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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Edge should resign she is useless on all fronts.
  2. Apologies it is the weather the couth has frozen my brain.
  3. China is moaning now about a decline in births not so long ago it was rationing couples having children , never satisfied .
  4. Row over money according to IOMToday broken up by other onlookers, probably grossly over exaggerated but heigh ho it made a headline on a slow day.
  5. Just up the road….not quite. The busses do not come cheap it is quite expensive to hire one and what about the general public who have to endure lectures on being healthy, keeping fit etc especially this time of the year. Swimming is the best excercise young and old can take and to consider taking this amenity away from people is scandalous. I do think however the pool should be open on a Sunday especially in the winter months when the weather is bad and people are looking for something to do. To increase footfall how about some free taster sessions get some enthusiasm going for swimming and all the health benefits it brings.
  6. A young person I know has recently gone to IOM University College a couple of friends wanted to move up to sixth form and continue their education but could not as they did not have the required grades in their GCE s. Progressing to sixth form is not a given perhaps Covid induced lock down has had more of an adverse effect than is perceived. Interestingly another young person has just qualified, apprentice time served and college training, as a plumber he is now earning substantially more than his friend who went to University and is now doing office work with a student loan to furnish. I do realise that in the future the positions may be reversed with promotions , pensions taken into consideration but at least the plumber will never be short of work and his skills would be welcomed world wide. It has made me think regarding further education is it all it is cracked up to be.
  7. Much, much worse and about six regular contributors, full of poison it is shameful these comments are allowed. I have never seen the like on MF.
  8. That will be a fun hour….not.
  9. Perhaps they are retiring or the lease is up. Room for another coffee or charity shop , that is how it is going n many towns across now.
  10. Yes I had forgotten about the seagull, what happened to that. I have a few live ones I would be delighted to donate if they still feel the idea has legs.
  11. I have just told you where it is ffs
  12. At least we wouldn’t die of boredom…pestilence perhaps🤣
  13. The Comments on IOM Today are always bonkers I really do not know how they get away with printing the comments how they do not get sued I will never know.
  14. Pointless excercise unless you have someone to replace him with superior knowledge and leadership qualities which seem to be lacking in the present regime.
  15. It is mile 9 St Johns on the A3
  16. They have got to put it somewhere I expect the connection is Hutchinson square was where some prisoners of war were housed. If there was room in that brilliant little museum near the airport that has a great collection of wartime historical memorabilia it could have gone there now that is worth a visit and run by volunteers.
  17. There seem to be a lot of new cleaning firms springing up.
  18. Australia is the place for really tasty sausage baps so I have heard and the climate is fair dinkum as well 😆
  19. But no doubt you will….
  20. VOR missing the point I think the increasing costs were hard to take but the increase of rent by our stupid and greedy government coupled with lease commitments was the final nail in the coffin. These tenants have other outlets and increased costs of raw materials and services have not caused the closure of these. I doubt anyone will pick up the pieces and this will be just another Government fail, my how they are adding up.
  21. But to what purpose if Alf was voted out of office who would take over ? There would be no fresh blood . To use a very old Manx expression…they are all pissing in the same pot with the one ambition and that is to be re-elected as they are practically all unemployable. That is why they lack decisiveness and are reluctant to take any steps that would make them unpopular with their constituents. Everything is remaining static nothing is moving. Pathetic is being kind when describing the present regime.
  22. In the Daily Mail today apparently Doug has had a new yacht delivered, just a cool fifty millions worth. So if he had just compensated the Government for the alleged faulty merchandise it wouldn’t have hurt too much and would have saved a lot of ongoing stress and embarrassment. Sometimes you just need to bite the bullet.
  23. They ran out of money that is why the original design with pretty paving stone patterns did not happen. I have noticed since the Promenade were started and bits were one lane and whatever people found it more convenient to use the Bucks Road way into town and it got really busy and has stayed that way the promenade seems quieter than it used to be. The crossings without lights are a pain it is stop start as one pedestrian ambles across followed by another and so on.
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