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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. L’experience has been in the Regency for some time, used to like it in the old place now it is expensive and lost its charm. The food is not great either.
  2. That is sad, there are deffo two different vans that visit our neighbourhood. a lady usually delivers the parcels. Perhaps it depends which neck of the woods you live in but she has never delivered letters.
  3. So now you have added postman to the teachers you constantly have a go at obviously you were neither when you were employed, I wonder who will be next ?
  4. Until we have a stormy couple of days without a boat .
  5. So he delights in dancing n the moonlight and howling at the moon also enjoys eating out of bins. Obviously the perfect person to be looking after Granny 🤣.
  6. A disallusioned postman told me a couple of years ago that there were about two managers to each postman whether the situation has changed I do not know but apparently the service has been top heavy with management for years. When online shopping became popular the Post Office had the perfect opportunity to capture all or most of the new business, they were all set up for it but they were not proactive and other people were. My letter post, mostly circulars, is delivered by a very cheerful postman in a lovely new van now the van stops at every house it has mail for I thought it perhaps was a temporary measure but no this has been going on for a while now, a separate van delivers parcels. Going green 🤣 ?
  7. The redundancies have started 😪 I expect new broom is the way most takeovers go but if it is to affect up to 60 of management that is a lot of families that are going to suffer. I doubt there will be many similar jobs locally that they can get so some may have to move off Island. Who will be filling their shoes ? I doubt the present Tesco management team will be able to absorb all the extra work load. Will Tesco be filling the voids with staff they employ over the water ? Work permits permitting of course. The Chamber of Commerce have been campaigning recently regarding work permits which they say is imperative to the hospitality industry, I wouldn’t have thought staffing would be a problem this time of year apart from a burst of trade around Xmas in fact restaurants are looking quite empty apart from weekends especially at lunch times. I used to be a very trusting person now not so much.
  8. John , I realise private dwellings can be heated by gas cylinders but Jersey has a lot of hotels and restaurants surely cylinders would not be adequate for them.
  9. The cost of leccy and oil must be cheaper than gas if so few people are on it, perhaps lesser standing charges or VAT . Bottled gas would not be suitable for heating . This company does not create any confidence in its performance. Now the oil will be going up with the dreadful situation in Gaza . It makes sense to have our own source of power be it solar, wind or water it is just the Government in charge of any of these sources makes me nervous, very nervous, especially as we are skint at the minute. What progress is there on the gas field ? Anyone know ? It has gone very quiet.
  10. It seems to be taking an awful long time to sort the problem out if it is what Jo Cox said is correct , rogue code 🤣 really !
  11. They have offered to restore power etc when the hostages are released, the ones who are still alive that is, seems reasonable to me.
  12. The Legion does seem to host some interesting gatherings 🤣 I wonder if the two protesters will be on duty for this one and will the City Councillors be taking an interest ?
  13. No over here in Strand Street , Conibears . Joan Conibear the daughter married Johanne Horsthuis and they joined her father in the family business.
  14. How she ever got voted in as a MHK is beyond belief hopefully she will be gone with a few other one termers at the next election.
  15. I do a shop there every couple of weeks but I use Shoprite and the Coop as well there is a very poor selection of pet food.
  16. There will be no winners but plenty of losers, innocent civilians on both sides. Terrorists have a habit of using civilians as human shields and they will be hiding amongst them this war will be a long and bloody one.
  17. M&S have improved a lot in the past couple of years foodwise they have a good selection of bread and the food has improved in value and variety.
  18. Joney Faragher criticized the leader of the Labour Party for condemning the attack on innocent people at a music festival, now Alfie has done the same as have many other people, no matter what the rights and grievances are anyone who thinks this barbaric attack on innocent people of all nationalities is justified is really sad. It has proved nothing and the bloodshed on both sides Island will be horrendous.
  19. I get my milk delivered twice weekly by Isle of Man Creameries, I can also get Manx eggs,cheese, potato’s , butter,cream, and other products. The service is free and very efficient orders by email and payment by DD. It is a great service and they are very pleasant to deal with. They also do Noah’s bread.
  20. In Southern Ireland Tesco do a free delivery service to senior citizens.
  21. If Nicholsons are renting the stores to Tesco a lot will depend on how much rent they are charging when the pricing of goods is determined. I am surprised they have not purchased the buildings especially if they are going to install self service tills and revamp the shopping areas. If they do change the smaller branches to Tesco express with less choice and dearer prices a lot of people will decamp to the Coops and to M&S who have become more competitive lately and let us not forget Dealz. Tesco may end up not selling a lot more because people will shop at their local branch instead of braving Lake Road and the whole operation will be splintered instead of being in one place, much more expensive and a lot more hassle and costs, we will see. Twenty years may seem like a long time but the premises will all need to be revamped , new equipment purchased and no doubt a rent rise.
  22. I think he got of lightly he could have killed or put the injured party in a wheel chair for life.
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