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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. FGS he needs the links so he can start an arguement 🤣
  2. Not just the DOI all Government Departments use the golden handshake to get rid or the retired with stress card not forgetting gardening leave or long suspensions it is frightening and probably just as well we don’t get to know the figures involved the population would probably go into deep depression and lose hope entirely.
  3. If you are truly Manx it is down the North always has been, always will be.
  4. There are a lot of people who cannot believe it and even more that doubt it will end there. Watch this space another mini landing stage fiasco coming into play soon. By the way I thought you were sure that work on that dreadful eyesore in Duke Street was going to be up and running weeks ago.
  5. More costly yes that is quite understandable but nearly double the original estimate takes it to another level.
  6. And this is before the expensive sea wall operation commences from 500 thousand to nine hundred thousand…just like that…even allowing for inflation fro, 2018 when the original price was estimated this is going it a bit.
  7. There are lots of posts on FB regarding the increase in cost ,people are getting a bit tired of these over budget operations.
  8. No Happy Diner you read the notice issued by the Steam Packet properly.
  9. Why would people post this if it is untrue ? Unless they are school teachers of course.
  10. If you read their official notice 90% of the problem is a build up of silt at Heysham but hey don’t let fact spoil your fiction.
  11. According to social media Manx Gas are using the personal touch now in Ramsey, knocking on people’s doors and informing them they cannot disconnect them at the moment but they will be back to do the disconnection when they can. It is also alleged that they are not producing ID. Is this even lawful ?
  12. IOM TODAY The sea wall was mooted in 2018 cost 500 thousand today it has been costed out as 900 thousand apparently cost of materials are to blame in the main. Who is surprised? No one and they have not even started it yet. There are bound to be a lot of delays because of the weather especially as the work commences in January it will be over a million I would say by the time it is finished and that is a conservative estimate.
  13. And they are after money to build a super duper building to house the Peggy which will cost about 6million they (MNH) apparently have 3million and want the Govt to stump up the rest. This has gone suspiciously quiet but not gone away, of course it does not end there, wages and overheads will have to be found. They should concentrate on keeping the sites they already have up to the mark not planning a deluxe residence for an awl boat.
  14. They may be going to stick the Peggy in it .
  15. I did not know you were not supposed to drink alcohol for 24 hours before a blood test and I have to have them regularly. No one has ever mentioned it to me and I don’t think I am the only one who is unaware of this. Well you learn something everyday.
  16. The Gaiety has an Amphitheatre behind the upper circle which is known as the gods. As for the post box I think the police have enough on their plates without chasing petty criminals, a speeding campaign would spring to mind nailing the idiots that do 30 or 40 or more in 20mph zones.
  17. This is the line the advocate for the DOI is taking that this is the second bite. I wonder how much he got paid out in the tribunal settlement, significant sum it says. The comments in the DM are varied but most are not on his side, apparently he is in some kind of business with Anne Reynolds now.
  18. The gaming laws on the Island are very strict and I thought pretty water tight, it is a wonder this set up has not been investigated. Anyone embarking on running a charity raffle is aware how many hoops there are to jump through.
  19. Chris Thomas has an axe to grind and is just intent on shit stirring he is the one that needs the bums rush.
  20. I am not sure where the £500,000 is coming from I hope it is not the MUA they seem to be the ones calling the shots.
  21. I haven’t seen it on FB is it a closed members thing.
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