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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I listened to 3fm this morning for the first time. The news was understandable and the music was ok.
  2. If Jonny wants to go home to his wife at Farm Hill of a night he should have possibly chosen a different career.
  3. I went to Ballakermeen over 70 years ago and went back recently to a concert and could not believe how little it had changed, obviously it has had remedial work done but it just looked the same to me.
  4. There is every benefit that is why all the other shipping lines operate this system. Also I read somewhere there are about 70% of officers in the union and that about 70% of union members voted for the limited strike action, work to rule as it used to be known by, so there quite a few Officers left who have no Union loyalty and of quite a few Union members who did not vote for the limited strike so added together a fair number who have no wish to strike. Surely if you take up the sea as a career you really don’t expect to be home every day or night as the case may be.
  5. I think her legal teams, because she seems to have a few, have gone to ground.
  6. You could never call this project rushed through it has been on the cards for ages and for someone who has never been in the school to pass comment…well really that says it all.
  7. The Church of England is not far behind believe me always asking for more money from the faithful few, writing personal letters to the congregation, everyone encouraged to have standing orders and ever so often asked to increase them. No wonder the churches are half empty. The Bishop should be getting a recruitment campaign going instead of interfering in political affairs the church is dying on its feet.
  8. Far too many employees, News Readers that are difficult to understand etc it just needs someone to manage the station who has experience in cutting costs and improving the service. They are constantly trying to woo the young people with their rap and bang bang music when most of their listeners are middle aged to old aged they should play to their audience and the news is dire usually out of date and then they regurgitate it a couple of days after if it is a slow news day. My cat could make a better job of it.
  9. This is a much needed project and needs to be prioritised it comes into the news every couple of years and then melts away. When questioned regarding if it was to have a swimming pool Julie Edge wasn’t sure she obviously has not studied the plans in detail, unbelievable or is it ? The children from the South deserve better and the longer they drag their collective feet the more it will cost. Good on Juan I hope he gets things moving it would be great if this government achieved at least one thing of note in their tenure and time is running out.
  10. Probably all be sorted by private arrangements and deals, money changing hands and a confidentiality clause. To prosecute would be poking a hornets nest for the government . Lawyers will probably do well regardless of any action taken.
  11. Now is the ideal time for any changes in the Bishop’s status in Tynwald as we are in between Bishops so it would not be personal it would be an amendment to the post not to the man holding the post. This kicking the can into the long grass is just typical of this administration they seem to be incapable of making an informed decision on anything especially as matters that will take the shine of their image well guess what guys the shine has long since gone this is not a popularity contest you are supposed to and you are paid to make decisions not hide behind the public. Anyone who is hoping that Dignity in Dying will ever be passed in this administration is going to be disappointed these dummies will mess about and leave it to the incoming administration which can not come soon enough.
  12. He already does via his vicars or priests as they are now known. Begging goes on all the time in the form of Sermons and letters asking for an increase in giving.
  13. Surely miscreants lie to their lawyers all the time when they are pleading not guilty and they were.
  14. The Manx public will not be asked for their opinions on LegCo it will be simply if the Bishop will have a vote you can depend on that. I hope the Manx public will not be cherry picked as has happened in other consultations. This is just muddying the water from one brain dead politician who has failed in every position he has undertaken.
  15. I am with Manx Petroleum excellent service I get the tank topped up when it is about one third full they send me a bill which is payable within a month I ring up and pay over the phone or I have the option of paying online. I put an amount away each month in a savings account to cover this and other bills that crop up. With the MEA I pay a fixed DD every month to them which covers the bill. When I was a kid we had a shilling meter for leccy and the coalman was paid every week when he delivered the coal, no bills, life was so much simpler then.
  16. The MUA will supply consumers with meters that is the difference . The responsibility therefore is the consumers they put tokens in the meter they get electricity if they don’t they don’t get electricity it is that easy.
  17. I hope it will be really well publicised otherwise the god botherers will organise a concerted effort and the people who couldn’t give a monkeys will be oblivious. My first impression is that the Bishop of York was blackmailing by threatening to withdraw the position of Bishop of Soda and Man and we would share with Liverpool as the Catholics do, this could rebound on him because most of the people I speak to are easy on having the Bishop in Tynwald but dead against him having a vote so they are liable to tell him to do one. These current politicians are pathetic they have not got the confidence of their convictions they want to be everyone’s best friend not a leader amongst them. I am really disappointed in Rob Callister another pleaser.
  18. Brought to mind the recent death of Sticky Vicky RIP
  19. I have seen MT laying the fibre it is just like a long plastic hosepipe and it is being threaded through the manholes they are just lifting the manholes and pulling it through. I asked them and they confirmed this. Apparently, according to the Daily Mail there has been problems with the pendants that some of the elderly wear to get assistance something to do with fibre and wifi. Not being of a technical nature I didn’t get the drift.
  20. If the commodity they supplied had not been sub standard there really would not be a problem in as much someone had to supply it and she was in the right place at the right time and went for it. The problem arises when the goods were deemed to be unfit for purpose the goods should have been returned and money refunded, that is how it works . Whether the goods were returned we don’t know but if they were the money was owed to the Government.
  21. The MUA will provide meters if customers are struggling which precludes the act of physically disrupting supply by the Authority the users cut the supply by non payment.
  22. I did not realise there was a charge, I would not be surprised if there were a tight little group of regulars who between them made the majority of FOI s. I think they would include media personnel and people who made a hobby of having to know everything and we all know people like that. I don’t think the majority would be vexatious just curious especially if it is a free or nominal service. I used to have a neighbour who was tenacious until they knew absolutely everything about everybody just nosey beyond belief.
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