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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. The horse trams are part of our heritage and when run properly are a very welcome tourist attraction. Any cruise ship passengers arriving on a Monday last year were informed it was the horses rest day , the track should go to the Jubilee clock where they used to go before the money was misdirected by the DOI to another part of the promenade. I expect you would like the trains and trams to go as well. Why don’t you just move to Birmingham or some other faceless City and be done with it.
  2. Laurie Hooper is getting stick regarding the Cancer care situation but as he has said he was informed initially that planning permission was not needed as John has explained in a previous post but then was discovered it was of course no one is listening they are too busy shouting the odds. I appreciate their frustration but planning permission takes a ridiculous amount of time on the Island and that needs to be sorted if any kind of progress in building anything, anywhere, is to flourish it is frustrating and people just give up.
  3. Mary Woodhouse I would have thought 🤣
  4. No it is Thomas you are describing never got over getting the push twice once from COM and then from DOI. You are incorrect in your statement about what Hooper said it was a rhetorical question after someone had queried whether having 8 voting members in Leg.Co. his answer was as you reported. I don’t know why this underscoring has taken place, clumsy fingers.
  5. Well I have no intention of voting for the two beauties who voted against it ever again brown nosing is something I cannot stand. Neither of them attend church on a regular basis so it is simply brown nosing.
  6. I hardly recognized her in the new photo what a difference a few million makes gone was the forlorn figure with the hanging hair and no make up as a before and after make over it was one of the best. I am not going to say people were blameless as clearly they were not but if there had not been the Covid panic on I think it would have been a case of three ladies in a power struggle and would be been sorted with far less drama. No one comes out of this smelling of roses, no one.
  7. I agree with Stu trying to block a motion by introduction of another matter is a very old chestnut and only the very naive or very stupid would go down this path.
  8. I am glad that 14 MHKs voted for this bill, it should have been all sorted out in June and the Bishop got rid of then. There is no place for religion in Politics, the Arch Bishop of Canterbury has proved this time and time again with his constant interference in UK politics. I cannot find any mention of who voted for and who for against anywhere. Chris Thomas is an annoyance as Laurie Hooper pointed out, I entirely agree with him, since he got the push from the DOI he has just been an absolute pain trying to muddy the water no matter what his pity party has gone on and on I just hope the people who voted for him are taking note and act accordingly at the next election.
  9. They should be helping in more substantial ways than telling us to wrap up well something anyone with an ounce of sense does anyway. When the hospital is overcrowded with hypothermia and pneumonia cases and people are driven out of business with job losses aplenty. Perhaps they will realise they should have pegged the cost of electricity instead of planning how to splash 90 million on a wind farm because that will be what it ends up at, on a great dream but a pipe dream at this moment in time. What excuse have they got for increasing the standard charges ?
  10. It just shows what can be done, if this is done say twice a year springtime and Autumn it could work.
  11. They could hold off or reduce the rise in the Toilet tax which is getting voted on this month, Commissioners and Councillors could have a hard look at how they spend their constituents money and cut out on the frills. A lot of our rates go on waste disposal which is run by the Government a hard look at that would not be amiss. There is so much waste in Government both National and Local it is criminal but of course they are spending other people’s money not their own. The law in the adjacent Isle prohibits gas and electric companies from disconnecting homes where the vulnerable live such as elderly, children under 18 and the sick in the winter months I think it is October to end of March. These steps could all be taken instead of doing sod all. It is false economy when people get cold and not fed properly they get sick and that costs more than if they had just been given help when it is needed instead of spending money on wind farms they should be keeping the cost of electric down that helps everyone from domestic to businesses.
  12. Now there is a Go funding page for people to contribute to for to help people whose gas was cut off before this new arrangement was brought into being. How embarrassing as a Nation is this, food banks, homelessness etc. Even in the 50s and 60s there was not so much apparent poverty, yes , luxuries were out of most peoples reach but now it is basic commodities that are so expensive that people are really struggling and this Goverment seem to be ignoring the fact. Now the toilet tax is going up nearly 6%. this is announced quite blithely, no doubt all the rates will be having an impressive hike next year. Where will it end ?
  13. I think it is cart before the horse but I know what you mean nothing is thought through or given proper consideration.
  14. No affordable accommodation = no permission = that would settle their minds and ambitions.
  15. Here we go ……again……🥱
  16. No it was the previous Council Leader Christian and the only person who voted against the vandalism of the lights was Raina Chatel who has been in the hospitality business for ages ,her parents before her ,and knew what an attractive promenade meant to locals and visitors alike. They were all culpable.
  17. Yes that could be the case for Douglas but there are other beaches on the Island that have a sea weed problem .
  18. Supermarkets saw off a lot of small pharmacies in the late 40s and fifties before then everyone used the chemists for soap, toothpaste etc and this is what made them profitable once the supermarkets came to town and started selling these commodities it made trading less attractive for chemist shops.
  19. It is a question really of whether we spend money on keeping the public warm this winter or do we trust the MUA , who are still paying back an outstanding debt from way back , to invest money they really haven’t got but will extract it from the public who are struggling with heating bills at this moment in time , to engage on this project that will without a doubt cost more than has been estimated. There are now a few MHKs who are expressing doubt about the estimated figure including the Speaker of the House of Keys. The CM has been to Dublin recently mixing with his counterparts from our neighbouring Islands and no doubt has been discussing climate change and our progressive pathway to doing our bit the fact we really are a bit skint atm probably didn’t get mentioned in passing. The common perception from non Islanders is that we are all stinking rich and tax dodgers is alive and well and possibly why Heysham are again suggesting we subscribe to doing Heysham port up.
  20. How strange that the seaweed they have in Jersey is suitable for fertilization but ours is not. It does make you think 🫢 .
  21. If it was my decision I would give it a try, however we will no doubt be getting a wall.
  22. The way things are going it will be Xmas 2024 before he gets it.
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