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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Half a million spent already investigating if suggested site is suitable. By the time they have decided where to put it they will have spent so much money there won’t be enough left to build it. Ahh well….
  2. Years ago Alfie was chair or something important in the water board and someone asked on Talking Heads would they consider metering his reply was it would be too expensive to install meters.
  3. Heard things about that hotel regarding food it was not a great recommendation.
  4. According to FB four men have been arrested for importing cannabis in a small boat. It has not reached IOM Today yet but it is Sunday so give it time. The police are also looking for a woman who was in Port Erin on the 11 th November, blurred picture to identify she is not connected to the four men in a boat just to clarify picture on FB.
  5. Unfortunately a lot of the population are not enjoying public servants pay rises. This thread however is discussing why businesses are closing and these rises certainly affect people’s spending habits.
  6. Rob is on the job , bless, anyone living in Onchan threatened with disconnection is invited to contact him and he will take the matter up personally with Manx Gas. At least he tries to help and he is always contactable. I have not agreed with some of his decisions but he puts the hours in to be fair.
  7. Now the water rates are going up by over 5% next year no doubt the rates will = even less disposable income and people wonder why businesses are closing down. When something that has got to be paid like rates go up I think what can I cut back on and it will be the odd meals I go out to with friends etc. something has to give 🥲
  8. And the band played believe it if you like.
  9. Well it has plenty to do with water costs if we had water meters we would only be paying for what we use plus of course the obligatory standing charges which would be less painful for some. We could possibly return to weekly baths and hair washes, how did we survive ?
  10. It sounds like half of an idea but would probably involve more staff employed including a manager, team leader etc. when any man in the street will tell you it is high overheads by business owners and less disposable income from punters. The people already in DFE are obviously too busy to take on this work as they are gainfully employed thinking up half cock schemes . This Department needs looking at and deciding if it is fit for purpose that would be a good starting point.
  11. You have obviously had some very bad experiences Banker, what about the people who have not had a bill for months on end and people who have had inaccurate bills and people who have cancelled their DDs because Manx Gas have been taking wrong amounts, way over what was owed and now have no idea where they are up to. Can they go down to Manx Gas and discuss it ? No the counter has been closed, the counter where there was always queues but apparently not wanted by customers according to Manx Gas. Can they have a conversation by phone Yes if they have a few hours to spare and unlimited credit on their phone. This Company is unfit for purpose. The MEA seem to manage why can’t they.
  12. You have obviously had some very bad experiences Banker, what about the people who have not had a bill for months on end and people who have had inaccurate bills and people who have cancelled their DDs because Manx Gas have been taking wrong amounts, way over what was owed and now have no idea where they are up to. Can they go down to Manx Gas and discuss it ? No the counter has been closed, the counter where there was always queues but apparently not wanted by customers according to Manx Gas. Can they have a conversation by phone Yes if they have a few hours to spare and unlimited credit on their phone. This Company is unfit for purpose. The MEA seem to manage why can’t they.
  13. Do the Commissioners have enough members to hold meetings, have they got a quorum?
  14. I don’t think the publicity they are getting could be any worse, it has been consistently bad now for ages and nothing seems to have improved. Jo Cox is obviously unfit for purpose the point she makes about people wanting gas without paying is breathtaking is this not what her Company were doing with the MUA when they owed long thousands on unpaid invoices, What a cheek.
  15. I didn’t know about that , if that fear is solid then of course the situation is more complex .
  16. Customer service appears to be zilch, counter closed and according to social media almost impossible and expensive to contact by phone. Some of these customers claim incorrect bills others claim no bills in spite of them sending actual readings to Manx Gas every month. £200 connection charge does not help anyone struggling. How can this Company accuse people of not paying bills they have not received? This Company is not fit for purpose the Government cannot walk away from this.
  17. Obviously the DOI or Douglas Corpy are to blame for this they seem to be blamed for everything else these days.
  18. In Marown they are requesting that people refrain from using doggy poo bags as water bombs. There are no words…..
  19. It was a farmer with a digger and possibly a quad bike who was a Commissioner in Port Erin those are the clues. Apparently he wanted to widen the path so that he and other farmers could gain access to their farmland. What a heinous crime.
  20. It is indeed a self love fest best avoided.
  21. There are laws across the water that ban utility companies from cutting off gas supply when there are vulnerable people involved such as pensioners, children etc in the winter months. This was stated in an article in IOM Today reporting on Moorhouses questions in Tynwald . Apparently more cut offs planned for next week. Manx Gas say they are willing to talk so why have they closed their counter and apparently phoning is a painful process.
  22. Finlo is spot on any newly finished road is like a magnet to the utility companies and the never leave it as they find it. We may have got a few more years out of the old promenade surface if it hadn’t been repeatedly dug up and repaired badly so many times it was like a jigsaw puzzle in places.
  23. Non believer that didn’t work for a friend of mine got a massive bill so went down, obviously when there was still counter service, showed them them the receipts they had paid at the P.O. they then tried to blame the P.O. In the end it was sorted out after many visits and totally sorted when they insisted the gas being taken out of their house as a matter of urgency they are now very happy with oil. The man that came around to cut the gas off said he was mad busy so many people were having their gas disconnected. The meter reader who did the final reading before disconnection told the same story. There is only one way this farce will end.
  24. 2112 I disagree with you entirely regarding your statement regarding Dignity in dying and the Bishop’s vote being superfluous they are subjects close to many peoples hearts and as they will probably still be undecided by the next election,due to the apathy of this government of doing anything constructive in a reasonable time mode, they will be the questions that will be discussed on doorsteps when the wannabe MHKs come around. Regarding Manx Energy of course the Government are frightened they are terrified that this Company will go under and they will be left to pick up the pieces hence the kid glove treatment.
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