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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. If she and her husband had just compensated the Government for the faulty merchandise all this negative publicity and possibly further consequences could have been avoided. Who will go near them now and partake in any future business deals with them ? They should have taken the hit it is not as if they really needed the money. They have been really badly advised in this matter, that is of course if they have been open to advice.
  2. Not another abusive post 😡 these tit for tat silly messages are bad enough without others joining in. The forum is being dragged down by the immaturity of a few posters I know we can all get on our high horses when we are in disagreement with something but this abuse is getting beyond a joke. Perhaps in the New Year it will get more peaceful 🤣 or not ?
  3. The reason that there is successful integration on the Island is there is a distinct cultural mix not a lot of one particular culture so instead of cultivating a sub society between themselves they mix with all the other ethnic races on the Island which is great.
  4. It would suit crews from abroad to live on board but it is not what crews that live locally are used to or desire and you can see their point. They would obviously prefer to be with their families and friends in their free time. I hope something gets sorted for everyone’s sake I remember the last Seaman’s Strike it affected everyone especially the hospitality industry directly and the knock on effect was felt massively right across the board. A difficult one to solve.
  5. Can you imagine the amount of inane questions that would be asked ? There would have to be a team of people specifically employed to deal with the FOI s. I bet there are many questions asked now that could have been answered by looking up facts and figures on Government websites but people are just too idle to go down this path of course Tim Glover did have a point when he said in Tynwald yesterday that Government websites in general were a nightmare to navigate. People come on FB all the time asking what time do B&Q close tonight ? What time is the last bus from Ramsey to Douglas ? and similar posts all the time instead of looking the information up . There are too many people with too much time on their hands and use it to annoy others with stupid questions. Of course this smacks of Chris Thomas to a T as he is definitely one of them.
  6. When the new price per unit was announced by the MEA it did not mention standing charges nor did they last time but they were increased as well as the charge per unit. This is all wrong customers can cut down on their useage but not on standing charges this needs sorting.
  7. It is something that needs doing, should have been seen to years ago the Villa sound system has been abysmal for years. If people are being charged serious money to attend shows and concerts they deserve to be able to hear properly also the artists deserve decent equipment to work with. I fully support this, I don’t support paying millions to house an old boat which will incur an ongoing cost for the foreseeable future to maintain and will certainly not give the same pleasure as our two main entertainment venues.
  8. I thought he had gone 🥲 Promises like pie crusts made to be broken 🤣. This is Dave not Alfie for clarification.
  9. She looks very well and at least 20 years younger in these new photos so the suffering she has endured is not showing outwardly. They may have a point when they say they were not the only ones who financially benefited from the PPE transactions if they have been offered the opportunity to ‘ pay off ‘ the investigation it may have been wiser to do just this compensation for faulty goods is paid all the time and it would have saved a lot of trauma for them.
  10. Spot on Chinahand Hamas deliberately started a war. They did not care how it would affect the Palestinian people who are now reporting that Hamas is appropriating any aid that is getting through. Hamas have been living cheek and jowl with the Palestinian people in Gaza and has probably many supporters amongst them, perhaps not so many now. As far as the protest went I passed on the bus and doubt if there were more than 70 people who were actually standing around the speaker the rest were passing by.
  11. So tops there were just over 100 although the video didn’t seem to show that many so 85,000 didn’t go near. I don’t know why that women was waving the Manx flag.
  12. So you would say David, Howie, Kate and I cannot remember further back and Rob wasn’t there long enough to make a difference were all superior to Laurie ? I wouldn’t , at least he hasn’t gone to New Zealand and brought back someone who was less than adequate, he didn’t nearly close down RCH and nick half the equipment that had been privately subscribed and move it to Nobles or close wards down and we won’t go into the point by point rebuttal or shredding. He has put a good case up for getting a bigger portion of the pie and has kept a pretty cool head when there have been strikes and unrest. Who do you think would make a better job of it amongst the present MHKs ? and who do you think would be prepared to do it ?
  13. So just the usual suspects then who love a demo.
  14. I am sure I read that all the copper lines were to be replaced with fibre in a couple of years and then they had to have a rethink because some farms or houses in isolated spots would have to spend thousands to install fibre.
  15. Manx Care are being paid to manage health care on the Island and deal with all matters appertaining , an interfering Health Minister is not a feature of day to day running of the Health Service he is there to oversee and to hopefully persuade the Government to make adequate provision so that the health workers can be paid what they deserve and enough to attract people to consider health care as a viable occupation he represents the health service in the government. It is not his responsibility if people do not receive appointments on time etc that is not in his remit. He has an overall responsibility to ensure Manx Care fulfil their obligations but without a serious cash injection there is only so much the Minister can do. How many Health Ministers have we had in the past few years that have satisfied the Manx Public ? It is the poisoned challis indeed.
  16. A real grandiose headline Tesco to create 100 new jobs, to MRadio’s credit and my astonishment they followed the announcement up with so with the 60 redundancies that makes 40 new jobs they have certainly gone up in my estimation they are trying……
  17. The history is complicated and that is putting it mildly but who started this latest conflict? and there is your answer.
  18. I wish someone would scrap crazy Dave the horses would be more entertaining and make more sense than his incessant rambling.
  19. I thought it was 60 redundancies. As for potatoes Isle of Man Creamery deliver Manx spuds to your door free and they are great last a lot longer than the imported ones and are not expensive, also Manx eggs, Manx butter, cheese, cream as well as milk. There is no need to drive to Tesco for any of these commodities. They are great to deal with as well.
  20. I recognise two of the people in the shot that Helmet put on both very well known and I am rather shocked I think this may have started in a light hearted way they are public faces and I really cannot understand them being involved.
  21. I think it should go back to when MHKs retired to LegCo at least they were once voted for by the public and they must have gained some experience in their time in Tynwald more than the rag, tag, and bobtail lot that are chosen in a personality contest like style. I do not think the Bishop should have a vote in Tynwald, a stranger to our Island with absolutely no knowledge of local matters and to say Laurie Hooper is using this as a distraction is ludicrous, this matter was first brought up in June by Joney Faragher and has been simmering over the long summer break . Most people have the brain power to deal with more than one topic or measure at a time, look at Mr Moorehouse he manages it .
  22. I think Jersey manages OK without an upper house, I think a law firm scrutinise just to make sure everything is legal. Perhaps Banker knows if this is correct he is up on all things appertaining to Jersey.
  23. This page is run by a local children’s charity so it will be done properly. I cannot recollect the name.
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