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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. So where exactly is thi expensive playground going to be ? Couldn’t a little piece of the Villa Gardens be allocated for this grandiose plan ? The gardens are vastly underused these days. Bring back Ivy Benson I say some great times in the day.
  2. If the Government doesn’t support this bill they will be hypocritical. We have been known as blood Island or Death Island since the Daily Mirror christened us this in the 60s after a horrific TT and figures were published as to how many lives had been lost up till then there will be more than a few to be added on. The Government support the TT financially knowing that some people will probably perish so how are they getting squeamish about people who are terminally ill choosing to end their lives on their terms. I am a big fan of the TT I am in no way knocking racing but I think it does beg the question. Also I am sure the number of suicides will drop. The key matter is choice.
  3. Rob Callister is now out to be noticed, again, by muddying the waters on Allinsons ‘s ‘bill before it reaches the third reading. He says he will vote for it at the second reading but will propose a committee, another one, to look into parts of it and return their findings by February. What a guy he is , what kind of sense does that make ? Anything for a headline and trying to keep all his constituents happy unfortunately for him it just doesn’t work like that .
  4. Before he made a complete fool of himself….that boat has sailed.
  5. Hopefully this will put any hopes of her being re-elected for another term waste of oxygen.
  6. I am but have run out of reactions……I am not sure why reactions are limited or rationed.
  7. He is used to being booted Howie booted him out of CoMin because he joined the club, knew the rules, but reckoned he knew better and broke them. Everyone who has ever sat on a committee knows you go with a majority decision but not him.
  8. Manx Radio is the best of the three for local information but it is massively over staffed. The morning show is dreadful just boring it doesn’t need two people and the news could very well be read by the presenter ditto weather forecast . I listen to George Ferguson early morning as I like the music he plays and Carnaby Street . The news readers are not great one gabbles another is hard to understand and another drawls. Manx Radio just needs taken and shaken particularly the news room department which is just lazy they would rather rehash previous news than get out and find fresh material.
  9. I used to have mushy peas 4d extra so that is possibly why I got a little paper bag.
  10. They used to put them in a paper bag, small one, before wrapping them in newspaperthat was just to keep the heat in and to entertain you whilst eating the chips. You must have gone to some rough chippies if you had them just in newspaper, even Maggie Spit put them in a small bag first 🤣.
  11. Surely finger prints have been lifted from the car plus the police that stopped them will have clocked them so unless they weren’t local or they have no previous record they will be found. I know these things I watch the Bill 🤣 . They must have been up to no good if it had been a brake light they would not have scarpered I wouldn’t have thought, it is pretty useless speculating when the full facts are unknown . Where was the handsome police dog ?
  12. Chris Thomas is one of the most useless MHKs he also has an inflated idea of his own importance. He has achieved nothing as an MHK and I was amazed he got re-elected last time.
  13. If they let a man ,who has previous , assault a man, frighten assistants and smash a protective shield in a shop walk they won’t do much to this clown.
  14. Manx Radio had Dr Ben on this morning who obviously is bitterly against the Bill and then a foreign gentleman whom is really concerned that we will get called death Island or something similar which could damage our reputation, this was done in , I think, the 60s by the Daily Mirror when we had a very sad TT and a lot of riders were killed. I wish these people would do their homework, I didn’t even catch who he was but you can count on MR to give airtime to the dogs in the street.
  15. Mayoress’s chain lost in Ireland how do expect our police to find it?
  16. The police who stopped them can probably identify them it will just be a matter of time before they are apprehended.
  17. I don’t think there is any excuse for assaulting a man who was protecting his staff he also smashed the Covid screen and frightened the assistant. People who work serving alcohol in the evening deserve better , or serving anything in fact but alcohol seems to have been the problem in this case. The man who got assaulted and the assistant who had the protective shield smashed in front of her may have been affected, they must have been shook up, their feelings don’t seem to have been taken into consideration. Not his first offence either, he should have been jailed and deported no question about that in my view. This touchy,touchy, feely,feely approach will end in tears. Sympathy, yes, but to the injured parties not this scumbag.
  18. This non story has now made the front page of the Daily Mail , no surprise there then, probably after the Jet ski story was strung on by same paper for weeks. It just gets better and better.
  19. Laxey have really nice benches along the promenade they all have memorial plaques on them perhaps they are sponsored, they are all in good condition and very well used and appreciated.
  20. I don’t think Dying with dignity is a pet project it is a very important issue to a lot of people .
  21. I think the Club Cards are from 1st January and Victoria Road is first in line for Tesco make over. info from an employee who has been told this by management of course things do not always go to plan.
  22. I doubt the exit barrier is in Ireland and it was the Mayoresses chain that went missing.
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