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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I would be more concerned about Leg.Co. putting a spanner in the works especially as the new Bishop will probably be installed before the third reading. The new Bishop who knows nothing about the Island and will get a say in important decisions, disgraceful , but that is only my opinion.
  2. They may have to put the new benches on hold we are talking three KCs amongst others …oooo mother.
  3. He could have been hiding at the back of the bus, what a moron, he could have rung 999 and been freed in less than an hour, now the driver will be in trouble for not physically walking down to the end of the bus to make sure no idiot is concealing themselves after probably the worst shift of the day, yes , he probably should have it is probably one of the many rules they have to abide by but making this moron a hero or celebrity is crazy.
  4. More information regarding the Bellamy case in IOM Today tonight it doesn’t mention how much the costs have added up to that DTC will have to find it probably hasn’t been tallied up yet but lots of expensive lawyers involved so it is going to hurt Douglas ratepayers. Mishandled and pursued since 2014 .
  5. On FB there are 264 comments on this story and counting 🤣
  6. Something in the back of my mind tells me someone was suspended for doing this name and address was published.
  7. Yes I believe control will be absolute it will be a red warning then flick you will be cut off, possibly with a reconnection fee to boot. It will be the poorest in our society that will suffer as per usual.
  8. Hi Vibes has the most wonderful way with words………
  9. I was only thinking the other day it has gone quiet on the smart meter front , are they still being installed?
  10. I think by his posting he is a retired pensioner 🤣 it takes a long life to obtain that amount of venom.
  11. Media hype I would say , no doctor would be forced to take part , surely it would be an opt in rather than an opt out format as with the histrionics of a lady on Mannin Line when the new take on donations of body parts was proposed, in that case it was changing opt in for opt out but to hear her going on anyone who was very ill was fair game and they weren’t getting her body, no way. It would have to be very carefully orchestrated and care taken to protect the vulnerable. The point is no one that finds it distasteful or against their beliefs has to have anything to do with it they should just walk on by and let people who wish to control their passing with dignity crack on.
  12. I think it has lost its appeal this last few years as patients families had not been informed that this procedure had been decided on but my point is the patient had no input into this it was medics playing god.
  13. With most terminal illnesses the pain relieving medication usually plays a big part in the death and when people are put on the Liverpool Pathway that involves depriving patients of food and drink, a really cruel death would that not be a similar issue. The patient has to be terminally ill with a prognosis of 6 months maximum, as I read it and the cause of death would be the illness I would say. It will be a difficult one to define but I think it is worth the effort.
  14. We had a family Birthday meal during the MGP period and the amount of venues in Douglas we tried to get a booking in was vast, admittedly it was for 14 people but in the end we found one and had a lovely meal we did have to eat earlier than usual but we were on the verge of giving up. Perhaps it is different out of town. You cannot blame the eateries for trying to utilise their premises in the most profitable way it is a short season and they have suffered with lock downs.
  15. I think delivering Mail, not parcels, in a posh van, door to door takes the biscuit and that is what is happening at the minute in Onchan. It is a crazy way to do business and the post is arriving later than ever.
  16. Let us hope the landing stage gets a lot of use for the next 99 years . The new worry is that Heysham now want one, been in talks with Alfie and Comin according to the press they are obviously fans of the me too brigade. I don’t know why the Government are even in talks with them it is just giving them false hope far better to just tell them no chance from the start. To get took and shook once is unfortunate but to get took an shook twice would be a bridge, or landing stage, too far. The MP says the one in place is scruffy and is giving visitors to the Island a bad impression. Tough just tough. Must think we are a soft touch I wonder where he got this idea from 🤣.
  17. There was a policewoman too from the South of the Island who was stabbed and killed over the water it only takes a minute.
  18. I don’t know of any restaurants that take bookings in the TT or MGP periods if you don’t understand why you don’t appreciate how businesses in hospitality operate turnover of tables and customers is paramount .
  19. The Chief Minister said in Tynwald he was as hopeful that the people who have lost jobs elsewhere, however 3FM ‘s headline is Chief Minister is confident that people losing their jobs at Shoprite will find jobs elsewhere. Not the same thing at all and far worse than sloppy reporting being hopeful and being confident are poles apart. It is about time this inaccurate reporting was challenged if I was Alfie I would pull them on this. The fact that he said hopeful in Tynwald is reported in the ensuing article it beggars belief.
  20. Well it is yesterday’s news now and someone else whom few people know will be headline news in the local rag that few people’s buy, I don’t know how they keep going really. The righteous indignation group have probably been more responsible for the unwarranted publicity than the reporter but that is how it works.
  21. When Liverpool beat Man United by 7-0 I was interested to hear who had scored because I am an avid fan , of Liverpool, and like to know the individual players form. It cannot be compared with a persons name being published or not in the local rag. My point which I have made in a previous post is …if it were someone from Pulrose would any lawyer even dream of asking for non publication of their name even if they had 10 children, no I don’t think so. All things are equal or should be.
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