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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. The ones tearing down posters of the babies and children who have been slaughtered and abducted with hatred and vile remarks are not just a few, read the papers see the pictures it is sickening.
  2. I hardly think it is a pleasant experience for those on board even if they are used to rough seas.
  3. If this poor sod had lived in Pulrose there is no lawyer who would contemplate asking for his client not to be named. Double standards.
  4. There have too many wrong decisions made in the last 30 years by self serving idiots who have cared more about being voted in again at the next election than making unpopular decisions, coupled with senior civil servants who revel in the power of advising MHKs especially new ones on matters they have little or no knowledge about. The faith has long gone hence so many FOI requests, trust accompanied faith out of the window.
  5. There are thousands of supporters causing disruption in nearly every city in the world defending the actions of Hamas and disproving the facts of the attack I am sure they could rally around and help the people who are now suffering from the aftermath of the retaliation . They will be too busy rioting and screaming for blood to dip into their pockets. There are also the oil rich billionaires, the Sheiks that splash money around buying football clubs, cars etc, they should help but I doubt they will it will be the woman in Strand Street rattling her bucket again .
  6. AFAHM. your confidence is touching 🤣
  7. It is rather hit and miss what gets reported by the press if the reporter decides to leave the court to do something else the case in session doesn’t get reported it is as simple as that.
  8. Banker have you heard anything about the gas explosion in Jersey ? Has there been any news about the cause ? I am asking you because you seem to have connection. There were numerous lives lost so there must have been a Coroners court.
  9. According to the Courier he has had talks with Alfie about it, obviously with the Liverpool fiasco everyone thinks we are a soft touch and rolling in money.
  10. An announcement on Isle of Man Today , Trams up Snaefell cancelled , now that is surprising who would have thought it 🤣
  11. The dates and information regarding racing has been released today, already moans and groans on FB as apparently an additional race is going to ruin multiple businesses and life styles of people who bought property inside the course.
  12. I expect we should be grateful it is not a larger amount owed , the Love Isle of Man debacle cost more than that still it is the DFE so nothing less is to be expected. Lessons won’t be learned and the bright spark who thought that one up has probably been promoted and moved on by now.
  13. £4.98 for a V&T isn’t bad in fact cheaper than a lot of places.
  14. I haven’t seen Dealz mentioned with regard to other retail outlets, you would be surprised at how much stuff that shop moves in small quantities perhaps but it adds up the prices have crept up recently but always busy. The staff at Shoprite have had an information pack from Tesco apparently their hourly rate is going up around £2.50 an hour from January this is for staff at Victoria Road, they also think all other stores will be Tesco Express. Regarding loss leaders M&S have done this with there value bread currently at 80p for quite a while now.
  15. If you need to be seen urgently there is always an emergency appointment available if you ring at 8.00 am at my doctors surgery, that is my personal experience, sometimes you have to ring again at lunchtime if the morning emergency appointments have been taken. It could be because of my age or the symptoms I have I don’t know but I have never been refused. The receptionists do triage you to an extent and they probably have guide lines to abide by, I can only speak as I find. I find the care I get is really good.
  16. I wonder if something has got in the water supply that is making people so confrontational and sounding off about nothing in particular I am sure that contributors in the past were more reasonable and although not always or even very infrequently agreeing with members having different views to their own it was conducted in a more civilised atmosphere the name calling is unnecessary and I think discourages people to debate which is really what a forum is about.
  17. Who is Becca ? Does she live next door to Alice ?
  18. I know people who work in Shoprite/ Tesco and they do not have the information Manxman 1234 is quoting.
  19. I have always thought that the heart meant you agreed with the sentiment expressed and the cup / trophy was you enthusiastically seconded the sentiment now I really am confused but am swerving that one because it causes dismay amongst some contributors. 😬
  20. Well if they are showing foreign dignitaries around them I hope they are on our side. Seriously I doubt very few people in the Isle of Man are aware of the specialist stuff engineering companies make and if it is just as well we don’t know then that surely is a good thing.
  21. They are not potentials unfortunately they have already happened to some employees, management level already . I don’t know how many but I know of one person who has worked there for years and was told last week. I suspect some of these families will be leaving the Island as there is not much going in the same line of work over here, ironic really when the Government is trying to encourage people to come and work here. There are vacancies around but mostly hospitality or in the care industry, it is very sad.
  22. I think one fear is that Tesco will turn the smaller stores into Express stores which are more expensive , another expectation is that they will have a Tesco on their doorstep will not happen as the smaller stores have not the space to carry all the varied stock you can get at Lake Road, Victoria Road being the exception. Also being a tight community people know of the 60 families who will be affected by redundancy so no celebration there. A monopoly situation is never a good prospect. However the deed has been done and I think the Coop and Marks and Spencer’s will do very well out of it so every cloud etc.
  23. I did not know we had a defence industry, every day a learning curve.
  24. Actually from a hygiene point of view beer is classed as food, strange I know but many years ago when I got a certificate in hygiene it was classed as food I don’t know why.
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