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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. This bill will probably effect a very, very small number of the population it is crafted to help a minority who have the courage or desperation to make a very difficult decision but it gives them a choice and that is the important part of it.
  2. Absolutely spot on Dave I am certain you are right , that is why they won’t be asked 🤣 .
  3. It does seem to appear a bit top heavy even when loaded, the old boats with their sharp stern seemed to cut through the waves more easily this one seems to have a blunt front a bit like a child’s boat . I wonder who approved the design ?
  4. Their wages were linked some time ago because they were getting maligned for setting their own pay increases so now they are distanced from it. They are still getting stick, sometimes you just can’t win.
  5. You are so wrong Barlow there are a lot of people who will give them massive brownie points for bringing this subject up.
  6. I don’t consider the Bishop’s vote is a hobby horse issue. There are a lot of people who really do not think that religion should influence politics and that is what MHKs should be doing bringing the concerns of their constituents to Tynwald. There are probably a lot of poor, sick and needy people who share this view.
  7. They have been dumped poor things hopefully the MSPCA will round them up.
  8. There is an old saying about protesting too much. Alfie is on the back leg with this one, he really has been a disappointment I had high hopes of him but his leadership has been very poor I think a lot of MHKs have lost faith with the way things are going . He is very defensive in his attitude to criticism not a good move for a politician.
  9. Next Tuesday In Tynwald MR Hooper will table a motion to remove the Bishop’s vote, information c/o IOM News Today. Well done Lawrie there is no place in politics for religion. This has been demonstrated time and time again when the god botherer ,Justin Welby , has stuck his beak into politics over the water. I really hope this gets voted through Joney F. had a go a little while ago but apparently kicking him out of Tynwald was a step too far.
  10. Kopek people move over here to avoid paying death duties they must have to prove some kind of residency or do they ? Surely if someone moves to the Island and the falls ill with a horrible disease they get treated by the NHS or Manx Care there shouldn’t be a hard and fast time limit I assume they would be eligible for Hospice care what is the difference ? I think the idea that people are going to come on day trips to get this assistance is fanciful as it is aimed at residents, and I am also sure that if we get this legislation through England will follow very quickly after. This act will not happen soon it may take a year or longer to process and get passed. I just hope it goes before LegCo before we get a new Bishop influencing the state of play a person who should stick to praying and increasing his flock and keep his beak out of politics.
  11. I am glad you did Stu unlike Moorehouse who believed the 400 emails against were from concerned constituents and that only 15 people were in favour, gullible as they come. He must think the Manx General Public are as thick as he is.
  12. Moorehouse must have the medal for most questions asked but I wonder what does he do about the answers he gets ? It just stops there he never seems to follow anything up unless I have been missing some great success stories attributed to his name.
  13. Claire Christian has been one of the drones in this government hopefully she will not be re elected.
  14. What truly bad thing could happen that would be worse than deaths by sponsoring races where there are always casualties . Hypocritical or what ?
  15. Gull Morehouse is a buffoon how he got elected is a mystery the only bright spot is that now he is not boring kids to death.
  16. Yes of course it is, some reservations expressed were well thought out such as the age of consent and the residency qualification time and I am sure there were lots more which will be discussed. Some people are not comfortable with the Bill because they could never imagine a time when they would venture down this path I don’t know if I would be brave enough to but the thing that sways me and a lot of other people is choice. People should have the choice it is their body and their life.
  17. Surely, oh surely, you would not want the Government to go within a million miles of trying to run a business that we are dependent on ? They have proved time and time again that their expertise is turning anything they are associated with into a total money losing enterprise. They could not be trusted to run a race or organise a piss up in a Brewery. Don’t let them near a costly venture which happens to be our lifeline it would end in failure that is a certainty.
  18. I preferred the first post actually 🤣
  19. Well let us hope the voters remember these names and wreak revenge at the next General Election , they are bottom of the barrel MHKs anyway all hugely disappointing in every way.
  20. The Bishop dickhead who hasn’t said a lot since he arrived has come out with these pearls of wisdom as he steps on the boat or plane, whichever is operating atm to a cushy retirement after a very cushy time on the Island. The new Bishop has not been appointed yet and it is slow process they do not rush these things It would have been a perfect time to alter his terms and conditions i.e . Stick to the church and keep your beak out of politics without fuss but it was not to be. It must be very frustrating for new politicians to try and move forward when the old guard block every move.
  21. Moorehouse reckons he has received 400 emails ,nice round number, with only 15 in favour of the bill. Really !!!!!!
  22. All the forensic tests will have to be done probably off Island this will take a good while.
  23. When the offering on Sunday lunchtime is a discussion between Phil Gawne and Chris Thomas are you really surprised the listening figures have gone down ? Torture by gobblegook 🤣
  24. You could listen to Chris Thomas for an hour and still not have a clue what he is on about. I think that would be the ultimate punishment for anything to listen to creepy Phil and rambling, incoherent Thomas for an hour. SMUJ you deserve a medal .
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