is the overall problem in this government.
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