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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. It would be impossible to teach a class of children in the sea and most people like the water a little warmer than sea temperatures.
  2. With respect I would suggest the contributors who are of this mind do not frequent the bit of road and area that is involved. I am a patient at DATSU there are other entities that are based there, there is very little parking around there so you need have to generally walk from the main car park as Banker has said there are no footpaths it also involves the entry and exit to A and E a less suitable place to increase traffic would be hard to find, safety must be the determining factor.
  3. The new school project has been in discussion now for absolutely ages with no real action, every year it is put on the back burner means it will cost more and more. How about keeping the pool in question going until the new school is built with a first class pool which would be available for public use out of school hours ? If it was built with a dual purpose in mind it wouldn’t be difficult to operate.
  4. The businesses can sort it out with Braddan Commissioners who no doubt will be insured for defaulting on their lease commitments. The Commissioners should have made sure the public could get access to the building by building an access road before dishing out leases . Safety to patients and staff of the hospital have to be paramount and the actual road in question is not suitable for heavy traffic. The blame lies entirely with the Commissioners of Braddan.
  5. I agree that is why aI mentioned the liability of paying pensions.
  6. The use of hospital grounds should never have been agreed and I am delighted that the people in charge now are standing fast.
  7. There is also the matter of the pensions that these people would be paid for years to come.
  8. It is an eyesore which is a shame as the rest of the Quay is looking good. That dreadful mess in Duke Street is a scandal and needs to be sorted one way or another.
  9. The standard of food in most restaurants and pubs is usually okay but not very exciting. I prefer to eat at home there again I enjoy cooking.
  10. There is little enough for people down south to do and it is important children are taught to swim. The Education authority has gone over budget according to the Courier so what are they spending their money on ?
  11. It is not a police matter they have enough to do allegedly.
  12. Those silly twinkly lights made the promenade look welcome the vast majority of locals miss them and visitors have also commented how the promenade has lost its character. The Douglas Town Council, under David Christian I believe, committed this vandalism to save a few bob and now they are proposing to buy expensive new lighting to go on an expensive sea wall …you really could not make it up. Crackpot does not cover this scheme.
  13. You are spot on Woolley and this is the time recruitment and training should be happening not the weeks running up to the actual events. A recruitment drive this time of the year could get some interest going.
  14. Consultation is very popular with politicians because it gets them off the hook any unpopular decisions will be met with claims that the public had their say and they have abided by it. This particularly suits the toothless lot that are at present in Tynwald quite incapable of making decisions and first class at can kicking. Appeasement does not really go down well, the public are not stupid, and when the election comes around lessons will be learned.
  15. Victoria road is having clothes whether it is is a F&F or an outlet I don’t know.
  16. I don’t know how many car park spaces this round house is providing but if there are just 20 or so staff in the building that will take up a fair amount and then of course there is the likelihood of people using the hospital car park which is very busy without any extras. The units in his place will no doubt have deliveries so there will be trade traffic the whole idea of using the hospital grounds is ridiculous and should never have been considered. Is the Chairman of Braddan Commissioners the same Wally who suggested altering the TT course ?
  17. If anyone has any doubt of the wisdom of not-using the hospital road take a trip up there and see how daft it would be, Laurie Hooper is quite right in his stance.
  18. It is icy and dangerous if it had not been closed by the police there would have probably been a RTA within the hour or sooner. Seriously, what is wrong with you ?
  19. If Salford does not like living here he or she or they should do one and be a miserable bastard, bastido, etc, etc, somewhere else I am sure they will not be missed one little bit.
  20. It will happen it will just be a slow process, when a new person gets employed they will be someone who will sign a contract which encompasses the sleeping on board requirement.
  21. The roads are quite narrow and I would not say ready to take extra traffic they are used by emergency vehicles and patients walking between the main building and DATSU and the safety of patients, emergency vehicles and employees would most certainly be compromised.
  22. I did not say it had the police have just announced it was open from the Creg to the Bungalow now another notice saying it has been closed because of a RTC.
  23. Just been there and reported it was open now it is shut ….end of.
  24. Meanwhile the Mountain road has opened from the Creg to the Bungalow, oh wait there has been a crash and it is closed again. Nothing changes.
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