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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Electricity per unit may have gone down but standing charges were increased as were bills accordingly and you can cut down on usage lowering your consumption charge but the standing charges cannot be reduced.
  2. They get away with this mindless spending because it ain’t their money so no second thoughts. The amazing thing is no one challenges them, yes there are complaints on here and IOM News and Politics perhaps FB but that is it there is no one with fire in their belly to challenge overspending in Local Politics or in National Politics. We don’t have any journalists or media prepared to raise their heads above the parapet so we have to sit back and shake our heads in disbelief.
  3. But rates are up, Road tax is up, electricity is up, bus fares up, social accommodation rents are up etc all controlled by the government in fact everything they control is up and it is all basic stuff that is needed . Luxuries we can do without but when essentials are increased it is all downhill. The Government are rinsing the public for every penny they can because they cannot balance the books because of wastage, over staffing, bad ideas that cost fortunes. The poster who said staff will be reduced or small businesses will shut their doors is spot on . No one has a magic money tree the money will have to be found somewhere.
  4. I wouldn’t describe the Governor as a colonial type he was in the army wasn’t he. What tripe.
  5. He really cannot read the room can he ? People are really pissed off about the amount of C.S. and the additional experts that get hired at the drop of a hat and at great expense so he hires yet another . It reminds me of the song Don’t bring in the clowns they are already here.
  6. The last CC was on the 8.00 am news spouting about misinformation on FB. It is looking more like North Korea by the minute. Didn’t Corkish try and get MF banned after some naughty person put the picture of him in a Tutu on display.
  7. OK fair do’s when the new promenade sculptures or whatever are completed in the City we will send Quirky and Rob down to cut the ribbon now we can’t say fairer than that.
  8. There should be no overseas aid until we have no need for a foodbank and homelessness is sorted.
  9. Rob was present at the opening got passed over by the City Mayor 🤮 he still gave the eatery a good write up a picture to boot. What a liberty 🤣
  10. I am wondering how much of the forty two million pounds is left I bet is has been dripping away at speed whilst decisions are made then changed etc by the time anything is at construction stage the money will be long gone.
  11. Totally agree with you TPT and so do a lot of people trouble is no one listens they think they are god sent and could never be wrong with decision making this is a theme that runs through this government unfortunately.
  12. I actually think Onchan is in a better state than Douglas in spite of the Commissioners. Anyone who slags of Edge is not all bad 😂.
  13. They tried that when this idea was proposed the outcome was not good for one who voiced his opinions on FB. A lot of Marshalls left at that time allow some have drifted back.
  14. The day they closed the counter which was the only way the public could get anywhere near them showed what a disgrace they are, useless, inept, not fit for purpose.
  15. No there were two Commissioners on the photograph of the opening looking anything but joyous. One that has been on the Board for years and indeed Chairman at least once, deffo the longest serving. What a liberty 🤣 .
  16. Apologies Roger must have missed that.
  17. The idea that anyone could learn anything constructive from this Goverment just baffles me. Do they get a goody bag when leaving or a big, big carpet ?
  18. Quirk was on the 9.00am news this morning pleading for the Government to help the struggling hospitality industry. As a struggling pensioner I object strongly to this , there are far too many eateries for the percentage of the population who can afford to eat out on a regular basis. If things get tough the ones who give value for money and are inventive with their menu will do well and survive the others will sink that is business, that is life.
  19. One can but hope but some use LAs as stepping stones.
  20. Apparently it was paddle boards, all the rage , people don’t treat the sea with the respect it commands unfortunately.
  21. I asked about this a while ago and no answer was forthcoming, I thought Banker might know he seems well informed regarding Jersey.
  22. I know Gladys if you didn’t laugh you would cry…..
  23. It beggars belief really these commissioners are responsible people…..allegedly….grown men and women and they are getting told to pull their socks up…there really are no words.
  24. God knows what they have been up to but the Chair Zara Lewin had stern words for them at the last meeting…..pull your socks up she told them , this is courtesy of IOM Today. Also why was the Mayor of Douglas cutting the ribbon on an extension to the restaurant in Onchan Park which the Commissioners own surely one of them is capable of cutting a ribbon. Taking all in consideration I wouldn’t swap the Commissioners for the lot in charge of the City of Douglas.
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