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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. After reading through that lot I reckon if they all took the day off it wouldn’t make much difference and the earth would keep on turning.
  2. Perhaps 2112 this is the intention but doing it bit by bit, this is more or less what is being suggested by a previous Bishop who was very active in Tynwald when he was here, according to him if the Bishop’s vote is removed the walls will come tumbling down as he is the mainstay of Tynwald. Cods wallop of course but Rob has joined the crusade he won’t have much time for those planning decisions now 😂.
  3. Got one today, pressed free, job done.
  4. There are politicians who are setting their stalls out for the next election. The way things are dragged out in Island politics Dignity in dying will still be a dream for those who believe this should be a choice and the Bishop question will still be undecided so the next election will be a chance for the pro active candidates to put these items on their mandates. These are probably not the most important items that will be around but they are subjects that most people have an opinion on and in the case of Dignity in dying a personal interest in. If I were a politician these would be my doorstep subjects for sure.
  5. I think that the choice of members who will sit on the Committee is good at least none of the brown nosed idiots are on it.
  6. I often wonder how the charity shops in Strand Street afford the rent and rates and heating etc. I know they get all the merchandise free but they they still employ some people and the delivery vans have to be serviced and fuel is another expense.
  7. No one would be the slightest bit interested in my life and I am not particularly interested in theirs as a rule.
  8. I would much prefer Allinson and Hooper than the two Dummies we have Edge and Callister have got to be the worst pairing in Government although Glover and Moorehouse are very strong competition.
  9. At least he tried, this should have gone through in June. The brown nosed beauties have certainly been outed by this vote. What a disappointment Edge and Callister are they just keep on giving.
  10. There will have been loads of dodgy deals in the rush to procure PPE and other products when the Covid lock down was in place , there was pure panic when medics were dying as a result of lack of protection these were dark days , people may have advised or bought stuff without correct proceedures because of the urgency of the matter or they may have taken advantage of a dreadful situation. I don’t think the truth of the matter will ever come out , lessons will be learned.
  11. Who has he replaced ? This Government seems to be playing musical chairs.
  12. It wasn’t her it was a man that is doing the PR on now she hasn’t been around for a while now. His photo was on IOMToday making the announcement, with a straight face, saying it is because customers prefer it 😂 ( that is contact by email ). I know I am old but some of my friends are not computer literate, shame if they are on gas 🥲.
  13. The Coop are good to give donations and raffle prizes x
  14. They have been very good when asked for vouchers for raffle prizes for lots o f different charities over the years. They will be missed.
  15. This Company is totally without shame and OFT seem to have lost interest in helping customers.
  16. How did the Abba effect music go ? It sounded like a great idea. The music in Douglas was weird and the fireworks were poor there was no grand finale as per usual. At least they were quieter than usual.
  17. Looking back it was a better system when experienced MHK s. were retired / promoted to Leg.Co at least they had some experience as to the weird and wonderful ways Tynwald operates unlike the Tom,Dick and Harry lot that now have too much power . It is frightening that an unelected mob can upend a motion passed by our elected representatives especially when one was voting for his own position,. The Bishop, being the one. This is political nonsense.
  18. I have noticed that amongst all the discussion and various discourse on the matter that there has been little information regarding other of our neighbours embracing this subject, apparently Jersey in bringing it up early 2024, Scotland is giving it close attention and England is also giving it a lot of thought, although with the number of clergy littering the House of Lords they will have a very difficult way of passage. The idiot humanist who thinks we will be labeled Death Island has not done his homework and no one has contradicted him and pointed out we are not going solo on this. In time Dignity in Dying will become law I am certain of that the question is when, how many years will pass before compassion wins and I don’t think we will be the first Nation, in our corner of the world to implement it I bet Jersey will.
  19. He is terrified of them going bust and the Government being landed with it, they surely could not make a worse job…..surely 🤣 on second thoughts
  20. I think Ramsey will be good they are setting theirs to Abba music .
  21. Isle of Man Energy or Max Gas as we know it has closed its reception desk as customers prefer to use e-mails to contact them. And the band played believe it if you like. Info c/o Isle of Man Today. Good read if you enjoy fairy stories 🤣
  22. It may have been worded badly but the meaning is clear it was a good time to change the rules between Bishops if rules were going to be changed rather than saying “ Having a good weekend fella oh and you’re not needed from next week “.
  23. Thank you Gladys I am gratified that some people actually read what is written before they try to be smart arses 🤣. As for the stern I don’t know where that came from 🤣 . I still think it looks as if it sits very high in the water perhaps I just loved the line of the older boats .
  24. Laurie has stated he just wants to bring the bill in it has had enough discussion it permits the Bishop to be present in Tynwald but denies him the vote.
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