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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. The roads are not wide and service the traffic that uses them, whether they would be adequate for the traffic that would arise from the usage of the thousands of people who are going to use this hideous folly is another question. It would have been manners to ask permission before the plans were submitted.
  2. It is a fair point regarding DOI though, how long have they been aware we were getting a new boat and yet scratching around at the last minutes sorting the pier out , pretty unbelievable.
  3. I totally disagree Roger the consultation is straightforward and concise unlike the usual government consultations that go on page after page until you lose the will to live. I hope everyone fills it in . There is no need for public meetings or debates just keep it simple. Everyone has an opinion on this and now is the chance to express it. This has been debated in Tynwald, in churches and amongst the public it does not need any more time spent on it. Your criticism is illogical and baseless.
  4. Well I have done the survey in about a minute flat very clear and concise. Three questions. I.Do you think the Bishop should have a vote. 2. Do you think the Bishop should be in LegCo 3. Do you think prayers should be said before Tynwald sitting commences. This is the result of Callister’s effort to delay and destroy the entire proposed bill. Of course the god botherers will be lining up to express their views as the 400 or so emailed Moorhouse just before the debate . There was just a name to submit and a question asking if you were a resident so Michael Mouse and his extended family will be experiencing writers cramp for a good while. Callister will be proud of himself for dreaming this little scheme up but he has upset a lot of people in Onchan who have seen him now for what he is.
  5. So is Crazy Dave going to keep his word and sign off for good 🤣🤣………
  6. The Board of the IOM Steam Packet has a duty to the public to provide a secure and viable service. Viable means making a profit at best and not making a loss at worse, breaking even would be acceptable. If this means that some crew members lose some privileges that they have previously enjoyed that is the tough decision that has to be taken. If you choose to go to sea as a career surely going home at night is not a given. I do feel for the crew that are affected it is hard to get the conditions you work under changed but they , like the Unions, have known about it for two years now it was hardly a surprise move like some of the public seem to think. As for the Government getting involved I really do not think that would help matters. Of course the usual attention seeking MHK s are band standing as per usual, pathetic.
  7. None of the above just not a fan of Mrs Baker and am not alone.
  8. Was her pension as a head teacher not enough for her second bite of the cherry. She moaned when lockdown was on about not seeing her relatives seems not to like to abide by rules. She certainly was not that popular in Ramsey when she was at Ramsey Grammar. Certainly someone who values her own opinion too much.
  9. Mrs Baker didn’t seem all that popular in her previous role lots of unhappy parents. I expect as a headmistress she is used to be being in charge and now she isn’t is stirring the pot .
  10. One sailing a day would be plenty to service foot passengers it is freight and vehicle capacity that may struggle. Tesco will surely inherit Shoprites storage units so perhaps there will be more forward buying from them. M&S have a bigger problem perhaps they could invest in some units there are plenty for sale.
  11. We used to have all kinds of festivals the dance festival was really big but I think the cost of travel put an end to that they now go to a holiday camp in Blackpool. The football and rugby festivals at Easter were really great but they petered out probably for the same reason. I can see where you are coming from Dave but we now have a non existing Tourist Board and the enthusiasm for tourism seems to have been extinguished it is a shame but apathy rules ok.
  12. Happy and healthy New Year to all members 😄.
  13. I think you are sadly wrong Derek the worst of the bunch will be reapplying for sure as they have no prospects elsewhere. Who in the private sector would employ middle aged people with c.vs that are dismal at best and laughable at worst. That is why the current non achievers are jumping on band wagons and supporting anything that moves it gets more like a personality contest by the day, a collection of me too candidates. There are some decent ones that don’t run with the crowd and I do have some sympathy with the CM when you consider some of the poor material he has had to work with whilst trying to shape a government which has culminated with the deck chair \ Titanic situation. The root problem is the quality of the candidates that stand. Take Onchan , what choice did the voters have ? it is and has been for a while best of bunch situation and that is really not working that is just an example. I cannot see an answer I have always voted but doubt I will again.
  14. I know politicians, especially the current gang, are always desperate to be popular and be known as the good guy or gal and the person who will stick up for the little man or woman in the street but a popularity competition does not make for good government. Anything that could ruffle feathers immediately gets kicked into the long grass so a consultation can be made or a sub committee who can delay any decision. The present incumbents seem incapable of decision making when they are in charge of a department they do very little but once they leave that position they start firing on all cylinders supporting anything that moves. Chris Thomas is a prime example has he not realised he is not Minister in charge of the DOI anymore, got the heave Ho , he is on MR regularly commenting on it as if has still got the job, hardly heard a peep when he had. Talk about people pleasers all the usual suspects were up in arms regarding the Steam Packet they would be better off getting on with what they are getting paid for and leaving the Unions and Management to sort things out the last thing that is needed is their interference.
  15. The show house for the Peggy application seems to have gone quiet or has it just slipped through under the rope. Did the three million quid get given to MNH to make up the required amount which was about six million or is it still under discussion. Whilst we have homelessness which is going to be addressed in 2029 it seems a bit off to be spending tax payers money to house an awl boat or subscribing towards it to be specific.
  16. Well done Charles Guard it is ridiculous and totally out of place.
  17. I would be very cautious about what you say on this thread often the first action of defence is attack as M. Hove is finding out.
  18. What was the outcome of that dreadful incident in Jersey when about a dozen people lost their lives ? Surely there would have been an inquest by now.
  19. As a Liverpool supporter I will not be commenting 🤣 .
  20. With the Government’s record of dealing with industrial disputes on any level I would say any involvement would be the kiss of death on any solution that may be found. It is interesting to see all the motor mouth MHKs jostling in the popularity stakes clamoring to add their two penneth the lot of them put together would not have the mental capacity to run the boats at Onchan Park let alone a shipping line. Leave it to the Union and management for gods sake.
  21. Front page again on Daily Mail tonight it seems to be hotting up no sign of it going away quietly.
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